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Posts posted by puma85

  1. Thanks. I've tried to negotiate a settlement a number of times, but have been told that they will only accept the full balance. This is despite sending me an offer of 60% discount last year. 

    I absolutely want to avoid a CCJ. This is the only black mark on my credit history and It will be removed on the 31st October this year. 

    Worse case; if I flat out loose the the case I should be able to pay the full amount within 30 days. I understand this stops the CCJ from being recorded?

  2. On 15/01/2020 at 09:23, puma85 said:

    Just received the following. I presume this is standard protocol for the court.


    general form of judgementor order.pdf 107 kB · 2 downloads


    On 15/01/2020 at 11:07, Andyorch said:

    But they have provided all the Order in your post # 40 ?


    On 15/01/2020 at 11:14, puma85 said:

    Yes thats correct.


    Everything the Judge asked for in the last letter has already been provided to me. 


    I'm still not sure what my angle is going to be when I get a court date.


    From the other threads I've read it seems that missing paperwork and old debts are how defendants win.


    Everything is in order from what I can tell. 


    Is this a request for the particulars?



    This is the request from the court scanned again, with cover letters from the claimant.

    additional info requested.pdf

  3. Particulars attached.

    I've only included the last page of the statements exhibit as its exactly the same as whats in the witness statement. 



    2 hours ago, Will Goodfellow said:

    In my opinion, the email is irrelevant. Once Lowell produced copies of the CCA, Default Notice and Notice of Assignment your defence was wiped out. You should have accepted mediation and pushed for a Tomlin Order as all you've done is increased the debt and unless you have a couple of thousand to pay the CCJ within 30 days...

    the advice early on in this process was that huge reductions offered were likely due to the debt being unenforceable. This was later reinforced by the CCA




    (The credit agreement is a pre executed copy of offer and does not name you or show any connection to your application and refers to a further application form.

    No names no address no account number no credit limit....simply refers to " you " which could be anybody.)


    But now it sounds like its pretty unlikely I'm going to win this. 

    Is there anything I can do between now and the court date to negotiate a Tomlin with Lowell, or should I just start saving?

  4. You're right.. although the previous couple of debts I've had we're written off by the lenders as I argued they hadn't done their due diligence and should never have allowed me to open an account (payday loans). 

    This is the first and only that has got this far. Its the only default on my history and 6 years is up on the 31st August (not that any of this is relevant to my defence).


    So getting back to the Particulars/Witness statement.

    Particulars do reference and include a copy of the email, but this isn't included in the Witness statement. 

    Either way, this is what i understand; 


    This evidence is also not included in the witness statement, so cannot be presented in court. 

  5. I understand the cooling off period for online purchases, but this is a little different due to the item being collected/paid in person. 


    A used item was recently sold by auction on eBay. The seller inspected, paid with cash and collected the item in person. 


    The buyer is now claiming the item to be faulty. 


    If this transaction was completely remote and the item posted, I would absolutely expect the buyer to be entitled to a refund. 


    But as the transaction happened in person would the point of the money changing hands be when the contract is made? Therefore not giving the buyer any cooling off period?


    I think this is the key information;

    Used item

    Paid in person

    Working when collected

    Private sale



  6. So the most likely scenario is I've somehow missed the letter and thrown it away, or it got lost in the post. Both seem pretty unlikely, but I can't think of any other explanation. 


    So where do I go from here? I presume if I do turn up at court Lowell will win by default as I haven't submitted a plea.     


    A notice of adjournment arrived this morning.  


    Order 2.

    is requesting both parties consent on a judge determining the outcome without a hearing.

    As they do not have my witness statement I presume I need to request an oral hearing instead?

    - I then have enough time to supply one. 



  7. No.. the 'letter' from 10th March is titled 'Notice of Trial Date'


    It requests additional information from the claimant, not the defendant?


    The only other 'letter' I had from the court before that was 'General Form of judgement order' on the 13th January. This also requests additional information from the Claimant. (this was my last post here). 


    Since the 13th Jan, I've only had the Notice of trial date from the court. 

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