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Posts posted by foxy502

  1. Hi Bigmarti,


    I am by no means an expert, however I have been in a similar position to you I.e Robbing peter to pay Paul. I would gather as much info as you can on ALL your previous lenders, collate in a spreadsheet, Gasp at how much interest you have paid out over the years. And then send out an email to all companies expressing dissatisfaction about how the irresponsibly lent you money or rolled over a loan so much that they took advantage of your generous nature... The key focus is these companies need to be viewed as being "fair". If you have evidence they may not have acted responsibly or fairly then the FOS would most definately look into your accounts.


    One thing I would suggest doing though is contacting Cashgenie TODAY, they have been paying out left right and centre for these kind of things and you may find they have no money left by the time they receive your complaint.


    Many people on this site will be able to help you with any letters, however I would refrain from getting angry/irate but give an honest letter/email, stating firstly, why you are complaining, how these loans affected you at the time, why rolled over, E.g couldn't afford to pay back due to loss of work, other payday loans, snowballing effect, affordability, should they have given you the loan. And finish up with what you would like to happen, and obviously last but not least ending with if they do not answer satisfactorily you will of course escalate the complaint to the FOS.





    Information is from complaining about irresponsible lending with Wonga and QQ, the former being satisfactorily settled and the latter I am still waiting for.

  2. Hey all, I am a member here and another group and I have been pursuing Wonga and quick quid with regards of irresponsible lending. Fortunately all my loans are paid off and however due to recent revolutions I'm reclaiming interest. Wonga and quick quid were my main "go-too" companies. Wonga responded with the result I was expecting after about 6 weeks. However QQ have until tomorrow 4/11/15.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience of reclaiming with QQ. I suspect they will drag it right round the houses before they admit wrong.

    I am going to make a new post in the main forum regarding this but on a more summary basis not focusing on 1 firm but regarding refunds for people who dont know they may be able to claim. Please keep your eyes peeled. ;)

  3. Hi guys,


    I have complained to a Wonga, and quickquid, which Wonga have paid out. I am waiting for wonga to reply, they have until Wednesday... However when I initially emailed them I asked for a copy of my transaction history, this was so I could piece together what loans I had and over what duration. What was strange was that even though I had not mentioned complaining, QQ emailed me back.. within 2 hours.. explaining they had extensively looked into my account and could find no evidence of wrong doing. I emailed them back saying this was all well and good, but I until that point had not complained. It was at this point I started to get some real answers....


    Remember when complaining you have the automatic right to a Complaint number, and if you arent satisfied in the 8 weeks following posting your cdmplaint, go to the FOS.

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