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Hair Bear

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Posts posted by Hair Bear

  1. I'm always up for a fight against injustice, but as I look back through the thread I'm thinking that the natural order of events is that they first send a Letter of Claim.

    Since I'm assuming that if I ignore them they will 100% proceed to this, why not (as lookinforinfo suitably put it) 'send a suitably snotty letter' now (without saying who was driving)? Or is it that in many cases if you ignore their initial PCN they go away anyway, so better to simply wait it out? 

    As ever, thank you for helping.

  2. FTMDave - your cold light of day suspicions are correct, alas. Just had this back...

    Thank you for your email.
    I was very sorry to learn that you recently received a parking charge notice after shopping at our Kearsley Manchester Rd Express store. I appreciate this is always frustrating, especially as you'd just nipped in for the one item.

    I've had a look, and I can confirm that in this case the car park at this store is entirely owned by a third party - it is not owned or operated by Tesco in any way. The parking charge issued is on behalf of that third party, although I appreciate it does state Tesco on the letter.

    Regrettably as the car park is owned and operated by a separate company we don't have any form of influence or control over the parking charges issued. In this case, I can only recommend that you follow the appeals process outlined on the letter directly to take the matter up with UKPPO directly.

    I'm sorry that I cannot offer further help in this case. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you require anything further. 

    Kind regards

    Ewan Kelly

    Customer Service Specialist

    On behalf of the Chief Executive’s Office

  3. Yes, it is just for Tesco.

    But as that manager explained, those two spaces on that ground are now rented by the electric company.


    "What appeal?  Private parking companies never, ever, ever accept appeals - ever."

    What is my next move then, please?

    Just wait for them to issue me with whatever it is they issue, and then what? 

  4. Thanks everyone. Will speak with the manager first chance I get later today and let you know.

    Unfortunately for me I'm going to have to go with plan B.

    I spoke to the manager this morning, who was very sympathetic but politely let me know that they were on rented ground and he had no control over the two bays.

    He promised to ring corporate to double check, and having taken my number just got back to me now.

    He said he was correct in saying there's nothing he or anyone at Tesco could do about my situation, but as a result of my being stung for a couple of minutes, corporate agree that they needed to reassess the future of their carpark with the landlord.

    I guess that's some sort of victory, but I'm afraid I'm coming back to the well to ask you guys how I should word this appeal, please?  

  5. 1 Date of the infringement 31st March

    2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] PCN is dated 9th April

    3 Date received 13 April

    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] Yes the PCN has this written on the 3rd paragraph first page 

    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? The PCN has two photos

    6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] No

    7 Who is the parking company? Uk Parking Patrol Office ltd

    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] At the (small 'local') Tesco Express in Kearsley, in one of the electric charging bays. Address is 212 Manchester Road, Kearsley, Bolton, BL4 8PZ.

    For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. It says appeal to parking-tickets.co.uk, and if that is unsuccessful you can try Independent Appeals Service


    2024-04-09 UKPPO PCNfor Incident 2024-03-31.pdf

  6. It reads...

    "Issued date: 9th April 2024"

    "Incident Time/Date:  19:49  31/03/2024"

    Blue badge was showing (you can see it in the centre of the window).

    I was there for about three minutes (would have been much less if not for a queue).

    I needed to get one item for my disabled daughter who was with me.

    You can just make out the first time on the top right of the first picture (19:49.48secs) when I was driving into the bay but yet to park,

    on the second picture just before I set off to leave it it 19:53 and 12secs.

    With that in mind, the time they give, which seem to say I was there between 1852 and 1949, is completely wrong, because the first photo they have says 19:49.48 and yet that photo shows i wasn't actually yet in the bay.  

    Thank you so much, both of you.

    since this is still a little double dutch to me I'm hoping that you and lookinforinfo can mutually decide on a way forward for me.

  7. Hello

    I've got a parking ticket,

    I've been parking at a particular corner in a small Tesco car park for years.

    Recently they put two electric charging plugs, one where that spot is and one at the bay next door,

    I stopped using them out of courtesy in case they need to be used (I use that Tesco every day and drive past every day but have yet to see anyone use them).

    Recently I went back to Tesco when it was reasonably dark.

    All the bays were full, including the three blue badge bays.

    I have one but none of the cars parked in the bays did, I noticed as I walked past them (nobody ever gets pulled for that because Tesco have never policed this small car park before).

    Since there was two free electric bay spaces, and since I wasn't going to be long (just one product), I parked into my former 'regular' spot.

    There was a notice on the wall but if I'm honest I didn't read it because

    (a) I'm thick, and

    (b) I honestly thought it was just telling people how to use the device (like I said, I'm thick) rather than this being a parking fine.

    I went back during daylight and the sign is very obvious (as you can see from the picture), although not so obvious at night, although probably still obvious enough for you to tell me "tough luck, pal".

    Now they want £100 or £60 if I pay quickly.

    Am I doomed?

    docs 1.pdf

  8. Ages ago I cancelled my leisure centre account but they say this is not the case.

    The monthly amount continued to go out of my account that I didn't notice for various reasons and thus I am down at least £200.

    Here is an email conversation I had with the relevant department at the leisure centre.

    Going off this, is there any hope of my getting back money? If so, how? Note their last email - I have nothing on those dates from them.  

    Me to them (28 Jan 2024)
    I froze my account back in April 2021 (confirmation below), when I realised I wasn't going to be able attend for a very long time.
    The last time I was there was 2019-20ish.
    I've just noticed, however, that you have been taking money from my account all this time for nearly three years.
    If I froze my account why have you been taking money and how can I
    (a) Stop this
    (b) get my money back?
    Their reply
    The freeze you requested was due to group exercise not returning immediately when we reopened after the Covid closures.
    In the confirmation we advised you that we would let you know when group exercise was restarting.
    We sent a further e-mail to you on 10th May to let you know your membership would be unfrozen and payments restarting 1st June 2021.
    We have processed a cancellation for you now but we will be unable to refund any of the payments made since your membership was unfrozen.
    My reply
    That email included this:
    "If you wish to keep your membership frozen a little longer please follow the link below and complete the form: Keep my membership frozen "
    I did complete that form.
    Why else would you send me an email on the 17th with an "Unfreeze your membership" button?
    Their reply
    We did receive your e-mail to keep frozen until group exercise classes returned which was applied in April 2021. 
    We then e-mailed you in May 2021 to let you know your membership would be unfrozen and we did not receive a request to keep frozen after that. 
    Once the facilities were back up and running your membership was available to use. 
    As you have now requested to cancel your membership will end on 29/02/2024.
    My reply
    Thanks for replying.
    Please send proof of the May email (with my email address on it), as I have no such email that I can find. Cheers. 
    Their reply
    Due to our data retention policy we do not keep sent e-mails from that long ago. 
    We have included a screenshot of the notes on your account that was add with the date and time of the e-mails so you can check your inbox.
    *I checked my inbox for anything they may have sent and I have nothing.
    Is this a case of me writing this off as a bad experience or can I so something about it?
  9. Hi,

    I am sending a package to Holland for a client.

    I want to be able to pay all their charges up front.

    They don't speak English and, without going into it, the last time I sent anything it was a nightmare.

    If they can just get the package delivered and not have to faff about paying import duty because i've done it already, I'm cool with paying extra whatever I have to. In this case, is there a courier anyone knows of who I can pay everything up front?


  10. 4 hours ago, Manxman in exile said:


    Can I ask, did you reply and reject the offer of a course or did you just ignore it?  Presumably you've not received a SJPN yet?


    I'd be interested to know how it unfolds.  Thanks

    I actually wrote asking what evidence they had. I knew they couldn't send me any, just wanted to buy time. I got a letter back after three or so weeks saying they don't give evidence at this point, and again offered me a course or the points - with a fresh start date 'from the [new] date of this letter', it should be noted. Note also that the person responding began their letter by saying I was spoken to by the police officer who saw me with a phone, which of course was not the case. I doubt I can use that in my defence, but I also believe that if i had written back pointing out the error, they would have sent yet another fresh date from which I had the required weeks to respond. I have a habit of kicking the can down the road, occasionally this tactic works for me. To that end, no I did not tell them I am going to contest. Will just let them send me whatever it is they will send in their next step.

    • Thanks 1
  11. No, I've never been done for phone use - I don't really use it away from the car let alone in it! I've had three points a few times, but never more than three at any one time. These have all been for doing 38 in a 30 zone. 


    What's the order of events, btw? If I write to them in order to say i will contest, do they then send me what evidence they have? If so, can I then pick that apart before going to trial, or do I just have to do that in a court room?

  12. letter from police pdf.pdf


    I hope that that PDF is okay?


    "Although this is distasteful, if you're prepared to provide pictures of your daughter in the well of the car, a picture of your daughter stoma, as the medical notes to support your statement of mitigation, then you could well be that they would abandon the prosecution"

    - if my daughter could speak for herself I'm pretty sure she would say "Go for it, Dad", so yes, for justice I am prepared to go the whole hog. 

  13. "You do not know which offence they may charge you with. It may be "using a mobile phone" [...] But they may charge you with "Failing to be in proper control"


    Is this not clear on the notification they sent me? It reads: "You have admitted to being the driver of the vehicle...at the time of the alleged offence - Use a handheld mobile phone/device while driving a motor vehicle on a road"

  14. "Could it be that while you were sat bored in traffic in your car, that you were supporting the side of your head with your hand ?" 


    "Would you be prepared to say to the court that you did from time to time reach down to reassure or to check on your baby"


    The only legit thing I can recall is checking to see if the note in my pocket was a fiver or tenner, but I didn't lift it to my head - I just looked at it next to my pocket for a split second and then re-zipped my pocket. It is possible that a copper (bent on pulling over as many people as possible) might have thought that I was looking down at a phone, but surely this this would sound pretty lame in court, as though I'm desperately trying to think up a story to support my case. 


    Head: I'm fairly sure I didn't support my head, although anything like that is possible. Again, though, that sounds too much like I've gone away and thought up something.


    The daughter angle seems more reasonable a defence (as you are admitting guilt to reckless driving, but as pointed out, this is not what I am charged with), not least because the questioning copper did not make any reference to her, or even look at her. I actually came away wondering if he knew she was there at all. Certainly the cop who falsely claims to have seen me on my phone did not know she was there. That said, is it not better to simply say I wasn't on the phone and to produce phone records and battery usage, rather than come up with something the police may or may not have seen? 


    Am I allowed to ask them now for their proof? It would be interesting to hear what they have to say.


  15. Apologies if I have not made myself clear or have misunderstood advice. The choice I am personally deciding between is either


    (a) going on the course - I get no points but am admitting guilt to something I didn't do. I will also lose £90 and indeed the chance to go on another course for three years if ever I actually do infringe the law, meaning drive at, say, 38 in a 30 zone.


    (b) going to court in an attempt to win my case - if I win great, but if I lose it means 6 points and lots more money than £90.


    I am leaning towards B, but if people think I can't win, I will reconsider. I certainly have no intension of going to court to plead guilty, or to take the six points now.     


    If you lot believe I can win in court, I'll go for it, but will need instruction on how to go ahead (I thought that the statement was part of that process).


    "Might it be at all possible that you reach down into the well to arrange a blanket or to check her or to give her a reassuring touch on the cheek? Might it be possible that this movement was construed as you putting your phone away?" Yes it is possible. 

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