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Posts posted by evule1

  1. Hi


    I had my CPP compensation claim form at home for few weeks now. I read it several times.

    I know it gives 2 examples on why the policy could have been mis-sold to me.


    I had all together 5 credit cards and loans. I stopped using all of them by September 2005 due to financial difficulties. I am currently paying the debt off on 4 of them. One was written off when I got my PPI claim.


    Unfortunately due to the long period of time which passed between me taking out these loans and current date I do not recall anything that happened whilst I was taking them.


    Which of these two examples should I use? I do not remember which of my creditors mis-sold me the policy. I do not have the policies.


    I do not want to write something incorrectly and then loose the compensation for some silly mistake.


    People here are usually great help. Can someone give me some advice, please?


    Thanks very much.



  2. Thanks for your reply.

    We had a phone call from one of the managers and she explain to us that our claim has been assessed the wrong way since about mid May. Apparently somebody in JCP thought it better for everyone if they will start to average my wages, but they really did not average them at all. They just worked out some kind of mean number and if my wages were around that amount then we would apparently qualify for JSA. Not only that should have never happen on a first place but they will now be re assessing our claim as far as mid May. They will asses it on weekly basis compared to the £112.55 allowance. I worked it out myself and I now know that they owe us nearly £30.

    As far as the letters to my manager are concerned, they should not have been send on a first place. Apparently JCP will not send any more out. I heard that before. We will see.


    All this now seems to be solved however it created problem with our HB and Council tax. I was told if we are in receipt of JSA I do not need to provide any wage slips to local council. So I didn't. But now local council discovered that JCP calculated our JSA wrong and on some weeks they overpaid us. We were not suppose to get anything. So council now wants HB and C.tax for those weeks back!! Together it's about £200. That is crazy. I played by the books, done everything they asked me to do and still I am the bad guy who took money unlawfully!!! I just don't know any more. :sad:

  3. Hi, despite me doing all the JCP asks of me in way of proving my earnings (B7 and supplying payslips on regular basis) JCP keeps sending an Earnings Enquiry form to my Employer.


    My Manager is extremely busy and is refusing to fill this in which I can understand as it is very in depth and takes time.


    Another member of staff doing the same work as me in the shop is working approximately the same amount of hours as me but my Manager does not receive a form for her.


    This form is complicating my life as JCP is refusing to pay my partner's JSA without the form being filled in.


    Why do some people have to prove their earnings in this way and some don't?


    Is the JCP correct in doing this?


    Can anybody give any suggestions about how to resolve this problem?


    I should add that my Manager is always very angry when she receives these letters and makes me feel uncomfortable at work.

  4. Hi everyone,

    sorry it took me a while to get back in touch but I waited for some more news.

    So here it is.

    We found out that the manager in the JCP who put the case forward for sanctions, was acting as the "independent" decision maker, when it came to deciding if the sanctions should be implemented. But that is not all. He was also the "independent" person who makes decisions about the appeals!!!! So judge, jury and executioner all in one???!!! THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT :???:

    We never received a letter informing us of these sanctions.

    However we wrote to our MP and although we have not heard from him, yet we had a very interesting phone call from JCP.

    The sanctions have been lifted, aparently the very same day (yeah, right...). Our claim is clean. They lifted and wiped out everything and WE GOT AN APOLOGY. AGAIN!!!!! :jaw:

    Shall this be motivation for everyone, never give up and if you know you are in right, fight. :whoo:

  5. We will deffo do that! Btw just for the interest, there on the appeal form it is asking for the date of our decision letter. What a joke!!! Hard to write one when we didn't receive any. Or now thinking, maybe it is clever tactics on behalf of JCP. Yeah, right!!!:?:

  6. Hi everybody,

    so we still don't have the sanctions confirmed in any formal way. We went to JCP yesterday and questioned this and the advisor was not even aware that the sanction took place as this did not show on their system. Then eventually she found it but only for the period of 2 weeks and aparently the claim has already been reinstated and is up and running as usual. :shock: She gave us an appeal form which we were suppose to be given in the first place and also told us that she had never heard that not using UJM could result in sanctions.:| The site doesn't work correctly and it is sometimes very hard to get on it. She said it should be enough if you verbally inform the advisor about what kind of activities have you been doing.

    However we have to put the complaint form in because this is not right!!! We are going to appeal as well!!! And there will be letter to our local MP!!! I am not giving up and l am not going to let anybody mess with my life!!!!

  7. Thanks everyone who responded.


    We will have to contact our MP and put the complaint in. Problem is that we have no official dates, we do not even know when does this sanction begins. We only know that it is for 4 weeks and it has been given for not using the UJM properly as there was not all the info they required. Even though it was fine until now.


    Another thing thas is puzzling me is what is it that they are going to actually sanction? I mean how is this going to affect us when we are not in receipt of JSA due to my currently high income.


    Thanks antone we will ask for the form you suggested.


    Any other updates or ideas are most welcome.


    I will also keep you updated on the progress.

  8. Thanks for that,


    however it looks as the JCP staff have their own rules. We have been told the claim is sanctioned for 4 weeks (within aprox 3 hours from the initial meeting) by the same man who dealt with my partner on the first place. We have not got anything in writing or got any way to appeal. Apparently the decesion has been made and that is it.


    I am sorry if this looks as if I hate everybody who works for JCP. I am just really angry with certain people and also hopeless.

  9. Hello,


    I would like to ask for your help, again.


    My partner and I have a joined JSA claim. My partner is also on a Work Programme with A4e.

    I currently work more then 24 hours per week. My partner is still signing on every fortnight as my hours vary and the JCP keeps the claim open for that reason.

    Today my partner went to sign on as usual. When he got to the desk of the advisor and sat down she said to him that he hasn't done his jobsearch requirements. He can prove everything he did because his A4e advisor is aware of all he does. However JCP staff (first the advisor and then the manager) has decided that is not enough as he hasn't put it all on the Universal Jobmatch site. My partner told them to call the advisor in A4e but they refused. Instead they said he is not allowed to sign and our claim probably will be suspended. Later on today he received a phone call from the same manager he spoke to previously and he informed him that the claim has been sanctioned for 4 weeks.


    We do not receive any JSA due to my wages being too high. However we feel this is not right. My partner has done everything he has been asked to do, we had no warning and by JCP staff we can't appeal either.


    Is there anything we can do?


    JCP is refusing to get in touch with A4e and A4e says, they can't do anything unless JCP gets in touch with them. That is insane!!!


    We are now worried it will effect our Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.


    Please help!!!!

  10. Thank you for advice to everybody who wrote.


    We appealed, supplied the JCP and the Benefit Office with some more forms they required and put in another official complaint. We also wrote to our local MP.

    So far we only had reply from him saying that he is looking into it. We had no replies from the JCP or the Benefit Office.


    If anybody has any other valid comments or ideas, please write.


    You were all most helpful. Thanks again.



  11. We have photocopies of some forms but not all as we did not expect this to happen so we were just supplying JCP with what they asked for and not thought anything of it.

    About a month ago we were adviced to start taking copies. Just in case.

  12. I need some help with a JSA overpayment, please.

    I am working. My partner is unemployed at the moment and as I don't earn enough money we have a JSA claim together. The claim is in my partner's name.

    I changed an employer almost 3 months ago and we immediately informed the JCP. We always supply all the information in time and my partner is taking my payslips and the completed B7 form every time he signs on.

    We were informed that it may take some time for the Benefit Centre to process our claim as there is a backlog of one month.

    Two months later there was no answer so we called them. And not just once. We spent around £30 on phone calls to JCP Benefit Centre trying to tell them that if they don't sort it out soon they may overpay us.

    JCP sent letters to my current employer asking her to fill in various forms about how much my partner earned there. We corrected them saying it was actually me who is working and they should know that. So my employer filled in all they wanted. Several weeks later, hours in phone calls and endless visits to our local JCP office we thought everything will be fine just in time for Christmas.

    What a nice surprise when we received a letter on Saturday 27/12/12 dated 20/12/12 informing us of an overpayment of £290.60 for the period of 19/10/12 - 15/11/12 plus civil penalty amount of £50 totalling £340.60!!!

    Aparently we did not inform JCP about the changes in time. And I had two jobs in that period. Neither of which is correct.

    I calculated that there is an actual overpayment but only about £68. I am quite happy for JCP to take that back although it shouldn't occur in the first place. What I am not happy about is the maladministration.

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