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Posts posted by Caregiver

  1. This information helped me to get my refund, in full;



    1) once you have been on their site and have put in your details and credit card details

    they will try to take up to £69 asap from your account ,

    or as soon as there is enough money in your account to cover it ,..


    2) they don't promise you a loan ,

    they dont even guarentee you a loan ,



    all they actually do is once you have phoned into complain that a fee has been taken ,

    they fob you off , if its the loan you still want all they do is copy and paste a link off there systems

    and send it to your email or phone , WHEN u could have easily got the same link off google yourself ,


    then you have to put all your original details into the link again they sent you ,

    which you could have easily done yourself anyway .


    3) the fee they take means that once you contact them they will tell you the following ,

    yes a admin fee has been taken ,

    and yes there is a fee for opening your account

    and there will also be a fee for everyday the account is kept open ,

    despite this you will never get a full refund this way .

    ..you will only get a partial refund ..


    4) next to get a refund they will tell you to go on your account and request a refund ( which is a delaying tactic)

    because they will then tell you you have to wait for a head office response to your cancellation

    (which is complete rubbish , its yet another delaying tactic ,which keeps your account open longer and more fees to be taken),


    5) after you have then requested a refund they will then tell you to send a letter in to the head office ,

    which is YET another delay tactic to keep more fees ,




    6) if they ask you to send the letter to any other address then its a [problem] , its again a delay tactic , to keep more of your funds .


    7) they hate the word CHARGE BACK , if you go to your bank and tell them a fee has been taken out that you were not aware of ,

    they will they tell the bank , you did open an account on a certain day and time and they only person who would have gained is yourself ,

    because the money would have gone into your account ,


    THE BEST WAY to deal with these con artists is the following RING UP there number or your bank

    and tell them you want an instant charge back ,


    if you persist with this you will get a full refund ,

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