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Posts posted by releaseusall

  1. Hi renegadeimp thank you for replying, if i didnt have my faith with being 13 years of under Blemain/Together i would have lost the plot by now. 


    With God comes grace to a point, then  he has to bring about change, I dont do games and get people back i leave that to God i just need release and thats why court,  I thank you for your compassion over this situation, i understand what you are saying about hurting them back, but thats not me i try treat others how i would want to be treated, as i need peace of mind in how i behave in this.


    I said to my son on friday night something we had to discuss about the meeting with Judge in few days, then i said to son we wont talk about Blemain/Together anymore now this wkend and we havent. As it has got to a point 13 yrs has done our heads in lol


    . I laugh as I am sure Together spoke to my Solicitor over settlement after last court hearing, as Solicitor told me they were open to settling he said it on phone to me, but i was sick in bed 2 wks heavy virus and so i left it to him to deal with what Judge said, but my solicitor and barrister would go ahead with helping me get Justice if not, but I spoke to defendants solicitor on friday to ask about the phone call made from my solicitor to him over settlement and he said he was not involved in that conversation, as he does getting money back for defendants, so it had to be my solicitor rang Together direct. So I have hope.


    Believe me ive been worse off my sons ceiling isn't still completely mended, it collapsed and we have had first part of ceiling all new beams and boards but needs skimming and painting, etc completing i have the paint and plaster but it seemed to have wrecked the walls so we need re wall paper now, i have to wallpaper we are getting there with it all.


    This matter with Together isnt funny on so many grounds, I got in worse debt cos Blemain/Together and my drs wrote to Blemain and said the stress i was now under and also debt stress and dr gave me this to send other places  the other places either wrote debt off or reduced amount owing cos Blemain/Together debt and blemains debt growing and growing never coming down, charges and interest on everything and Blemain said we need a professional to tell us to clear this debt ?


    well a dr and judge are professional arn't they? 

    My bank saw me over 15yrs go from little money to extreme poverty level and they tried to help and also deal with Blemain on the phone.


    I saw a wittness for court from bank last friday while i was walking along in town, i didnt approach her cos i knew i would start on about the hearing court dates etc, but she turned to me and said hello i was glad as it cant be nice for them either. Have you thought maybe Blemain/Together have had enough and when this is done right a company gets better reputation, i could not see it running better till this is good. 


    I know you may think different to me, and thats understandable why you are angry im past the point of angry now and just want to be heard (and the person who kept knocking for bread in end the man open the door and gave it, ) 


    Dont worry if nothing sorted this wk, agreement i will have to let the  Giant in me take over and then you will see a different me indeed. Im sure my Barrister will be glad, bless him he is a very sensible man and one of a kind thats why hes the best. 


    My SAR and cd etc  from them was huge, i gave up seeing all the errors as what was in it, i lost count i have had to pull some out but rest Judge i hope will look at. 


    i do not want to be worse off, i do not want more ongoing money loss now, i need not want but need closed account, its frozen at min, but Together just stuck another 4 to 5 grand on of charges their court legal fees on my frozen loan, but i have been told this is a fca law break matter.is it broken code of conduct ? i was asked to get the code. 


    We havent even finish court yet so how can they bill me yet, judge decides. I am not going to send a nasty letter to them, i just told their solicitor what they done to me,  so he is aware my frozen loan is paying his bill, but this should not be so.


    I dont want to argue with Together, this matter can be reasonablely solved. I hope this is achievable once and for all.


    Post soon again, i need relax now after writing this. 



  2. Hi Forum


    I am overwhelmed with the evidence i keep being able to get against Blemain finance T/A Together, it is not my nature to do battles only where lead as you know i am a Christian, but since the last 2 days I can feel the Giant rising in me.


    I know when this happens i will be eqipped with all my needs met.

    I never mind giving money or paying money if it is definite that i have to pay,

    but in 2009 my solicitor wrote to Blemain showing them that the loan was way too high for my income and it should be lowered alot and he also stated i should put them court, but i had so much family horrific trauma at time i was very unwell over that, besides this loan.


    In 2009 Blemain left me paying double the amount suggested by my solicitor they left me paying it till 2016, and then only acted after a joke and ombudsman got involved and then i said to Together (blemain changed their name to under parent company called Together) i will be forced to go court now even though i am unwell all this trauma and they said on phone we will send Marc round he be round tomorrow morning,


    I was surprised Board Director turned up next morning at my home.

    After 2 hours chat, he went back didnt release me and left me still under this loan.

    Together knew i had paid over and above the payments i should have paid and still trapped under them.


    Drs wrote to them, and also i sent in endless hospital letters and showed and told them over the years of my money shortage and being more stressed and my son witnessing all this torment his mum going through. 

    My son has now also done a wittness statement as well as me having to sign one. 


    Today after me reading more errors on here that Blemain/Together has made, i am needing release, my solicitor other month said they were open to settlement after last hearing, which was what judge had said to their solicitor they should do and judge commented on other legal things this was in my favor. 


    Now my solicitor was wanting to get the contract as to all the things and errors and unfair relationship i had gone through, and my solicitor and barrister do a second claim also for damages, but Together knew then to release me, but this got messed up not in my best interest.  I just want an end as the stress level is not good and its very unfair and should be over by now and me out of legal difficulty.


     In life a Company should be also looking out for a customers wellbing not making it worse.


    I sense God is seeing if Blemain Trading as Together release me now or carry on trying to take more money off me or my home, i could not understand why see if they will, but now i know why it has been reveiled and i am to stand strong and see if they release now before Judge meeting in few days. 


    In life their are 2 types of people those that do good and those that dont care. Me and my son will travel in few days to a Court and i will soon put more evidence over and then more and more and i will be knowing this could have ended few months ago infact years ago. I pray for Together and i forgive, but I just need what the Judge had said get done at last hearing.

    I am waiting this wk to hear from Together direct back to me on this matter, so i hope to post update soon. 


    With my faith anything is possible with God, it will be interesting what Together say to me in their correspondance. 

  3. Hi i was just so upset this morning and struggling with all this torment over my loan with them ongoing and saw an email showing you in same boat as me and your message, it made me feel im not alone i know there are more of us, but seeing what you write made me realise i need be strong. Thank you 


    The Judge said at last hearing if no settlement sorted, he would multi track my claim and move to a bigger court out of area, well he kept his promise thats just what he has done.


    I have to travel in under 2 wks now and hopefully my son too to a meeting. I know this mess could be sorted now and end to it all.


    Sorry forum for not on own post i felt to quickly reply to this one, i will go now back on own post. 

    The stress level is unbelievable. I keep having to do little things to refresh. Im trying to talk to Together to sort this out now. Health is important more than money and happiness i need an end to this as this battering is so exausting indeed, its exausting mentally and emotions you are up down up down with the stress of it all, im believing better days soon.



  4. Thank you for quick answer honeybee13


    I have had to do a statement as of what has come to light, I can clearly see now all what was done to me and how.

    It is not wanting to do court but being forced too to get release.


    This Loan/Loans I was told a while back by a Solicitor will need Court if Blemain/Together dont listen to a Solicitor who writes to Blemain on behalf of me.


    So here we are Court, also God holy Spirit showed me 2008, 2009, onwards and so on that this will be dealt with and stand strong while fight comes in and u turn if thats right word takes place, I mean change takes place and all what was done comes to light and surfaces, there is still time for right thing to be done im always hopeful ive seen this before when a carehome took grace instead of prosecution,as first carehome were prosecuted, cos wicked ways indeed, but second care home were silly and didnt know how to manage and look after vunerble people.


    I thank you honeybee13 for answers to my questions, sorry if i have anymore.


    This is having to be Court at min, as when before Blemain/Together said they were open to settlement, but my solicitor at time didnt want to sort that and do Court action prosecution other wk,


    I now see Blemain.Together are angry with my recent paperwork, which shows all my loans and other peoples loans on it too now as which are similar to my loans done by them.

    So Blemain/Together know if they release me it will show they are liable for all the other loans.


    I forgive them for dragging this out, but they should act now and do right thing to end this.

    As this is what happen with board director he came round my home and still left me months after under this loan, knowing i need release, so now this should end right now as it clearly shows and Judge has already stated things in Court regarding this matter.


    Post soon again, blessings forum


    It is better Blemain/Together just do release and be done with this Court claim, as I and son are sitting stagnant cos of this mess up and we cant carry on like this its not right and unfair, I felt to post that.



    Post again soon.

  5. Hi Forum


    Just quick update,

    we are 48 hours away from a Judge acting on this again.

    I am very very much still hoping an end to this torment will come in from Blemain/Together as its not funny at all now.


    I have had to contact land registry now over a matter to do with these loans.

    Something has come to light and grace time is now nearly run out.


    I have another question forum sorry to ask,

    but do Blemain/Together have an insurance that if they have to pay out big to people this steps in and pays out or is it FCA does the compensation?

    as I was reading on line other day of a victum who was being released by compensation given to her for an injustice of a company causing her great loss.


    I was blessed yesterday a new Solicitor who I didnt know helped me for free to do Court paperwork.

    She told me that she was used to these forms and not to worry, she said if I put board director back in Court now it will not take as long as it did before

    I only need do one form and this will run along side old form that is already in place.


    Someone said to me today arn't I proud to be part of the movement which is coming in, I said proud, it is not easy this, I prefer a person or people to just do right thing and change their ways.


    Today will be last day I deal with Blemain/Together as I feel God will be taking over and do the rest.

    I am very sad indeed this is discusting and I do not like the way I am being treated,

    and yes honeybee the person who use to work with the company knows how they treat people, he has clearly said to me I have been through alot, hes now seen all.


    My son has seen the sadness I now hold that this could have been sorted easily not nasty,

    and I now wilol step out let God step in and deal with the rest for me,

    unless next 48 hours change comes in.


    Please would you answer the question above in this post ive posted today.


    Thank you.

  6. Hi honeybee13


    Thank you for quick reply, yes indeed they owe me, this is why the Judge has now said twice settle with her out of Court, best too as they have done unjust to me in many areas, the hearing other wk was nearly settled as you know, but mess up happened, so Judge did again bless him.


    I was not asking for great deal back the money I have paid over was far greater than that, the Judge commented and said she isnt asking for great deal back, this is only money, not health, life, living etc, happiness, i value more breaking away from the totally to start fresh peaceful life and build the rows me and my son have had over stressful life under this burden loans they did and my son here me crying year after year, and bed and not knowing what to do. The Bank watch my health go down cos they saw 13 yrs of this, and stepped in to talk to Blemain few times.


    I am a Christian as you know and so I have to forgive, but God is a just God, and in last 6 months I keep getting scripture constant of the Company have broken (rules, regulations, duties of the top authority) this is again 3 times in last few days. I can feel the anger coming in like Gods wraft i think its called? cos this hit when they sent me an email saying they dont feel guilty for this, and all these loans,


    i am scared for them if this judgement hits them soon, cos the Judge has already commented about my whole loans done and I can not say all what judge said to them as it was legal gargon talk? he apologised to me for talking direct at their Solicitor, as Judge was making it clear theres an injustice. The judgement of God I can sense coming cos its brewing bigtime, they need to act fast on releasing me and do right thing.


    I was told yesterday its 7 yrs imprisonment for when a Company breaks rules and sends Board Director round your home hours after you say you putting them in Court. I didnt realise this is unprofessional as a Company. I was also told i may have to be moved to magistates Court if criminal.


    I know have to do forms again to put Board Director back in Court as when he saw

    my last lot of evidence he asked within hours of him off the claim and he let my Claim go straight through. I am very sad this all could have been avoided years ago and when he came round my home and saw mefor 2 hours he should have gone back and closed account and offered me refund, but another unjust thing happened he left me tormented.


    I can not take anymore of them everagain, I can still here they saysings in my head you have to do what we say, and other things. The fear was unbelievable now look 8 teeth grinded out and 2 front top loose and painful indeed.


    Yes multi track i have been told is big money, i just happy to get release and money back is a blessing.

    I didnt want to go Court i wanted them to acknowledge me, listen clearly and do right thing end this sensible thinking.


    When in end God directs me court then i know he will supply all my needs) and thats that and i can not be disobedient. If the company dont realise im giving them grace in sensible end to this then i will move ahead and sling everything at them galore as God has supplied it all.


    May you all have a wonderful day )


    Just to let you know, we are days away from Judge paperwork in again, so he will see that i tried settle.


    The defendants are looking at my requests again now, i can only wait if im released i will clearly praise God, as I feel a huge shake will come if not.

    The day is sunny outside, and im fed up with more paperwork to complete and now me ring up Court for help to get right papers for more areas i need cover.

    Thank you for info honeybee i love your name)


    Update soon as can. It is very much a waiting game and may this be over very soon now.

  7. Hi forum


    I will post soon update more, looks like going to move to Big Court as Judge has said now.

    unless we settle Judge has asked again for both parties to look at Settlement to end this now before it goes further.


    I have a question if you dont mind helping answer it, or find answer for me.

    ( if an ex employee of Blemain wants to give evidence against the Company can he? ) would you find any info on this and post on here for me.


    Blemain/Together are virtually saying they dont feel guilty for the loans done, and now dont care to settle this time, I will properly have to put Board Director back in Court, as this has to end and me get release, I am not worried about court, as the door i believe will be opened big for multitude release, stampeed.


    I am sad that even though i forgive the company, i need release so have no choice, but to carry on and do big Court what ever that means ?

    Judge said Big Court, and properly he said multi fast tracked.

    He has sent us both parties forms over settlement and it also refers on it what have you dont to try sort agreement.


    Well ive tried, and so I believe Judge wont be angry with me.

    It is very unpleasant, but I would rather a day in the Courts than years under Blemain/Together ever again.


    My Dr said last week to me, This Court Claim must be stressful, i said yes indeed.

    Having faith I know God is in this and organising and arranging help, support, and everything in order for this to finally get sorted)


    Dont forget the question please?


    Blessings forum:-D


    I am wondering what renewablejohn is up too on here, its quite possible their claim will meet my claim, this is only me saying this ok, but dont be surprised if comes to pass.

    I sadly say, i wanted to just end this all now and solve without having to take further, its not needed at all.


    I have come too far now to turn back, and waste anymore money that was my living money that was given to Blemain, over £85,ooo+and praise God someone at my bank said stop paying that company money, i finally did stop and started less fearing.


    I asked my Dr last wk to change a medicine i am on for something different, one reason was i want to make sure when this is in Court i sort every area of mess up out.

    The chance to be heard and show every area this has affected me.


    If people love money more than doing right thing I have to still forgive them.


    Please would you find answer to question soon as can. Godbless

  8. Hi Forum


    I can not sleep and its 240am i have a busy day and not rested yet at all, I had the contract and there was no need in the 4 wks that Judge had said he asks to get settlement done, there was no need to get contract off Together as I already had it, it only caused friction and put me under threat, it is not nice to have to call police and put cameras up.


    I posted on here it was Solicitors idea to tell Together he wanted contract, it was not mine, I asked him negociate and I had to ask again as my bank had also said tell your solicitor get settlement done, I posted on here so Together knew and found out it was not my plan, My claim was sound and other evidence was not posted on forum.


    This is very hard for me as Judge could see i had grinded teeth out and red in face and Solicitors should be happy a Judge knows whats right to ask defendants to get sorted, not look at different to a Judge and delay my needs. Nobody should keep worrying and Together knew to solve now and I was glad to hear from Solicitor yes Together is open to settlement. Now I have had 8 wks of utter hell. All this uncalled for and I will try relax and know this will get sorted.


    I felt to post as feel better now i explain more.


    An official place is angry whats happened. To gather evidence and put someone at risk is not nice and to cause someone to maybe get a reprocussion is not kind. I am a person in need of best result, we are in a world of greed, hate and uncaring, only few know whats right.


    Hope to post soon, blessings to you forum.

  9. Hi Forum


    Just to update you,

    my Claim is back with a Judge now,

    I dont think he will be happy that no settlement got sorted .


    I finally was about to get release from Together, as they were going to do the right thing and they told my Solicitor they were open to Settlement I finally would have peace and end all this trauma. The Judge will read the mess up made and hopefully he will again say settlement and this time the Judge sort it for me themselves.


    It is not nice most unpleasant the last 8 wks have been beyond words I cant say how I feel, being a Christian I leave judgement to God on the mess up thats been done.


    Dr has increase my nerve tablets as I keep having moments of tears cos this could have been all over now and me and sons life much better, but now we wait on Judge. I pray what was not sorted from sept10th to oct 10th 2018 is sorted now.


    I will update soon as I can, thats all I can say, I hope to message Good News soon before the year ends of 2018.


    It would be nice to go into the New Year with better life, better health and better finances a whole new normal beginning. The Dr said to me 3 wks ago once this Claim is over you will feel better and stress down.


    I think some Solicitors see their Clients as a number, not see them as real people and that persons needs met in that persons best interest.

    This is how I feel.

    They dont understand the clients health, and real needs its disregarded. I pray this changes.


    When something is going to be Life Changing it should be sorted and done as Judge requested.


    God Bless Forum

  10. Hi Forum


    I felt to post as i realised you may think, Together was not willing to do a settlement but they were, but my solicitor was dealing with this and nothing got sorted.


    I now have had since 9th oct 2018 over 30 panic attacks and this is why I will explain...…

    I keep seeing each day that my trauma of 12 yrs could now have been finally over for me and my son and sorted.

    I am a person that believes it is better to have peace and forgive and I leave Judgement to God, I am not a person who loves prosecuting people and I am struggling, as being a Christian if I walk in Judgement it is not of God, I have to leave that to him and I do.

    I am in Court for release and a new start.


    I have not had Together write to me with an offer and release.


    It is terrible going through each day now since knowing the defendants were open to settlement as Judge had asked and both sides should complete.

    My Solicitor wanted to go through all the contract and only sent email to Togethers Solicitor over settlement figure day before Court again, which was 09 oct and Judge again on 10th oct


    I spoke to my Drs Surgery on friday telling them I may have to see a Dr soon as what has happened is very upsetting and the surgery said just ring up ok, I explained to surgery my trauma should have been over and not sorted yet.

    My Bank have said so now you suffering still as nothing got sorted for you.


    I know God wants me delivered and set free from this mess up and no more suffering, I have sore stomach which I am hoping it is not colitus back as I use to have this yrs ago, it comes with extreme stress which I am at min.


    I use to be on colofac tablets I think they were called.

    I believe I will recover all, my health, finances and release finally now come in God will help me recover what I should have, I will recover.


    Blessings Forum I hope to post again very soon.

  11. hi forum


    I was at court as you know last month,

    judge had said at hearing it is better to settle as things he had read in my claim,

    he told the defendants representative to do settlement before 10th october,


    The defendants had contacted me after I had sent them paperwork.

    They asked me to take board director off claim and me pay for all the costs.

    This would be totally unfair for me to take all the cost as only a Judge decides who pays what not Blemain/Together.


    The defendants said if I do this they let me put my claim through grant it no strike out, and they wanted until 10th oct 2018 to file defence.

    The Judge at hearing said he likes where two parties meet in middle, but he also said I am asking this to be settled now before 10th oct, and he spoke to defendants representative for a little while about settling now and said I was not asking for much in my settlement figure.

    The hearing was being recorded.


    The Judge will see now that no settlement was done,

    I am very unhappy as feel what Judge requested is not done,


    in end Together did a defence,

    which is not as the same as my 12 yrs of trauma have been with them.


    I now have a solicitor/barrister and will be glad when moving forward on this as I mean closure.

    The Judge said if we battle it out he will properly move this claim to a big court out of area.


    I do not know at min what is happening.

    It is very hard as I grind my teeth which is due to this trauma.

    I feel with seeing yet another complaint on here since I last posted, this is not funny at all.


    I and son are needing release,

    Together have said they have seen no evidence of my health issues.


    I am trying to constant forgive them as before the loan was done I was not working due to in 1995 I was a community assistant I was on duty in my uniform and got ABH nearly killed if person hadnt been pulled off me. This cause me to loose my job, and have to go on incapacity benefit then also disability and esa I was told by hospital after 10 yrs of physio prepare for a wheelchair and perimant damage.


    I was not only physically and mentally unwell, but then I had my mother abused with 36 other residents at a carehome I was unwell my self this was 1996 by now my mother weighing 5 stone through not being fed at carehome with other residents starving to death, I told management at care home, told social services in end police came in cos person died, who had been locked in their bedroom and also my mother and other residents tied up in chairs.

    There was a big prosecution and also it was in the newspapers.

    This was utter hell, seeing your mother abused like that.


    Then a second carehome my mother was at residents neglected, I was so tired and by this time had got this wrong loan with Blemain/Together (I moved to a bungalow 2005) moved cos to make easier no stairs for my legs as painful indeed I was put as no work as body attack, nerves had hit extreme and physically and mentally done in as dhss called it to me as not only my trauma having to see my mother die through abuse, and tell her before she died God must have had a reason to have let her be in 2 care homes that didnt care for people just abuse, I told her she was used by God and me to get people safe living, as to give my mother peace to die understanding why so how.


    debt is not nice and very unkind to leave someone suffering for no reason,

    I know my trauma will end,

    as God would not start this being heard without ending it and me and son refreshed again.


    I felt to share and speak as its awful situation to be in and my son is still recovering being bullied at school and I am too stressed to drive car to also help him.


    I can not answer any questions at min I am just filling you in.

    sorry for one whole paragraph forgive me.


    Blessings forum.

  12. Yes thanks for reminding me, I need the slingshot, I will pick it up and the stones. I do get a bit fed up with battles, I will also put armour of God on. it is father who aims and fires not me. The slingshot stays in my cupboard till its time to get it out lol, as father gives grace first then judgement.


    Today is preparation and start to get organised, my son does not like battles he will grow mighty strong, he says mum you go do them, I know he will understand God is with me.


    and if God is for me who can be against me. I like the hats off dx100uk


    I will post now after court. unless sense to before.


    Blessings forum

  13. Hi Forum


    Great to see what dx100uk site team has done over SAR reclaiming help information thank you.


    I am wriring because this morning God directed me to donate to this site.


    Normally I do not publise where I donate, as what we do for others is best kept secret, then father will bless us openly, but now I feel directed to say as this site is much needed and now a days many places are struggling to keep Good Businesses Blessed, so I sense to say anyone who is grateful as I am and father is to this site please do same as me and donate. I hope site team this is alright me posting this, but I felt too under Gods instructions so you must be a good site ) As God sees all


    I need now to prepare for court, which is coming up very soon.


    Blessings Forum.

  14. Hi Forum


    Just to let you know it is count down to court now, in few days will be hearing praise God.


    The forum tells all Blemain/Together customers (you all )to get the SAR, there is a reason on this please get it ok.


    I will post again soon I have always counted on my Faith and Believing to see me and son through and I will not disbelieve now, When I can not do things God takes over and sends right people in my path to help.


    I will post again soon, I am sad it has come to court, but sometimes thats how it is, I can ask for right thing to be done, but if not heard court is best way.


    Thank You Forum for guidance and I know it must be difficult for you all seeing us all pile up on here on same subject. Sometimes eyes are not opened till the multitude are preparing to come out the wilderness and be set free I am not happy it went this way, as things could have been different and fairness.


    My bank said to me 3 wks ago so company are still causing you stress not ending this wrong loan, I said yes that is still true, but court soon so thats that.


    My Mother brought me up to help others always and I am telling you all now things, because they must be told, it is Gods will you know, and if I do not tell you all I am being disloyal to my father so I have said today, this may be you are meant to be told for a big reason, so I have done so today. I can not keep information quiet if its meant to come out.


    I am very sad people have greatly suffered and wheither its health, financial loss,or many other reasons I am the same we stand as a team and I have had a dream on this matter and I stand on Gods WORD.


    I can not say I have enjoyed reading others posts similar to mine, but I have learnt alot, Thank You forum for your precious site and their team of helpful staff.


    One more things,


    I sense to say, if any of you Blemain/Together customers have been reading, but not posted and have had same loans, please post now as many of you as can ok,


    step out the boat and post, fear is not of God, I have realised fearing only God is start of wisdom. do not fear man, as when I first posted on this site, I was very scared of the company as after being spoken down too for so long you hear that in your head, but when you realise who you are as a person a human being you will step out the boat)


    I hope to read more posts, please understand it is important so I can see who needs help too. I ask of God only whats right.I am posting only because felt to post this.


    Godbless forum.

  15. Hi Forum


    I see yet more new posts on complaints on Blemain/Together.


    Just to update you, my claim is court very soon I will update when fell directed too.


    Blessings to you forum for much good work you do, without you I may have been in more stress as your site has clearly helped me and many others in need or help.

  16. Hi Ford


    I do hope this quick message finds you well and blessed.


    As you can see God is on the move mighty and I am in awe what has been reveiled, you can not imagine it all or see it all yet.


    This is why we are saved, and blessed to then be a blessing to others less fortunate.


    What is impossible with MAN, God steps in and does I feel a praise coming on.


    I am wanting to thank you for edification, as I was getting tired and your 2 messages helped me stay focused and keep fighting, as we both know being obedient to God brings rewards.


    May this message let you know, that I appreciate you and the forum staff are all a true help and support team.


    I discovered the forum by mistake first time, but now I know it was God.


    May the site be overwhelmed with blessings.


    I will post when meant too post more.



  17. As you can see the Giant in me has now risen, it had not done at last hearing, but now God has risen it in me. It may have meant that was Grace time for them, but not now I really do not like all this but I fear God so have to always do his will.


    I not so long back had to see police few times over something else, and police lady said what is next mission you doing I said hopefully none God give me a rest for while, but here we are again.


    May Goodness soon arrive.

  18. Hi Forum


    I see yet a new post of another victum of Blemain/Together. I believe there are many to scared to post and are waiting to see release.


    I have now spoke to councilling service and they have told me they need to send me to another building first. I said why ? they said because, before I can heal all what Blemain/Together has done and spoke over me, I need it all got out of me, before the other department can refresh renew me. I told them I am a Christian and i have forgave the company, but seeing more and more victums I know Judgement is coming, and Grace has run out.

    The councilling service said they will prepare ready for me, I received an email already. They said sometimes they can do start refreshing heading for future, but not when ive had 12 years of this sort of abuse it needs to be all cleared first. I believe God started taking over when I had the JOKE over collecting a months worth of food receipts. I felt that day that was it the big joke for a month played on me. I felt the heavens shake and movement start to come in for justice.

    I have heard back from all the paperwork that was released from Blemain/Together I can not post on that at min or the phone calls.

    I do hope othersgo dr and go councilling, my Drs siad I had to go, but maybe the other customers can ask Dr as it is awful all this over us all.


    I sense something, I will just wait and see if this happens.

    As for over trick or treat jokes on going for 2 yrs etc I have phone calls they made to my mobile so thats that on that one, as their solicitor has said its not true. May God forgive them, but I know I did ask God to forgive, but the shake is coming in and it will be a mighty shake one of the Lords. I have had to change mobile num and email forum ok.

    Sometimes God has asked me to stand in the gap to end injustice. I have always done this, been obedient and seen many set free. (2 places gave in and got Grace, but rest was prosecution). Its not fun I really do not enjoy having to do this at all. It IS PART OF MY GIFTINGS, my mother was the same she was built with great compassion and changed many lives bless her.

    This is difficult claim as properly the worst Ive done.

    Police told me when God placed me to help prosecute somewhere that police had been trying for 6 yrs to do it, I told police well its coming right now and it did within 8 wks. Why do we have a world like this, why does money rule, and where is heart for people? Surely people are worth more than money.

    I will post more when I am meant too.

    Blessings forum and may you keep helping people such a wonderful site.

  19. Hi Forum


    Just to update, the Drs booked me quick in to see them, yesterday early morning I had rang day before in afternoon. One of the Drs who has seen me over all the hell of Blemain/Together was going to film me I said no, she was making notes while I talked she said I needed concilling and possibly my son did too over Blemain/Together the12 yrsof torment. I have agreed my son just did nt answer when I asked him, he is angry all the time over Blemain/Together. I can not blame him, it breaks my heart cos this could have been corrected by Blemain ages ago. This should of all never happened.


    The GP Referral for swimming, didnt work as I went 3 times and blood pressure dangerous so had to stop. I was so red in face after and headaches galore.


    The Dr has ask me to do little walks to refresh out and about and maybe that destress me. She gave me a card that was for being depressed and it has a phone number on it to ring for help and WELLBEING.

    It is said how the world is mainly, not caring for others needs and I believe and have faith so that is carrying me and son through.


    I have received now a COURT HEARING DATE and have a wittnesss in contact with me, also another area in contact with me about what they will release also to help.


    I think this is the first time Together is in court not just Blemain and also now the Board Director too in Court. It was the Judge that said WHOLE COMPANY IN COURT not me. I am hopeing soon Me and son will forget all this bad years and move on to better days.


    I will update again soon.

    Godbless Forum.

  20. Thank you for messaging Renewablejohn,

    I also added on my claim for trauma, health, many other issues, jokes played on me by the company, many things were broken down on my list to Judge.


    I had 12 yrs of my bank seeing me struggle every month to pay blemain and get in more debt because of blemain/together and my health get worse my bank saw this and had to step in to help me when an error came up and they had to deal with blemain personally for 4 to 6 wks and also bank had to constantly support me over and over again guarding my bank account.


    It was an utter embarrassment,

    how a human being could be so degraded by a company and then my bank dragged along with me.


    My bank still know im sad upset and hurt of all what blemain/together have done to me, and my bank are loving, kind and respectful to me and understanding of the whole mess up and trauma and a member of staff at bank said to me not so long back , this has completely taken over your life.


    I had to totally think different for 12 yrs, for me and son rearrange everything. Not normal living anymore.


    My paperwork has some things in you wont have , which would help you properly and yours would help mine, but timing is everything and I believe it is perfect timing for Goodness not bad, my claim numbers will be both looked at and all checked. One number I put on here sorry I cannot put other yet.


    Weldone Renewablejohn for standing strong, I will keep you covered in prayer. as for fraud yes something went in on my claim under that.

    All will come out in the wash, as they say.


    Blessings forum

  21. Thank you dx100uk for quick reply


    My son and I found 2 forms that may be helpful to give to the witnesses to fill in, my sons just printed them off, but yes maybe they can just do their own statement of truth and sign at bottom.


    I will give them the choice forms or hand written.


    The investigation is still ongoing of all the 12 years of paperwork and phone calls to do with my loans with Blemain/Together, I will update soon as I can on this check.


    I am so pleased RENEWABLEJOHN on post yesterday has said his loan is unenforceable decided by a judge recently, this starts to open the door for releasing all and light at the end of a very dark tunnel indeed. The Judge could now make an order to support others too that are victums also, and have had to make all kinds of sacrifices just to make ends meet without having the opportunity to benefit from the pleasures of life they desired. Cruel inpact it has had.


    Either Renewablejohns claim, or mine etc could now bring great movement in.


    I have rung court, I can not say anything yet on here. I will post as soon as I can with update.


    Keeping the FAITH.


    Blessings Forum

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