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Posts posted by Windowfitter1987

  1. Hello


    Asking a question on behalf of my partner who works in the hospitality industry as a unit manager.


    Recently, like many businesses, the company have had a big budget shape up and given lots of targets for finances in and out of the business. Obviously there is a big focus on labour costs too, my partner is salaried, weekly pay, no real issues surrounding this for us but, the area manager has recently been emailing all managers in the business (most venues are in Ireland, only 1 in England) and insisting that all Unit Managers and their Assistants work an average of 45 hours a week. The area manager states this is a contractual obligation, having had a look at my partners contract it states "....your working hours will vary to meet the needs of the business and you are expected to work no less than 40 hours per week..." 


    There is no overtime pay for Managers or their Assistants and (as with many businesses) the opportunity to reclaim any extra hours in lieu time is very few and far between, there has recently been emails sent saying that on a weekly basis all clocking in and out data will be pulled, reports reviewed and potential investigation and disciplinary action could be taken against managers and assistants who fall below 45 hours a week


    Both my partner and I work full time and manage shifts around family, the dogs and other commitments, my partner has worked his way up from a part time line staff member to the unit manager, at one point being left in full control of the venue after previous managers walked out when only a supervisor, and puts in many hours work at home on top of work in the venue and I was wondering if there is any real basis for investigation/disciplinary threats given the contract states no less than 40 hours a week


    Thanks in advance for any help/pointers

  2. Hello everyone, thought I'd pop back with an update and not a happy one!


    It seems ignoring this wasn't the best move as I now have a ccj against me for it!


    I moved house and it seems they've sent several letters, solicitors paperwork and more to my old house (moved in sept 2016) and the judgement was made without me even knowing!

    I changed the address on my v5 etc but apparently they only use the initial address when it comes to court etc


    So it's just cost me £242, the judgement was made on 28th Feb so I've paid and have enough time for it to be removed but pretty gutted to say the least!

  3. It hasn't been a problem with them paying me the extra time since way back in August hence my new thread and asking the question again now


    Boss came in today in a seemingly bad mood and brought it all up again out of the blue.


    I asked out of interest and not to get a negative comment back from people so let's not worry anymore and don't waste any more of your time replying to me

  4. Hello


    I've previously mentioned this in another post but want to ask again as a new thread


    We have old style paper time sheets at work, fill them in daily and hand in at the end of the month


    I've attached the section I want to ask about, our standard day is 0800-1700 with an hour off for lunch. Then it has time before 0700 or after 1800 will be considered as lieu or over time


    Is this allowed? I take it as basically my company expect us to work that time (potentially an hour extra each side of the day) for nothing. This has been in place now for a while but recently a time sheet was bounced back to me saying I can't claim for overtime as not within the time brackets, basically my job needs me to do earlier or later starts than 0800-1700 some days but they don't want to pay us for it!



  5. So nothing came of this for a while until today.


    I've received a letter from DRP saying unless I pay up £149 by 09/05 they will be recommending to the creditor that they start court proceedings


    Their letter is headed "notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £149"


    It has a lot of talk of what happens if I don't pay, how the creditor can apply more charges at court and go to their site to see all the court judgements they have won


    Is it time I back down and pay up or can I still continue to contest this?

  6. Thanks for your reply Silverfox, very much appreciated


    Ive got everything backed up incase it goes further and will keep my eyes out for anything more


    I called DRP this morning and the guy on the phone was very nice,

    let me explain everything to him and conversation went back and forth,



    he agreed and could see the other car next to mine

    then his reply was "well that's all good and well and I've listened to you, so now are you going to pay or what?"



    I just said I'll call him back!

    I assume they just want the money and he was being nice in the hope I'd pay

  7. Morning everyone


    Back in October Myself and another friend popped into see a friend and drop off/collect some bits and pieces at his flat from a project we working in together.



    At his estate there are many residents bays for the private owners and housing association residents

    plus a small area for loading and unloading items as its a fair walk to the flats across the garden if you've got shopping etc


    As I was just dropping bits off I stopped off in the loading and unloading area

    which is not at all sign posted, no warnings etc,

    got on with with seeing my friend



    whilst chatting on the way out the door a very well known resident

    who is also very unliked but virtually everyone who lives at the estate

    burst out the door saying he had photographed my car and was reporting it for not being parked correctly.



    Minutes later he was messaging my other friend, who was parked next to me for the same amount of time

    doing the same thing as me (and clearly visible in the photograph as his car is bright yellow!)

    saying that he won't report his car as he'll give him a bit of leeway



    but he's reported mine as he doesn't like me (pathetic I know!)

    esidents at this estate can have an app on their phones for reporting parking issues on behalf of ukcpm


    There was many a heated conversation about this subject,

    many people involved and even the management committee for the estate

    (he's on the residents directors committee)


    I received a letter from cpm with the photo attached clearly showing both cars etc

    But this letter said on it a notice had been attached to my car,

    the appeal date had passed and I had no responded, it's now escalated and cost has increased!!

    I appealed this anyway outlining the whole story to which ukcpm just sent a standard rejection letter back.


    I was advised by many other residents to just ignore it, they're not enforceable "fines"

    and don't worry



    6 months on I've had a letter from Debt recovery plus.

    I've done a fair bit of research and most threads here say ignore and don't pay them but nothing too recent.


    In the letter they say a landmark court case was won in November 2015

    at the Supreme Court which was found in favour of the car park operator


    after my long story my question is

    should I be worried?

    I've got messages, phone calls and a video of the reporting resident

    having a rant about why he did it etc

    nd shows clearly in the notice another car next to me that was not reported


    Just after some advice and opinions really, thanks in advance

  8. Luckily most of my payments go out into the next month but my loan was set up as last Friday as that was when I'd been getting paid for the last however many years


    On a previous occasion I was told by the MD that "we are under no obligation to pay you on any specific day or method" this was when we all expected payday and were given cheque, adding a week on to payday.


    I guess it's one of those frustrating things I've sort of caused myself by setting it then. I'm heading back to the office now and gonna have a chat about it but just posted after a frustrating day waiting and asking for some opinions

  9. Hello and happy almost Easter to all


    I've got a question about a frustrating issue to do with pay days


    Little background, I work for a small window fitting company, family run with 4 fitters, 7 office staff and a part time delivery driver. Pay day in my contract is down as the last day of the month. Generally for the last 3 years is been taken as the last Friday of the month but, in the words of the MD (who does payroll, accounts etc) because it's such a large amount of money going out of the bank she spreads the transfers out over the week. So a couple of people get paid a day.


    This week with the last Friday being tomorrow, I would have assumed I'd be paid by today as does my loan payment which were expecting the money today!!


    Now I'm sitting with -30p in my bank, not been paid. Company is closed tomorrow and it's a 4 day weekend.


    Is there anything I can do to ensure I'm paid on a regular day and by a regular method? It's so frustrating and now I'm gonna faces charges from my bank for the bounced direct debit and face a weekend with no money

  10. Nothing was given in writing about my pay rise as she said she will be doing the letter later and let me have it soon once she's finished drafting it.

    All employees were emailed about the hours issue but in her email it was only half an hour either side of the regular hours but since then it has been changed again!


    I've got a copy of our grievance procedure and considering it now.

    Just wanted to check where I stood with the laws

  11. Hello

    New to here and after a bit of experienced advice


    I have worked as a window fitter for almost 3 years now for a small local company and gone from being a 'fitters boy' learning the ropes to now leading a team and running my own jobs. I've learnt on the job from colleagues and completed NVQs along the way


    I started on a low wage with a view that as I learned and could do more my salary would increase, this didn't really happen and I only saw a small increase after a years learning. As it was a job with a friends family i stuck it out and cutting a long story short after being given my first job to run and then subsequent ones I had a review meeting with my line manager and the MD (she runs all HR, payroll, accounts etc as we're a small company) and it was agreed I would go from £17k to £24 which I was over the moon about and felt like I'd finally go somewhere.

    At the end of the meeting she said she'll need to write a letter to add a change to my contract and summarise what we said in the review meeting (plans for further training, planning for future etc)

    4 weeks on after I had an accident which left me with a broken toe and received a parking ticket (which I offered to pay as it was completely my fault) I have been told I won't be getting my increase this month.

    Initially the MD wanted to hold it back for 3 months but my line manager fought my corner and so far has made it only a month. My main question is can she do this? After all we agreed a new salary as my responsibilities and role had got bigger and now I'm expected to work on my old salary and do more


    My second issue is with our working hours. The company hours are 0800-1700 (1 hour for lunch) and there is a clause that says from time to time it may be necessary to work earlier or later to meet the needs of a particular job and also that an extra hours worked outside these times would be collected as lieu time and can be taken back as time off or in exceptional cases paid as over time with our salary

    All of the above I'm fine with but a few weeks back our MD has emailed everyone saying that any time worked between 0700-0800 and 1700-1800 cannot be claimed as lieu time anymore and her justification is that if you work a bit earlier or later it shows you're going the extra mile will be taken into account when it comes to bonuses etc (which are discretionary) so potentially she could have 2 hours a day free work from us

    Is this change allowed without any kind of consultation?


    Sorry for the long post and I hope someone can help and perhaps I could one day share any knowledge I've got.

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