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Posts posted by Chipz

  1. Happy new year all


    Looks like BW Legal didn`t get much of a break over Christmas, new year. They must really need the money! Please see attached their reply, to the response we gave to the LOC. 

    Gave me a chuckle this one, start out by stating they would do the same as me in this situation and followed up trying to claim something about court rules. We havn`t even gone  to court :D

    Don`t see any deadlines or time to respond to this one, so is it another speculative one that doesn't need replying to? Happy to type one up as I've got a lot to say, but will leave it if it`s unnecessary.


    BW Reply after my LOC response.pdf

  2. How`s this for a shot at a snotty letter? Have heavily plagiarised other peoples :D

    I take it I ignore all the DOCs they sent and just send this. Get proof of posting. As i`ve left it so late, should I make sure it`s delivered before the 24th (which was their imposed cut of date)?


    Dear BW Legal, 

     I write in response to your so-called ‘Letter Before Claim’ dated 24th November 2023 which has been received in relation to PCN Number xxxx, issued by GXS Services Limited for alleged parking breaches.

     I am writing to confirm that I have no intention of paying this ridiculous sum of money for the alleged breach of contract with your client.

     Have you even read the PCN? If you have, seems to me you a chancing your arm and preying on the vulnerable. In case you hadn’t, and this note prompts you to, you might want to also check page 21 of your own code of practice. Hopefully, that clears things up for you…

     You may be getting (the correct) impression that I know this claim to be a complete con. I am sure any judge would agree should you and your client actually decide to pursue this wild goose chase any further. Any judge would clearly resent the waste of Court time. 

     I suggest you take a moment to consider your position on this make believe ‘penalty’ and your representation of your client. You are more than welcome to continue to waste more money on stamps and paper and envelopes (The hamsters love the fresh bedding), or you can simply cease this so-called claim now and go pursue your other 'debtors’ instead.

     Should this case go to court, despite making clear the sheer nonsense of doing so, I will be asking the Court not only for an unreasonable costs order under CPR 27.14(2)(g), but shall also later sue for breach of GDPR as you will know full well that your case is totally flawed. The standard fine for GDPR breaches is currently around £750. I will also take this matter up with the ICO as I have a strong feeling that the CCTV systems are being misused for underhanded financial gain by your client. FOI request would probably support this.

     Enjoy your lump of coal this Christmas.

     COPIED to GXS Services limited.


    The Registered Keeper

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  3. First - Merry Christmas Amigos 

    Second - It`ssssss LOC reply time! 

    Will get it scanned but sure its standard fare. Reply form, cost of living & income form. Info sheet and Cover letter saying I have till the 24th to reply (left it a bit long to update thread 😕). 

    Reply along the lines of 'you have not followed POFA and I was inside the consideration period so kindly do one'? I also not DX`s comments on CCTV and windscreen tickets, worth throwing in that that part wasn't followed? 

    Also side note, there are two of these I'm involved with, identical in nature. The other one, actually the one this thread has been focused on, hasn`t received the LOC. They have been receiving identical correspondence up till now. Should I reach out and double check it hasn`t been lost in the post, the registered keeper has mentioned issues with post recently? 

  4. Thanks Dave, saw you had reached out on a few other threads for updates. Appreciate that! 


    Such an evil thing they are doing at a time when most are struggling with the cost of living! I feel for the people in the local community, especially the elderly, who don`t know about such wonderful resources like this site and will pay up out of fear.


    Will be popping a donation over, thank you again all. 

  5. Thank you dx! Agree with your comments, going to take the time to continue the trend from the local community of leaving a google review to let them know how I feel. 


    Will park this for now (oh yes, that was a pun) ;). Will touch base if there is any follow up. 


    Thank you Dave, DX, and Homer for your advice and willingness to help others in these matters! It is very much appreciated! 





    • Like 1
  6. 1 Date of the infringement 30/04/23


    2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]  03/05

    [scan up BOTH SIDES as ONE PDF- follow the upload guide] please LEAVE IN LOCATION AND ALL DATES/TIMES/£'s


    3 Date received 11/05

    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] No

    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes

    6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] Not yet

    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A

    7 Who is the parking company? GXS Services


    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Coole and Bevis, Bognor Regis

    For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.


    There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure,

    please check HERE


    If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here



    Hi all, 


    the driver used this carpark next to a local shop when popping in on a Sunday, didn`t notice the signs, though they are quite clearly there though. Is there anything that can be done here? They were there for all of 3 minutes. The company for this car park is closed over the weekends, so they've not inconvenienced anyone with their parking. 


    Will get the PDF scanned up, this afternoon. 


    Cheers all


  7. Hopefully a quick one this. 


    Put my claim in and after 6 months of waiting they have turned it down (under section 58 defense), which I understand from searching and reading on here is quite standard.


    I intend to appeal and follow up with small claims court if needed. My initial thoughts are to use some info provided in the rejection letter. These details are:


    Incident occurred 30th May.

    Last inspection carried out n the 6th May - no new actionable defects were present (I`ve no issues with that).

    (However this line I hope is a slam dunk for me) This is due to the defect having been picked up for repair on January the 12th....


    Any advice on how to proceed? Best tactics, pitfalls to avoid, and, any other useful bits of information would be great.


    It really was a massive pothole, I have photos and everything. It`s on a main road, right next to a police station, so how the hell it wasn`t even marked up I have no idea. 

  8. Hi @rgaine


    I don`t think bankruptcy will help you. Well it may stop these types chasing you for money but won`t help you with anything else. . 


    Personally it's just something i`m willing to accept for the next 20 years, that every now and again, a company like this will see if they can trick me into paying. 


    Only way to get rid is to actually pay it but where is the fun in that :)


    I`m sure you have had a click around but if not



    is a great thread and you will find a link in there (post #10) from @dx100uk with a link to the instructions for your reply (go down to post #5), which should be easy enough to follow.


    Basically you CANT ignore the PAP or that get an easy win 


    Hope that helps, if not, im sure others will be along soon and point you in the right direction 


    Peace :peace:

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