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Posts posted by Stoofy1974

  1. Sadly my suspicions have been realised. Despite a polite reminder still no payment. At the suggestion of FOS i called them. They simply do nothing apart from say that they will pass on my details. I honestly fear they are preparing to liquidate and are simply playing for time. To be fair FOS have chased them for me but they give them a week to respond by which time the payment will be two weeks late. I am really pleased others got theirs but doubtful i will see a penny.


    Anyone else having issues?

  2. After a mammoth 4 year battle with QQ and the FOS i have received my redress offer. I accepted it and today is day 24 of my 28 days. To say this money is life changing is a bit much but it will put me on an even keel. My concern is will I ever get it. Has anyone actually received their redress payment? 


    I raised the question with QQ why they advertise same day payment for loans but redress us 28 days. They responded by saying further emails will delay the process. I am going to have a nervous few days but in my heart of hearts i doubt they will pay.

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