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Posts posted by saranev

  1. ok here goes nothing


    I have re-read the original letter from the YB and am now of sound mind to dissect it.


    It clearly states there are 5 loans and then says they also found 4 more (the same loan numbers) so not MORE!


    PPI upheld on 4 but then goes on to state an offer of recompence on 5

    They have only included the agreements for 2 loans so how do they know about the others on which they have made an offer?


    Could someone please look at the upload on post 4.

    If there are 5 loans why have i not got 5 agreements as requested when i sent the SAR, I thought they had to by law?


    They have agreed the PPI is there and made a token offer so they must have the info somewhere.


    If you could please have a look and advise how to fill the CISheet v101.xls in it would be of great help.


    I have printed the ombudsman questionnaire out and the letter as advised but i want to add to it that their letter does not make any sense.


    So I just need the spreadsheet now.



    Not understanding why i can't put them all on the same sheet?




  2. omg i have calculated all loans on one spreadsheet and it comes to £14,143.29 could this be correct?

    If it is i am lost for words.

    May i draw your attention to 2 loans that i apparently claimed against


    PPI premiums paid £2,512.06

    Plus 8% simple interest £1,681.04

    TOTAL £4,193.10


    Less insurance claim £2,493.31

    Adjusted PPI premiums and associated interest £1,018.33

    Adjusted simple interest £681.46

    TOTAL £1,699.79


    I'm not sure which figure to calculate?

    Any advice would be helpful



    I'm sorry for being such a numpty but people like me tend to bury their heads in the sand and then run around like a loon trying to sort things out

  3. Hi all

    I rang YB today and after four different numbers eventually spoke to someone who said "we have not received your request"


    I replied that someone had signed for it and I have the receipt.

    Oh yes she said we sent a reply on 21st May

    but if you haven't got it may we have another week and I'll send it again?


    Here we go gang.



    I told them they have until Monday and then I will take the next step regardless.


    Sounds like they are trying to delay the inevitable doesn't it?

  4. Hi

    I would value your help on this matter.


    The Yorkshire Bank contacted ME to advise they thought I may have been misold PPI.


    The forms arrived and I was unable to give them any information other than my name and addresses i had lived at.


    I then received an offer less 20% tax,

    I am non plussed as i have never heard of this before.

    Will it be the only offer and should I accept?



  5. Hi All

    I have been contacted by numerous companies telling me to apply for my ppi back.

    Now I'm no pushover nor am I green behind the tabs, but they seem to be implying

    they can access banks files from forever ago?

    And they can go where a no man/woman has gone before.

    Do these companies have more sway with the banks? I was under the impression if I do this myself,

    I can only go back 6 years but they are saying 20 years and no paperwork (who keeps it that long anyway)

    So my question is this. Should I let one of these companies act for me?


    Thanks in advance



  6. Hi

    Well here goes nothing

    It was around 9 years ago we were struggling financially and borrowed a large amount from i think it was then Northern Rock as we had our mortgage with them. It was an unsecured loan over 25 years. We then sold our house and now have no mortgage. We have continued to pay the loan ever since

    Following the redemption of our secured loan the interest rate was bumped up from 8% to 12.79% and has been at this rate since Oct 2009.It seems as if we have paid next to nothing off the loan.

    I was wondering if there was a way to reduce the interest rate or do we have to remain at 12.79% for the duration of the loan?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated


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