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Madmonkey 1977

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Posts posted by Madmonkey 1977

  1. Been told that I have to get a solicitor or the police to get the CCTV


    Tesco head office have said they will be reviewing the CCTV footage in their investigation

    I know that I did nothing wrong on my part

    they have admitted that the security guard was in the wrong for hiding his license number and that their manager should of got this for me


    Thank you for your help that was my next step

    written letter of complaint will be sending it recorded delivery and will keep a copy


    thanks again for all the advice people have given me


    if there is anything else anybody can suggest because I am not letting this go 

  2. My son was waiting for me outside Tesco and was approached by a store security guard

    he was told to get off the property

    he explained he was waiting for me as of the social distancing rules

    the security guard told him that he didn't care what he was doing there and if he didn't go he would make him leave and left him and went back in the store


    as I was leaving the store the same security guard pushed past me heading towards my son aggressively

    as he got to my son I explained that he was with me and was waiting for me

    the security guard squared up to me, no care for social distancing and said that he didn't care he was waiting for me and that he has told him to get off his property


    at this point I said that I wanted to speak to the stores manager

    customer service called him and told me he was coming to talk to me


    at that point the security guard ran to a door at the other side of the store and caught hold of the manager before I did and told the manager that my son is part of a gang that cause trouble outside the store


    I explained that he is not one of them as I have witnessed said gang giving the staff of the store a hard time

    the manager said that the security guard was not a direct employee of Tesco and gave me a company name


    I have contacted the company and they denied that he was one of their security guard's

    told me to get his name and number


    I explained that he would not let me have these details saying that he does not have to tell me information about himself

    the company told me that this is a breach of his license that he would not let me have his license number


    I'm thinking of videoing him to get his number but don't know how to go about it as he was very aggressive towards me

    is there anyone that could help


    I have been to jail for different things in my youth and this is testing my thinking skills to the limit

    please if you can help I truly need it 

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