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Posts posted by paidndisplaid

  1. Hi all,

    Just a quick one -

    I tried to dispute an 'out of court settlement fine' for my untaxed vehicle but DVLA just said no pay up you still broke the law (driving with no tax)


    I bought the car in November and was chasing log book from buyacar (email history given to dvla)


    It turns out I always had the green slip (didnt realise) so i managed to get tax same day as letter demand but DVLA still want £214 this month.


    This just seems unfair to me/disproportionate .. guess i just have to suck it up and pay but thought I would check here first.



  2. Thanks @honeybee13

    Hello all.

    BW Legal have crawled back out from covid lockdown :-( see attached 'final demand' letter to which I have until 22nd Aug to accept their 'offer' before they take court action...  They still have incorrect address (postcode is correct) but its addressed to company not me personally (ltd company now closed down) 


    Planning to continue to ignore, if this did go to court I'm hoping I do win get a suitable settlement back?  can't believe I have this to worry about for 6 years but guess its already nearly been 2!


    Thanks in advance.

    bw_legal final demand redacted.pdf

  3. I used the letter and got a reply too!


    Letter I sent below , response pdf attached,

    they are still pursue but even though I left my correct address this letter (redacted ) is still using the old wrong address?


    Do you think there argument stands?


    This latest letter says I owe £160 not the 160 plus fees and interest previously? A

    lso added the scan they included of their signage (which i guess I never got decent pics of) so long ago now.


    Dear BWL,
    I hope you don’t mind me calling you this as you don’t seem to be able to spell your actual name
    although Sean isn’t that hard to write.

    Any debt to your client is denied, they clearly have forgotten about their ATA enforced grace period
    and also don’t seem to comprehend that when you have bought a ticket there isnt a breach of not
    having one to consider. You might also like to know their paperwork is laughable and loses them
    their right to claim from the outset.

    Still, any company desperate enough to hire the parking worlds second worst solicitors surely lack
    any sense of reality but they can be sure that any claim will be robustly defended, a full costs
    recovery order sought for their unreasonable conduct and possibly a claim made against them for
    breach of the GDPR for accessing and processing my personal data when they had no reason to do
    so as per VCs v Phillip, Liverpool CC 2016.

    I look forward to a deafening silence from you and them from now on.


    bwl response_redacted.pdf

  4. Hi all,

    I have to reply to this 'LETTER OF CLAIM' I'll just write a letter similar to the one a couple of posts up.  Do i need to be providing reasons/evidence to BWL in detail?  my main reasons being:

    • Should have allowed you 10 minutes grace before ticketing  your car.
    • The windscreen ticket does not have a valid address -just a PO box
    •  improper processing of your personal data no individual named and wrong address - Luckily post redirected, therefore not served the letters in a legal sense.
    • At the time of the alledged infringment I don't believe Armtrac Security (KBT Cornwall Ltd ) have planning permission for any equipment located at Lusty Glaze Beach or planning consent for its misleading signage.

    Letter attached and there reply form attached.


    thanks in advance.

    BW Legal Jan 2020 - redacted.pdf replyform.pdf

  5. Hi dx

    Ok not reading up as most advice has been maintain radio silence and inferred 'it will be ok' however I've just been researching myself found some suggested letter replies for the future when the actual letter of claim comes through.  Is that also known as LBA?


    I've just emailed cornwall council too trying to arm myself if I have to...


    Fingers crossed I get a letter informing they are no longer pursuing if I can legitimately threaten my own legal preceding for breach of DPA at a minimum?



  6. Hi All,

    Finally got the legal side chasing me now I had both these letters delivered in same envelope (hopefully ledgible pdf attached)

    They want me to get in contact by 1st Jan... what should I do? 


    Keep ignoring as mail not addressed personally to me or my accurate address?


    Get in touch and advise im not paying as ticket issued within 10 mins of arrival before realising my mistake?


    Something else?


    parking fee now £160...


    This is the scary bit from the legal letter:

    Next stages - County Court Proceedings 
    If you do not make payment of the balance or contact us with a valid reason for non-payment, then, in accordance with the Pre Action Protocol for debt claims, we will issue a Pre Action Protocol letter before claim, and on expiry take our client's instructions to commence legal proceedings against you without further notice. Should legal proceedings be issued against you, you may then be liable for additional Court Fees, solicitors' costs and statutory interest. We would like to avoid you incurring these additional costs. Further to this if our client is then successful with the claim and obtains a County Court Judgment ("CCJ") against you. this CCJ may be recorded on your credit file for 6 years, which may affect your ability to obtain future credit. 
    What do you need to do next 
    It is important that you contact us within the specified time so that we can work with you to resolve your account. One of the quickest ways to review your account is to register on our Customer Portal by visiting 
    http://www.bwlegal.co.uk. Through our Customer Portal, you can make a payment, set up plans advise us of any valid reasons for non-payment, upload documentation and communicate with us via web chat. Call us today on 0113 323 4479, we are keen to assist you and settle this matter without the need for legal proceedings. One of our helpful agents will be available to discuss all the options available to you.


    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Lusty glaze legal.pdf

  7. Thanks @ericsbrother staying silent so far :-) I can't get anymore pictures unfortunately,

    I do hope 10 min grace period is a thing, as I know i've evidence for this. 


    I got the final letter before legal proceedings today sent by recorded signed for delivery (wife signed for it) the address was incorrect again my business address not addressed to a named individual, wrong street name, an extra street name but correct postcode...


    Latest letter attached redacted address and reference number. 

    I'll probably see this through to the bitter end - like to think common sense/decency will prevail...


  8. thanks @dx100uk I think you mean these questions?  Also its a parking charge not a 'fine'


    For a windscreen ticket (Notice To Driver) please answer the following questions....


    1 Date of the infringement 31/7/2019


    2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? N



    have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days]

    what date is on it

    Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? NO


    3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] NO


    3 Date received (CAR Stickered 31/7/2019) letter asking for £100 charge received 11/10/2019


    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] n/a


    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? don't know but i took photos


    6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] N

    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up


    7 Who is the parking company? armtrac security services


    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lusty Glaze Beach carpark, newquay, cornwall


    For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. 'independant appeals service' 


    There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS. If you are unsure,

    please check HERE


    If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here just the letter yesterday saying appeals timescale lapsed now 100 pounds due... attached in previous post and again here






  9. Hi all

    Thought I got away with this one but got the increase £100 fine letter turn up I've redacted personal address liscence but the address on this letter was incorrect (right number and postcode though)


    I've bundled everything I have into one pdf do you think I can get out of this honest mistake?  


    You can see in the photo entrances are close together, I used first one on left by mistake and highlighted end of carpark roughly where i parked in red. 


    ..Incidently this letter arrived at same time as speeding ticket :-( 36 in a 30mph but I know that was my fault...


    THanks in advance


  10. Hi 


    Just got a yellow sticker slapped on my wing mirror for parking on private land.


    I thought I was in the car park

    I even paid at the machine


    turns out this was the car park next door 'lusty glaze' Newquay Cornwall.


    I was there 90 mins

    had my ticket (in view) and there fine saved.


    I was there with wife and 2 kids and don't need glasses so guessing I can appeal/ignore..


    But thought I'd check here first I have 14 days to pay 60 before it goes up to 100.

    Thanks in advance 



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