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Posts posted by Infosentinel

  1. Hi I’d like some direction and assistance on a cifas cat 6 false application marker registered against myself.

    The application was with Santander for a mortgage application dated August 2019.

    I became aware of this loading when my Lloyds bank refused to renewal my business bank overdraft facility.

    They directed me to check cifas as they’d  noticed a report against me which meant instant refusal.

    Having received my cifas report it states invalidated income in addition to a incorrect job occupation title I’ve also notice provided by the mortgage broker. 
    I have submitted a DSAR to Santander for a copy of all documents provided upon the case submission. 
    Now having reviewed the contents I’ve noticed discrepancies with my income supportive documentation provided by the broker within the files to that in which I provided the broker.
    The Self-Assessment & Tax Overview documents I received in the DSAR where not provided by me upon the case submission to the broker.


    Reflecting upon the period in which this occurred I clearly recall the case was initially approved and mortgage offer issued. Following a few days of the case being issued Santander subsequently decided to audit the case and withdrew the offer.

    I was advised by the broker that it sometimes happens and they would not further assist me with their services at the time.
    I did subsequently manage to get the mortgage at the time with another mortgage broker but never got to the bottom of the previously cancelled mortgage offer.


    I’m now in need support of the best way to tackle this problem. Having discussed this with a colleague in law he advised I raise a complaint against the mortgage brokerage company to obtain evidence of documents I provided as all the correspondence was via post and email. They suggested without evidence to support my case Santander would not budge as they’ve every right to maintain the cifas loading based on what information they hold to hand.


    The issue is that I’m self-employed and although none of my bank accounts have been affected I’m looking to obtain credit this year but expect to be refused due to this information.


    I wondered what my next best form of action should be?

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