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Posts posted by Mat-H

  1. Update:



    Just got off the phone with np and they have accepted MY terms now....


    I said i was willing to give them £200 to clear any balance and start from scratch but also i require a written apology from one of their directors, the contents of the SAR i ordered and the letter from the director outlining the situation just in case their psychotic computer decided to issue debt collection against me so i can just fax it back to them or the police if a DCA comes knocking..... they agreed :wink::wink::wink:

  2. Hey Eversir!


    Thanks for the reply m8


    No they've not used any language like that so far and YES they HAVE actually admitted that it is indeed their fault.... not in so many words.... yet!


    I DO have hours worth of recordings though where they DO admit culpability, i've found through personal experience AND with the help of you guys how to communicate with these people and to take charge of the situation...... bloody hard work though! and hard work none of us have asked for or deserve to be subjected to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I need to speak with them again tomorrow to clarify of course.

  3. Hi again guys!


    Sorry i've not been more active..... arthritis and all that.... the sun is helping a bit though and so is the email i recieved from the exec complaints dept earlier today..... they are now asking me for a final settlement of wait for it................







    £300! yes THREE HUNDRED quid!!!!


    I need to ring them again tomorrow of course to finalise this but i KNEW i was right!


    Will post again once we've crossed the t's and dotted the i's...... i think i'll hang around this place too as i'm sure i won't be the last to go through this and if i can help anyone else.............


    I'm off for some sun now! :D


    THANKS GUYS!!!!!

  4. HI again guys.... sorry i've not got back sooner.... i'm really struggling with illness at the moment but i noticed i had a couple of replies so i thought i better come on and reply.... many thanks for your replies by the way :D


    Ok the 13K bill was an 'error' apparently but has now been rectified.... the question that raises obviously is if they can make a mistake like that then what other mistakes have they made?


    I have now asked for a statement of account and my SAR request went off last week... i've been told that the 'correct' amount has now been calculate..... kinda hard really without the old meter but i'll get into that another time, and it is now under 3K.... it is now supposed to be with the back billing team to see 'if it qualifies'.... wel as i've not used anywhere near 3k's worth of juice in a 12 month period it CLEARLY meets the criteria......... but...... pfffft........

  5. Hey guys!


    Not been too well the past few days... not too good right now actually but thought i better check in here and with N(o)power.....


    OK today they posted a bill for THIRTEEN GRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's been reversed too but......................??????


    Keep it up Np.... it just adds fuel to the fire and gives me yet more evidence and ammunition for what i'm starting to see is going to be the inevitable court case..... :(

  6. Yes that's pretty much what i thought you were alluding to reading between the lines in your previous post....

    i can recall records of all my payments to them, bit of a rigmarole but i can do it... so they're going to need to cross reference with their figures naturally..... yet another reason for me to issue an SAR.

    I'm also going to get an accountant to independently go through theirs and my figures too.

    Thanks for that info though..... much appreciated as always!

  7. Hey batman!


    Well..... how i perceive what's SUPPOSED to happen is that the bill/s in question are 'refunded internally' to N(o)power so essentially the account is 'wound back' to the start of the period of the bill/s and then the readings are re entered correctly again... in a nutshell winding the account back and then fast forwarding it again (correctly) to the present.... or that's the theory.....

    Of course i could be being rather naive here.....

  8. So after some sleep i've looked at the account online again and it seems the bill reversal was what put me into about a tenner into the black and the remaining credit is down to 'prior period adjustments' on the bill and its VAT....

    I'm staying logged into the account today 'cos to be honest it's loads more entertaining than the telly.....

    In fact i think i might get a transcript of all the calls and try to flog 'em to the BBC..... they keep giving miranda and mrs brown's boys new series and this is WAAAAYYY funnier than either of those ;)

  9. OK guys... you might want to sit down before reading this...................




















    I just logged into my account with N(o)Power AND............................. i am now about a tenner IN CREDIT!!!!!!

    Checked the account activity and it correlates with what i read on the main screen............. i'm not going to get too excited yet... hey we all know who we're dealing with here but................... WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! :whoo:


    Clearly i still need to get this confirmed in black and white, as well as my 'usual' recordings too.


    I'm NOT going to leave it there though even if this is the case, i'm thinking i'm going to be exactly the type of customer N(o)power deserve.... lol


    i'm off for me pre-emptive celebratory muesli now!


    Back later....

  10. It all kicked off in November of last year, 2014.


    It's already massively complicated as there is a faulty meter involved too, which i'm informed, will have been reconditioned and placed in another property.... clearly also their equipment is 'not fit or robust enough for purpose' if a mains spike causes the internal clock to reset and if the internal clock is wrong that raises the question 'what else was wrong with it and can the readings be trusted' of course.


    many thanks to you too for your empathy :-)


    It's all about people power these days mate... but that's for another post lol...

  11. Hi Eversir!



    The period they're quibbling is from June 2012 to the present, this only kicked off last november though so i'm a mere noob compared to your own case.... i'm hoping that i can prevent it from dragging on as long as your own and others though by learning from yours and others cases... "forewarned is forearmed" and "know your enemy" etc........


    I do hope you get a speedy resolution though mate and give 'em hell!


    To quote Pt Jones.... 'they don't like it up 'em' ;)

  12. Hey BF!


    Thanks for your advice.... yes this is pretty much what i'm doing now as you suggest... i'm just letting them uncoil yet more rope for the drop ;) seems they don't need anyone else's help to do this.


    I was a union rep/H&S rep for many years and had a 100% success record which i am very proud of, and have also worked in managerial roles so i am well versed in the concept of policies and procedures... even written a few myself ;) but of course that was in the industries i was employed in so all info from you guys is MUCH appreciated!:whoo::whoo::whoo:


    I only discovered this resource as a result of all this and i am REALLY impressed with this site, although deeply saddened and angered that so many of us ( i shudder to think how many people aren't aware), i have gone through Eversir's posts as well as a few others and it's blatantly clear just how this organ goes about their business.


    I'm now off to paypal you a few quid and will publicise this site as much as i can...

  13. Update..... long story short as i am disabled and long posts really take it out of me....



    I now have named case handler at NP. spoke with them yesterday and was informed it has been sent back to back office YET AGAIN.... i asked for a timescale and was told it will take ANOTHER 10 - 14 days.... i said this is not acceptable as it's been going on for months now and they have had the load test results for A MONTH now.... to the day! case handler said that they (the case handler) hadn't sent the results over till last friday when the case handler contacted me.

    I also stated the next bill is very nearly due, in fact due within the next 14 days.

    I also restated that this is having a detrimental effect on my health..... AGAIN.



    they have now admitted my bills were originally correct and then i was miss-billed so they are recalculating.


    I informed them that my original complaint (via executive complaints dept -Tel: 0330 100 8614- STILL has not been answered despite the original 28 day deadline having expired and it will be 56 days today. They had no idea of the issues i raised so i repeated them to the person although they were aware there IS a complaint... lol a bit bizarre!


    I asked them to read EVERYTHING on their screen back to me.. i felt they were evasive.... i explained i wanted to check to see if there were any errors or data missing... they didn't fulfil my request.


    The Ch (case handler) started talking over me so i became quite assertive and asked them to let me finish what i was saying... they complied... the further the conversation went on and the more details became evident to the Ch the more 'deflated' and i felt 'worried' they sounded in the call (assertiveness training is a GODSEND in this kind of situation). i reminded the caller of the dates of calls i've made and that there should be a record on their system... if not then i am within my rights to request an SAR to retrieve any and all data regarding myself and the account to check the veracity of what i was being told.


    Having got to the stage where i am now SERIOUSLY p'eed off with the company and in the mood for giving them a good pasting i have put in a formal request for a face to face conversation with their CEO paul massara.... either in person (i invited him round for a hot beverage of his choice and a selection of biscuits) or via skype... she was evasive but i stuck to my guns, as it is often the case that the person at the top has no idea what is going on because middle managers are too often too concerned with protecting their own backs and too scared to say it like it is.... i stated that if this is not forthcoming then i will be contacting HIS boss, Peter Terium, at RWE HQ in Essen Germany... the Ch sounded VERY worried now.

    i also stated it should be by appointment and not just a cold call.


    i reiterated that i require answers NOW as they have had multiples of 28 days for many aspects of my case and that it was beyond unacceptable.

    I asked for a DEFINITIVE date for conclusion and resolution of the issues raised and was told they can't give me one... all they said is the MAY have it done within 10-14 days...


    i reitteraded i want to speak with massara as it's not just about me any more, there are hundreds if not thousands of upset NP customers and i require answers from him.


    Ch repeated my requests back to me and i thanked them for their time and ended the call.. which was of course recorded

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