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Posts posted by players4you

  1. You are correct, its not legal. SCOR guidelines are for defaults to be added 3-6 months in arrears. Under FCA guidance for "treating customers fairly" if you feel you havent been you can complain for:


    1. financial loss

    2. Material distress

    3. Material inconvenience


    FOS will look into any complaint under these guidelines once the company has given its final response.


    So far of the 4, 2 have agreed but it was before I knew the correct complaints procedure so I received a small amount only. Going for bigger now with the others.


  2. No, its paid off 


    I am now complaining to all companies that failed to register a default and left me in a worse position than had I paid the debt.


    I entered into a DMP. 

    they didnt register a default and it remained on my file for 14years thus causing me an issue.


    Welcome are the only ones who I have not managed to register a complaint against. 

  3. So an update for you all.


    Having spoken to around 10 brokers and 2 high streets they all say the debts need to be paid off. Of course, I know theres the question how will they know but lets leave that aside for one moment......


    I have negotiated very small F&F's with some but PRA are offering virtually nothing off ( 2500 o/s down to 2400) even though all 3 accounts are unenforceable and I am currently paying £1 per month and all are past the default + 6 years date.


    I am really struggling to understand the business logic in this

  4. why do you think this broker believes I wont get better than 4.8%? I would ask him but he wont pick up.


    Any thoughts on a decent broker that can help?


    As of last month I dont have a DMP. Before that I had been paying from my savings so its not on my bank account for 3/4 months and credit file is clear.


    Assume the problem is that the lender will ask if I have ever had any credit issues perhaps?


  5. Oh yes, as long as I dont have a DMP and the credit file is as it is now (which is virtually as good as can be) I will have no probs with the mortgage. I am very fortunate.


    I am actually thinking of getting the OC to add the default for those not already added. In the meantime I am going to stop the DMP. Arrange to pay the 4 that havent defaulted to preserve the credit file and then once a default is added stop paying them. Then I can await any action.


    One question that wasnt answered was - if a court claim is filed and we put them to proof and they can provide proof, can I pay them without getting a CCJ or is that it?

  6. Thanks for your thoughts. I guess I could go to the OC and get them to add the defaults but that might be a long process.


    I have only just started entertaining the idea of not paying as my main priority was getting a clear credit report as needed to move home urgently due to personal reasons. Now I am sorted on the credit file front its a case of seeing if I can stop paying this turkeys without going backwards.

  7. There were 4 debts that were being reported and were affecting my credit file. The other 6 are all defaulted and long since dropped off.


    I complained to these 4 stating that these debts should have been defaulted years ago and should therefore be off my file. They upheld my complaint but said they couldnt add a retrospective default date but that they would stop reporting to my credit file as it was unfair as they should have been defaulted years ago.


    I have continued to pay each of the creditors on the DMP for the duration at the same amount.

  8. It was the DCA's who I complained to. They were the ones reporting the debt. They have stopped now but theres no default date. They are more than 6 years old yes, but I don't think that on its own is a reason for it not to reported?


    If I had a legal reason why they couldnt start reporting the debts again I would gladly stop paying them - but at this point for these 4 I dont. The others that have defaulted + 6 years are no problem

  9. Trouble is I cant do that though - I absolutely have to be able to get a mortgage at the end of this year and if theres a DMP or "arrange to pay" on it then I cant.


    Understand the ones past the default + 6 years cant start reporting but I assume by your answers that the ones that dont have a default date can. This effectively means I will need to carry on paying those 4. I am thinking stop the DMP - make a personal arrangement with the 4 that arent defaulted. At least it will have more than halved the payment - unless there is a way of guaranteeing that they wont re-appear.

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