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Posts posted by Gilly35

  1. Hi,


    This is a continuation of this thread.


    In 2016 I received a letter from this creditor stating that they had incorrectly applied interest to the loan and were reviewing it.

    Last year they sent me a letter stating that they consider the debt unenforceable and would I like a correction notice applied to my credit file.

    I accepted and a correction has been added. I am still paying this through AP of £5 pm to PR Group.


    This loan has caused me nothing but bad luck.

    The PPI I took out to cover me for illness didn't, I went on to minimum payments in Feb of 2011.


    They then redressed the PPI which they paid on to the loan and said that this was classed as a payment.

    I was still told however to continue with the AP of £5 during that period.


    In 2012 the loan went back to being in arrears (PPI Payment had been eaten up).

    Finally in 2013 they defaulted me.


    I am still in default for another year.

    Now they have incorrectly applied the interest..


    .Do I have any kind of case to go to the Ombudsmen to ask that the date of default be put back to 2011?

    I really want my credit to be performing as I would like to by my own home.

    I am 40 next month and this has been going on for 7 years now!


    Thanks in advance

  2. But this one still has another 2 years to run!

    This has been my point all along.

    NW defaulted me much later than the other creditors even though I defaulted all 3 at the same time.



    Now NW are saying the debt is unenforceable.

    ..Firstly what does this actually mean?

    I assume i still owe the money bit they can't chase me in court.

    Secondly does the default still stand?

  3. Ah one is an overdraft the other a credit card


    Both of which drop off my cf this year


    What I am wondering is, if NW are saying that the debt is unenforceable then how can they also say that I am a defaulter?! How can I default on an agreement if they are saying that the agreement is void?



  4. Yes sorry currently trying to upload it


    Here is the letter.


    A bit of background.

    Loan was taken out in 2004.


    Account went into arrears in January 2011 but default was not issued until 2013.


    I have sent letters protesting the late default but got nowhere.

    Out of the blue last January they sent me a letter saying they were reviewing charges to the account.


    Late last year they sent another letter saying they had set charges that were wrong and refunded me the charges (no compound interest or anything).


    Now this letter has arrived.

    I am really not sure what this letter is saying.


    I currently pay this debt on a debt management plan.

    All advice welcome


  5. Hi can anyone advise me on this letter from Nationwide. I have had numerous fights with them about the date of the default. Now they have sent this letter but I am not sure what it means nor where I stand

  6. Hi this has been a long running thread that I need a little more advice on.


    The situation is that Nationwide issued a default on my account in Feb 2013.


    Having looked at my CRF and raising a SAR I have figured out exactly what happened:


    January 2011 - I contacted NW to inform them I was seriously ill and had been made redundant on medical grounds.

    They agreed £5 monthly token payment for a 12 month period


    February 2011 - Started monthly payment of £5


    May 2011 - Applied for PPI redress on account


    September 2011 - PPI redress applied to the account including interest that Nationwide recorded as a cheque payment to the account

    - At this point they said that the account was once again performing,

    although I was still making the £5 minimum payment (?)


    February 2012 - PPI money runs out on the account and Nationwide say the account is once again defaulting.

    I continue to make the £5 minimum payment


    February 2013 - Nationwide issue a Default to my credit file


    December 2014 - Write to Nationwide saying that the Default date is unfair and not a true reflection of the account


    January 2014 - Nationwide write back.

    In the first paragraph they say that the default date is fair as I was making the full payments to the account for 6 months

    between September 2011 and February 2012.


    I asked Nationwide what the cheque payment on my account was for in September of 2011 as I had no means of paying the account.

    There answer in paragraph 2,


    we paid the cheque into your account for interest from PPI on your loan.

    I never made any more than £5 token payment since February 2011 but they default me 2 years later...


    .I am really struggling to see how this is fair or allowed.


    How can I be struggling to pay, they are told by the ombudsman to repay PPI

    but use it to prolong my punishment for not paying the debt.


    If I have to give up on this fight then fine, but I really feel that I have been treated unfairly.


    Any advice?



  7. I have put this letter together:


    Since making that above agreement with you, my circumstances have not changed. I can still only afford the agreed sum of £5 per month which I have faithfully been paying you for the past 12 months.

    In view of my circumstances, please would you agree to continue the payment plan of £5 per month for the next 12 months?

    Should my circumstances improve I will contact you again. In the meantime I will continue to make the £5 monthly payment.


    Thank you for your assistance, I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.




    Any thoughts?

  8. Hi I am in a DMP with IDEM and I have received a letter from them asking me to contact them as my arrangement to pay has expired. I really do not want to call them and go through an I&E as my circumstances have not changed with regards to my ability to pay. Does anyone have a sample letter that I can use to send to them to say that I wish my payments to remain the same?


    Thanks as always for your invaluable help

  9. Really? Devastated!


    I had defaulted on an overdraft and a credit card as well and both of them posted defaults in 2011...this means that I will be another 5 years before I am out of this mess.


    It seems so unfair,

    how am I ever to get back on my feet with this taking another 5 years?


    At this rate I will be in my 40's before I can even buy my own home :(


    Also I have read that they should really post the default 3 to 6 months after the account defaults and posting one later is unfair but legal

  10. Thank you for your response.


    The account defaulted in 2010 then a PPI claim meant that it was running ok until around July 2011,


    from that point the account was on a debt arrangement of £5 per month.

    They continued to send me the DFN but did not actually DF the account till 2013.


    Would I not have a case to ask that the DFN be set from when the account finally defaulted in July 2011?


    I was honest with them at that point.

    I explained my brain tumor and that returning to work would be unlikely for at least a year, so they knew that the account would not be paid at that point.

  11. I have got the SAR back and there are 4 default notices that have been sent to me.


    I have never received a sums in arrears notice before but just last week I finally got sent one...which I thought was odd.


    the first default for 2007 said I had to bring the account back up-to-date by a certain date,

    the statements after this show that the account was still in arrears but that I paid an extra £50 a month towards the arrears

    whilst still paying the monthly agreed amount.


    The other DFN are from 2010 till 2013 when the account completely defaulted.


    The default on my CF is 2013.


    Now I appreciate that I need to have the DFN however what I find unfair is that the clock has only started counting down since last year when the account has been in default since at the very latest March 2011.


    Can I do anything to get them to change the default date?


    Also if I was served a DFN in 2007 I can't see anywhere whether this notice,

    or any of them for that matter, were ever served on my CF....


    Because the DFN is supposed to fall off after 6 years I have no way of knowing if it was served.


    However I got car finance in 2009 so I am thinking that is wasn't.

  12. Ok sorry for the confusion hopefully I can clarify:


    Checked CRF and saw that Nationwide had posted a default for 2013 for an account that I couldn't pay from 2010 onward.


    I recalled that I had already got a default from them and


    when I looked about the forum I saw that they could not file to DFN against the same account.


    I found the paperwork for the notices however I was still not sure if the 2007 DFN had been served so I raised a SAR.


    The SAR is due back now (today is the 40th day).


    Up until 3 weeks ago Noddle was showing the account with the default date of 2013.


    Today the account has disappeared from my file.


    I raised a dispute with Noddle regarding the default dates and they are investigating.


    My question is,

    has Nationwide made a mistake, and the 2013 default should not be on my file and have removed it,

    or has Noddle just taken the account off my file while they investigate?


    Not to worry if nobody knows the answer,

    I am sure all will be revealed with the SAR.


    Thank you as always for your input and advice it is really welcomed and helpful

  13. Hi, thanks for responding.

    Yes I understand that the two are not the same thing However it was 2 defaults one in 2007 and one in 2013 for the same account.

    I raised the SAR to see if the 2007 Default notice was served and I am still awaiting the paperwork...

    .however on checking my credit file today the account has disappeared...

    so my questions are: have they realised their mistake or has the CRA removed the account as I have disputed it with them?

  14. Hi, an update on this.


    I raised a SAR and I am still waiting for it to come back (today is the 40 day point)


    however, I have looked at my credit report today via Noddle and this account has disappeared!


    Do you think they have realised their mistake?


    I have raised a dispute via Noddle which I know they are looking into.


    Do they take disputed accounts off your file until they can check or has this been removed altogether?


    I want to get excited that this has now been removed but I am concerned I am being premature..


    ..any advice as always would be most helpful.

  15. Hi,


    I am cleaning up my partners credit file and it is showing defaults for the same accounts twice. Once for the OC and then again for the DCA. I have read threads on the forum that say that the OC should remove their entry on with the CRA so I am looking to get this done. I am looking for a letter template and wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction. I had a look in the Library but could not see one.

    Many thanks as always

  16. Thanks sequenci that helps a little. I am sitting here in tears at the moment because I just don't know how to get out of all of this. My life is on hold and I am very anxious about it all. How can I ever begin to repair my credit when I am in no position to clear the debt? We need a house as we are currently in a two bed flat with two children who are differnt sex and have reached an age where it is not appropriate for them to share a room. Also the continuing debt hanging over me is just killing me. I hate it, I have 5k of debt which isn't much but I just can't move forward in my life at all.

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