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Posts posted by FaSa15

  1. Hi all, 

    Firstly, apologies if this ends up confusing but I will try and keep it brief.


    On receiving this years water bill I discovered that I was being charged for living in a 3 bedroom dwelling, even though I only live in a 2.


    I called them to tell them that I was living in a 2 and not a 3 and was told they would amend it, which they have. I was then told I couldn't get it backdated as I have never told them I lived in a 2 bed but I know I have, as I called them when I got my first amended bill back in 2017 (that's when I started paying water rates as it moved over from my council and Thames Water couldn't install a water meter) and that stated that I lived in a 3.


    I have recently asked for any copies of any calls between myself and the customer services from 2017 and they have stated that they don't keep the recordings after a year. What is the likely hood of getting a refund now? I was being overcharged over £100 each year. 


    please note I have been back through all of my letters since 2017 and only 2 mention that I was being charged for a '3 bed AHS' - the first one in 2017, and this recent one, that's why I assumed after the first call they would have sorted it. 


    sorry its so long winded, I've just got off the phone to Thames Water and now can't tell my butt from my elbow. 



  2. Hi all, 


    So long story short,

    I have just received a notice of debt recovery in the post from dcbl.


    I opened it because it was addressed to Mr. so and so (my surname but for both first and last name) for an unpaid parking charge that was given back in 2017.


    I looked up the number plate and the car was actually my mothers car, same initials but different addresses. 

    I think they may have chanced sending it to my address as this is the first time I have received any letter of the sort. 


    Should I call them and tell them this isn't the right address or just ignore it. 




  3. Hi, 


    I was just wondering if anyone has had any dealings with APC overnight courier services? 


    I ordered a tv through a company called Hughes a few weeks ago, they deliver through APC overnight.

    The tv was meant to be delivered between 2.45 and 4.45 on Friday 11/12 but they decided to deliver it at 11.59am 

    there wasn't anyone in to open the door.

    I didn't think anything of it and rescheduled the delivery for Wednesday 16/12. 


    Last Monday I realised the depot was 5 minutes away from my house

    I called to see if I could collect the tv myself, and was told it was scanned for delivery that day and should be with me by 8.00pm.

    The tv never turned up


    I left it until Wednesday afternoon when I called just to see if they had any time allocations.

    All they could say is that it was out for delivery again.


    Lo and behold its now Monday 21/12 and I've still not had any delivery, even though I spoke to someone on Thursday and then again Friday who then rescheduled the delivery date for today. 


    The company I purchased the tv from also contacted APC on Friday and all they would say to him is that its out for delivery, but that's all I've been told since last Monday and I'm worried that they are fobbing me off and they don't actually know where it is. They did say they've had couriers scanning packages for delivery but then taking the day off, not true how that is but that's also not my fault. 


    Is there anything I can do or any way I could find out the name of the manager at that depot to speak to?

    I've tried twitter (I have actually tweeted them everyday) but they've stopped replying to my tweets. 



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