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Posts posted by winrt

  1. I'm not surprised with all the complaints this so called 'training company is getting'. Back in 2012 I received a leaflet in my mailbox from them. I am also in a dead-end job looking to better myself and seeing they were offering training in the game industry and being from an art background I decided to join. A few days later they contacted me to schedule an interview and an 'advisor' came my house. I soon realized this advisor is nothing more but a salesperson. They're all about creating sales and making you feel bad for being in the position you're in. It's a psychological game they play to get sales. Despite this I signed up on the Game art and Animation course and started it straight away. The course is very mediocre. The books, they mail to you, are poorly made with pages that come apart. They don't even cover all the other softwares that is used in the industry. They only focus on 3ds Max. They say they can offer a work placement which is a lie. Despite reaching the last section of the course I was denied the chance to finish as my computer broke down and I did communicate this with them. This was one of the things that held me back and when I tried to sign into student world in January 2016 I discovered I was blocked without warning. When I asked for an extension a few months earlier in November 2015 they said I should wait till February 2016. But they had decided to take me off the course in January without warning and I did dispute this with them.


    I would urge people to avoid Train2Game. They are not reputable.

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