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Posts posted by colour-me-happy

  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  3. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  4. Are they offering an adult 5 year passport at a different price, then I'd say you have an argument. As it is, kids appearances change rapidly hence 5 years only.

    20 quid difference for an extra passport inc administration seems fair.


    They don't offer a 5yr adult passport maybe they should then everyone is on an equal footing?


    You used to be able to have the 5 year one extended for free when you turned 16 as long as the passport hadn't expired.


    Apparently it changed a few years ago. It could be extended if the child was under 16, if they were over then an adult passport had to be purchased.

  5. Hello, I've not posted much on here for a long time (since my victory over the Halifax!) but I have a right bee in my bonnet at the moment and thought this might be the right place to vent/get advice :cool:


    My kids have passports which expired late last year and I was under the impression that as they were only issued with 5yr passports they would get a 5yr extention.


    Anyhow I just called the passport office to clarify whether it was a problem that their passports expired last year only to be told that they only issue them for 5 years and that is why they are cheaper than an adult one - fair enough so far...


    The cost of an adult 10yr passport is £72 and the cost of a child 5yr passport is £46 - in effect £92 for a 10yr one!


    Is this age discrimination or am I just being a tight a**e :p


    Any suggestions on where I could take it if it is discrimination?



  6. A funny thing happened today, thanks to the knowledge I have gained from here....


    Before my recent success with the Halifax I opened a parachute account and transferred everything, except the Halifax couldn't seem to grasp that I had a new account elsewhere and continued to try and take my mortgage payments, obviously there is no money going into that account so I have accrued more charges, but hey I WILL get them back, anyway I am now 4 months in arrears, the money is safe in my new account so no big deal really.


    A woman from a Debt Management (not collector :rolleyes:) company called me last week and said she needed to come to my house to "discuss" my problem, so we arranged a time and she came, I handed over a cheque for the full amount and she got out her clip board and started to get a financial statement off me, this is where the fun began, everything she asked, such as NI number, income, outgoings, name of employer etc I just said "don't know" she was getting a bit frustrated and I was getting more amused, eventually she said "you really need to give me this information" and I said "but am I legally obliged to though" her face went a funny shade of red and started shouting about how I have wasted her time.:rolleyes:


    I pointed out that she needed to collect the money anyway so it wasn't a wasted journey and the steam started coming out of her ears then and she said I could have posted it, so I pointed out she has saved me the cost of a stamp and envelope!:D I know it was a bit cruel but I couldn't help myself!


    I said to her that the Halifax have made my life a misery in the past due to their charges and that was why I have such a negative attitude towards them.... then she started going on about all these "deluded" people who think they can claim back their charges when they agreed to them in the first place:-x so I made her even more mad by telling her about my successful claim:D


    If it wasn't for all the little details I have found out about on here I would have sat there like a sheep telling her what she wanted to know, so thanks!!

  7. they asked me to get my national insurance records which i did but i also gave them a DP1 from the police to confirm i had no criminal record?


    They should have been able to verify your employment history with the Inland Revenue, it doesn't sound like they tried very hard to sort the problem out for you.


    I personally think you would have quite a good case because that time could have been accounted.

  8. It is possible, the company I worked for had dedicated staff to carry out screening.


    Did they not ask you to account for the time they couldn't verify? Where I worked (probably the biggest employer in the UK) we would try and get the employee to get somebody else to verify their time ie: a neigbour or such like or at times get them to do an affidavit, especially if the company was no longer trading.


    I'm not sure but if you have given them all the information they asked for I don't see how they can with hold money from you.


    I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

  9. I'd be surprised if you were to get away with that. Thats not to say I'm a firm believer

    that the banks are still getting away with murder when they refund our money. In many case, peoples lives are ruined because of these excessive charges, and it can lead to marriage/relationship difficulties, stress, depression and, in the case you mentioned, having to compromise in accepting a higher rate of interest than you would should there be no credit problems.


    However, proving all of the above could be incredibly difficult and possibly very costly.


    And can you prove that the rate you took up was the best that market could offer you at the time - they could well argue that had you spent enough time there would have been a better deal so it was ultimately your fault.


    A hard one to prove I'm afraid and not a fight I would like to take on.


    I agree I personally wouldn't like to take on that battle but could your credit file not come in handy here?

    If you applied to various "high street" banks and were declined could that not be used as evidence?

  10. Don't want to hijack Blinkys thread but GOOD LUCK!! Not that you will need it! ;-)


    Sorry! No room in my luggage (well there will be going, were taking empty cases :eek: but you will have to find your own way home :grin:).


    To be honest, the money was long gone and when we got it back we just thought f**k it! Lets go!!


    I will certainly raise a glass or two to BF and Dave and the Halifax :D:D

  11. Hi, I know to use the Moneyclaim online you need an address in England or Wales, I'm not sure on the legalities of using an address you don't live at but I would imagine it would be ok. Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong :)


    Good luck (with your move and claim :D)

  12. Hi Caro, can you alaborate on this a little more please?


    I have all my statements for the last 6 years and so just counted all the chrages listed for returned dd/chq/excess o/d etc. I have claimed for interest only when added if I was overdrawn by more that my prescribed amount (as i wouldn't have been if the charges had not been made) and have not claimed for the overdraft facility fees.


    Have i made a mistake here which could jeoparise my claim, I have just sent my LBA! the bank are refusing to be drawn on the precise costs involved with manual intervention as they see the charges cover the cost of providing a bankng service to all their customers.




    I *think* what Caro means (feel free to slap me Caro if I'm wrong :D) is that when you send the DPA request, it asks for your list of charges (which you don't need because you have your statements) but it also raises the question of manual intervention, if you haven't requested this information it could cause you problems if your case where to get to court, the bank could produce evidence that there has been manual intervention and that the charge does reflect their true costs, all highly unlikely but there is always the possibility that it could happen.


    If you are at LBA stage I personally would press ahead with your timetable.


    Hope that helps.:)

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