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Seriously indebted

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Posts posted by Seriously indebted

  1. Yes I own my own property, and there is a little equity.


    I have only by the skin of my teeth been able to hang on to it after 6 months arrears in mortgage payments

    which have now been cleared.


    I cant remember much about the card, they say that it was defaulted on 2nd feb 2010 for the sum £7555.46.


    I am very worried as I will not be able to find somewhere else to live and keep my new job, which entails a lot if travel.

  2. Hi,


    I have been working a new job abroad for a few months and


    have returned to the UK with some frightening letters in the post.


    Regarding a HBOS credit card that has been defaulted, due to unemployment.


    The first letter dated 24th sept 2013 from BW

    to say they have been instructed by Llowell in respect of the debt.


    'With this letter, you will have been served with a Statutory Demand by our process server'

    This is a single page letter with the SD attached.


    The second letter dated 7th October was hand delivered and posted first line says


    I have been directed to serve you with a SD issued under the insolvency act 1986 on behalf of the creditor.


    It also says that they will attend my home on the 14th October to serve me

    and if I cannot meet them or keep any appt they will serve me by posting in my letterbox.


    The third letter dated 25th October 2013 says that I was served

    and if they do not have a response by 4th nov 2013 they will send bankruptcy petition to court.


    Forth letter 2nd Nov 2013, as they have not heard anything they will send petition to local court.


    Fifth letter 29th Nov 2013, despite previous attempt to resolve.

    A decision has been taken to withdraw the SD and issue proceedings.

    Unless the full amount is received within 14 days.


    I arrived home on Thursday and have waded through my post...

    I have not contacted anyone or replied.


    Can anyone advise what I can/should do from here.


    Thank you

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