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Posts posted by LoraxxZeus

  1. Hi there,


    I just got back from my honeymoon to realize I had failed to pay my council tax.

    I had been given a reminder letter later June to remind me to pay it.


    I forgot to do it before I left for my holiday and now Scott & Co are demanding £1269.47 in a one off payment,

    which I simply don't have.



    I never had the cash at the time to pay the £288 in the first place

    (2 months worth, no idea why I got hit with 2 month at once, just moved here, possibly why?).


    I have no idea what to do here,

    they say in the letter they can take my property and freeze my bank accounts.



    I have literally just moved house,

    got a new job,

    got married and to add insult to injury

    my motorbike was stolen and the insurance refused to pay out,

    leaving me with a £1800 settlement fee with the finance company.


    I can easily afford to pay the monthly installments, I just can't afford to pay the whole whack up front.


    Any idea what my best course of action is?

    It's the weekend and their local offices appear to not be open.

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