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Posts posted by laineynic

  1. I am sorry I misspelled the title I am partially sighted I also have a cataract on my right eye. I was also typing it in the early hours. I would usually spellcheck. Any other postings etc will be spell checked. Thank you for the advice on the consultation.



    I am dealing with this for her as she works full time and I am at home all day, so it is easier for me. I am every bit committed to this as she is. It is my home that they will try to gain entry to.

    I am doing this SRS this afternoon I presume there is a standard letter on this site?

    She has a letter from Eon on the 31St December that came to this address. Also, an email in December with the final bill which has her previous address and the new address on it. We have emails in which the legal team state they had done nothing wrong by sending court papers to the previous address. They then say that their records had this address and not the new address. They then go onto say you should have informed us you had moved. Which she did in October, November & January. The letter from the executive’s Office also stated the address as being her old address and said that they had done no wrong issuing it to a previous address even though they were aware she had moved.


    Yes, we have told them that she has asked for it to be set aside and their response was that they had done nothing wrong and they won’t recall the debt from the HCEO.


    Things went wrong when her husband was made redundant when the young man who he cared for passed away. It was instant redundancy. He struggled to find job that paid the same after 12 weeks of trying to find something in his infinite wisdom he decided to train to be roofer which meant a deep in pay of £600 per month. 12 months later the young lady I care for passed away and I was made redundant. She was out of work for 12 weeks mostly because she had to wait for her DBS to come through. During that time, she also lost her baby and was devastated she took time out and was signed of by the Doctor. Her husband also has a daughter to someone else who decided to move away with his daughter. To see her they were having to drive 160 miles every 2 weeks to bring her home. The cost in fuel was something they had not thought about. All this escalated and they were getting deeper into debt. When the landlord decided he was selling this house we asked them to move in with us until they got back on their feet again. The debt is in my daughter’s name only.


    The debt is for £1176 it is for dual fuel up until they got into debt they had paid all their bills. The HCEO – High Court Enforcement Group Ltd based in Colwyn Bay,

  2. If I have posted this to the wrong placeI apologise.


    I am seeking advice for myself and my daughter. My daughter has moved back home with her husband. Over the last 18 months my daughter has been made redundant then my son in law was made redundant. When they bth found jobs there was a difference of £600 a month in what they used to bring home.


    They contacted all their debtors and made arrangements to clear their debts. However Eon for some reason didn't want to agree to a payment plan. In October 2017 they moved home telling everone of there new address. Eon sent there final bill to our home address in December. She made payments in January & February. Then on 23rd February a ccj came through the post. She immediately contacted Eon customer services. Who were no help and told her to speak to the legal team.


    She contacted them by email and the response she got was agressive. They admitted they'd sent the court papers with her previous address as the contact address. So anyhting rgarding the court was going to her previous address. But the house was empty as it has just been sold. When she said to them how could she respond if the cort papers weren't received they said by law they were right and by law they had done nothng wrong sending it to an incrrect address.


    On the 9th March a letter arrives from High Court Enforcer on behalf of Eon. She now lives in our family home and no matter what we have said they are going to visit.I undertsand it makes no difference to them if its our house and things in it are our.


    After some advice we have applied to the judgement set aside. I contacted Tim Farron MP and he emailed the executive office. They basically said tough they had done nothing wrong and they weren't prepared to discuss it anymore and she has to deal with HCE.


    I don't know what to do we have 30 years of our lives together in our home and the thought of HCE just being able to take things from us. Eon have been the only company not to show compassion and understanding at everything they have been through.

  3. We have responded to the court online and have been given 28 days to prepare my defence.



    We have had almost got the 20 people's complaints

    my daughter & her husband have to finish there's of.

    We have photo's of the cake before it was cut and afterwards plus the destroyed cake decorations.


    When it comes to the claim

    we have so far come up with the value of the cake £280,



    The bucks fizz should have been charged at £2.00 per glass

    but they did not serve bucks fizz

    they served prosecco at £20 per bottle we were overcharged by £140,



    The buffet wastage at £397,

    10 children's meals that were served cold, burnt and inedible £99.50.



    Adult meals that were served cold,, tough turkey, sloppy pate 22 x £18.99, £417.78.



    As for the hurt, upset etc I don't know how to put a figure on it?



    We are still very upset over the day and frustrated that the owner won't admit mistakes were made.


    We have had feedback back from the parents of the kids that were ordered back inside and to stay off the course.



    They have messaged me on Facebook so we need them to actually write it for us.



    With the wedding taking over the house we had packed away our main computer.

    What we hadn't realised was the printer has a scanner & fax.

    So we have set that up now.

  4. I am so sorry.

    I did think I had mentioned the cheque.

    I did not know that my husband had written and paid by cheque until a couple of days later when he told me he had settled.



    We had a argument on the Sunday after he got so drunk at the wedding and had ignored me all day.



    Sounds ridiculous I know.

    We barely spoke for 2 days

    we had a house full of family and i5 was stupid I know now.



    I am gutted due to this mistake

    the venue will get away with it,



    Since the wedding they have now sacked the Function Manager.

    The owner obviously knows he has a water tight case against us.

    I never thought that it would end like this.



    I am going to continue

    I do feel it may be a waste of time and money.



    However taking him to court even if I win or not will inconvenience him and not look good for him.

    Our town is very small and word spreads quickly.


    Thanks for all your help and I do apologies for not knowing the difference between a jpeg & a PDF.

    Its so long since I worked in a office you forget these things,


    Cheers. for your help.

    the next time I get paid I will give a donation for the help I have had.

  5. Today I received the court forms served on us by the Venue we used.

    The papers say how we have failed to pay the final amount due for our daughters wedding.



    It goes onto say we (as in the CG) were then informed by email that no futher payment would be paid as they had a numbrr of issues with the wedding.



    I as in the owner investigated these claims with my staff and found them to be groundless.

    I consider this to be callous retrospective attempt to attempt to avoid paying for a wedding delivered in good faith, and so would to claim our money,



    I a full email trail and my solicitor has also tried to request a payment t but to no avail. I have 28 days to respond.


    I have already gathered 20 letters of complaints including emails. I also hav an eye witness statements regrading the children being shouted at and being told to get back insode.


    I just have to get on with writing everything up on the form. Is it right I can have the case heard locally rather than in Northampton. Just need sme pointers to what I can put on the form. At this point could I counterclaim?



  6. Thank you that is very helpful.



    I have already got statements from two of our guests ho were refused wine.



    I am going through all the admin and contract that was signrf before the new FM took over.


    I never thought about the upset this caused us and our daughter.


    The Venue is the Carus Green in Kendal owned by Graham Curtin.



    When I hear from his solicitor I shall be in tough.

  7. Our daughter got married and had her reception at our local golf club.

    The venue seemed perfect until the actual day.


    The photographs at the venue where restricted due to the golf.

    What and where we could have photos taken was not allowed on the day.


    We had 26 children on a very hot day banned from leaving the venue as they may upset the golfers. None of this was told us at any meetings.


    When the food was served they served the back tables and the top table the last.

    The pate was a sloppy mess

    The food was cold - the roast beef was dry and the turkey was chewy.


    The functions manager screeched in my face over the table plan not being right.

    - turned out that a table of 12 guests had not liked the table they had been given so swapped tables. Which I had not been told.


    She was not in control at many points during the service.

    We had 106 sit down guests and only 3 people working and serving the food.


    We have been charged for 20 bottles of red/white wine

    but 4 tables never got any wine?

    they can't account for where these went.


    On the top table where I was sat we had 1 bottle of red

    - 2 bottles of rose which was for the bride and groom as I only drink white.


    The food would have been perfect if it was hot but over 10 of our guests have complained.


    The Toast - myself and the grooms father were given 1 glass of prosecco between the 2 of us.

    When I asked for a glass the functions manager snapped at me for the second time.


    The meal took so long to be served my brother who is a diabetic had a hypo and was taken ill in the toilet.

    It ended up he had to go home as he was to ill to continue.


    During the service the Function Manager approached me again to say that there were 3 people with no meals and why??



    I had emailed her the 3 meals the night before as I was unable to get her by phone as she was in a meeting.

    She had not read her emails.

    She was again rude to me.


    When serving the prosecco to one of the tables they had been buying their own prosecco.

    She refused them 10 glasses as she said they already had it.

    Even though it was their own bottle.


    The FM

    - approached me after the cake was cut to say she was so sorry but she had inadvertently cut the top tier.



    She has since lied to her boss and said that there was no arrangement in place for the top tier not to be cut.



    But the meeting the night before we went through it with her.

    She cut up 3 tiers of cake and denied that we asked her not to.



    When we collected the cake in the morning it was wrapped in foil all stuck together and cannot be given to guests at all. Its just a mushed up mess.


    At the evening recption the FM had a run in with my cousin over the fact he has brought his own alcohol into the building.



    I asked her to leave him to me and I would get him to leave.

    But she wouldn't leave it for me to sort the situation and ended up in confrontation with him.



    He has a volatile temper and if not handled properly he can become aggressive.

    I managed to calm the situation, in which he handed over the alcohol and left the reception.



    She has however told her boss that I condoned the situation and did little to help.

    This is a downright lie and what I managed to do was get a person to leave the reception without any trouble.


    Our evening buffet

    - I asked for a buffet for only 60 people knowing my family and having had over 20 years experience in functions.



    The FM was against a buffet for only 60 people.

    She did not give me a choice.



    The buffet was served at 8.30 only 2 hours after the main meals had finihed.

    People were just not hungry.



    By 9pm she was clearing the food.

    Some of the guests asked to take some of the buffet home and we said yes.

    When they tried to take the food the FM told them to leave it as it was being taken away.



    There was at least 30-40% of food being taken away.

    Trays of sausage rolls, quiches, pork pies, salad etc.


    I tried on several occasions to calm the FM down and she just snapped at me.

    She was just not in control.


    The upshot of all this is we are so unhappy with the service. The food etc.

    We have asked that we are compensated for the top tier to be replaced as they cut it.

    They have said no.



    We asked for a refund of the food that we lsot due to wastage

    - after telling her we only wanted a buffet for 60 people and not 100. They have said no.


    They undercharged us by 10 bottles of Merlot

    - but which tables got it as many of our guests said they had no wine.



    They also claim that they undercharged us by 11 glasses of prosecco.

    In 7 days the bill has risen by £159.49.


    Having already paid £3060 we still owe for the evening buffet of £732 and the £159.49.

    We have explained our unhappiness with the venue and the functions manager but the owner doesn't want to know.

    He has refferred the matter his solicitor to pursue it in the small claims court.


    We are prepared to go to court but doesn anyone have any avice for us?

  8. See the Law above, they can't make any deduction from his wages unless he had agreed to it.

    You said he had no contract so he didn't agree to any deductions hence none can be made.

    Write to them quoting this law and ask them to refund the wages asap.

    But it would have been great if he had reported what he had seen;

    1) He would have still had his job

    2) Most importantly, things would have been better for the residents of the care home.

    We all have responsibilities to look after the most vulnerable in the society and your son in law by walking out of the job let them (and the society) down.


    I'm deeply disappointed in him


    Thts an wful thing to sy about him. He went to he Manager and to Head Office and they had no intention o doing anything about it. There were individuals in the home that ran it rather than the management as a man of principle he was up against from day 1. There is after all only so much 1 person can do.

  9. I am asking this on behalf of my son in law. After 8 years working as a senior personal assistant for a young man who had several medical problems he was made redundant due to him passing away. He was unemployed for a few weeks when a position came up for a senior at a local care home. When he was interviewed he was old they had failed the CQC and wanted his help to turn the home around.


    From day one the other staff where resentful towards him. One womn especially took a total dislike to him and made his life hell. Whatever he said or did they would just treat him by reporting everything back to the manager. There he saw mistreatment of residence and of other members of staff. Then the rota started to change from being a week of different shifts to maybe 2 days of nights and nothing else. for 2 weeks in a row he was given no shifts which when you have a home and a family to support you can't work no hours. He was in his 12 week trial when he was witness to a residence being deprived of a drink of water and hard the carer call this woman "a whinging *unt" he went home the in the morning and said he could not go back. He hadn't signed a contact and he was still in the trial period.


    Yesterday he got his P45 and his final pay slip. The payslip was for £449 for hours done before he left and then there was a deduction which is for covering shift due to leaving of £449. This left him with £0. Since he left the 4 members of staff who started at the same time has him have already left. He wasn't on a zero hours contact he was on a 36 hour contact as they do 12 hours per day.


    Is there anything he can do regarding his wages that they are holding. He was still in the trial period, he hadn't signed a contact and had no support from the Manager of the home or the owners when he approached them to tell them of what was going on. Why take him on if they don't want to hear the truth.

  10. I thank everyone for the advice they have given me I really do appreciate it. In my defense of the lack of if information and confusion I have caused is down to the amount of stress I am under and trying to put thingsas clear as I can is not alwats easy. If I have given to much then againI am sorry. I thought I'd given as much as I could.

    I want to make this very clear my daughter has ignored nothing. We are a family that stick together and the reason I contacted CAG was I wanted to see what we could do. She was just going to pay the judgment and leave it. It was me that told her to not just accept the ccj as it will affect her credit history. Not sure what the AOS is but we received papers from Gladstones to go to the courts at Northampton. We completed these given her new address, a copy of the tenancy proving the date she moved. The photograph from the car park that only proves the car but not the driver.


    All correspondence is coming to my home address despiring us sending the new details to PWE, Gladstones and The Courts. We have used the new address on everything so the comment " It is very difficult to offer advice via an intermediary as you cannot really answer points without referring back and in the last couple of days it is clear that her input has been minimal (maybe because of the lack of understanding about the procedures or distance from you) but she should have read the original N1 claim formlink3.gif and acted upon it. At no point did you or her come back and ask about this so you cannot complain too much about my comments about whether she has given the matter the gravity it deserved just because you didnt like the judgement dropping on your doormat when she should have given the correct address to the courts service upon submitting her AOS or other paperwork" She has given her address throughout the whole of this right from September. Which includes all documentation. In September when the first letter arrived at my house was the first time she has heard of them. The invoice was issued in October 2014 almost a year later she receives a letter saying they are going to take her to court. I catagoricaaly state that all of her mail that has arrived here has been given to her and nothing has ever come from PWE.


    Sum up - awaiting to see the letter from dvla as it wentto her new address then I can answer the questions on why the address was wrong. Letters from Gladstones arrived in November with court papers. All letters and papers that arrived where in my daughters name to our home address. She completed them and we sent letters to Gladstones with a copy of her tenancy agreement all with her new address. Court papers were sent with her new address on them and a copy of the tenancy. All to no avail as they have changed nothing and still have this address,


    The judgement made against her received today is for our address not her new address. She has at every step told them the new address.


    We have tried numerous times to find out who the landowner is and it has changed hand many tmes so we are struggling with this also. Today I spoke to our MP and he is going to find this out for me. I say me because I am on here to represent her and because I have the time to find things out for her. She in no way is letting me do all of this whilst she does nothing.

  11. I'm done with CAG I do not need or deserve your comments. I was on here for help for my daughter not a barhe of critiscm. I went missin for 2 months because I have't been very well and preparing myself for a tribunal. sorry if that isn't satisfactory for you but thats how it is.Also my daughter has been dealing with personal probm

    lems concerning a baby that she lost, then her partner ,lost hisjob of 8 years.


    Having been a member of this site for over 9 years and contributed financially when I could. I am now withdrawing from this site. Thanks for thelp but your comments are very hard to take expecially when you are judging on someone you don't know. I have always been a support of sticky and the others But you the one thing I can do is log iout and put you behind me unfortunately for others who log on here god help em ifyou treate them like this!!!!!!!

  12. The county court judgement arrived this morning.

    "It maybe that she has ignored the whole thing and then complained it is not fair afterwards......



    . I take great offene to this comment.



    The reasons being that all post that has arribed at my home address has been dealt with.



    The first letter that told us of the parking ticket was the 19th September.



    My daughter does not ignore things and neither do I.



    If this is what a platinum holder has to say then I shall be seeking advise elsewhere as that is an awful unhelpful comment.!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. "You really ought to give us the whole story of what has happened since getting the claim so advice is more focussed"


    Sorry for not giving the full information but at the moment I am having to deal with so much many things at once which include flooding,

    my being diagnosed with arthritis and now this.



    I was also at my tribunal last Monday being mentally battered by the panel asking me about planning journeys.

    My head hasn't yet recovered from the feeling of humiliation.



    I won so just waiting to hear from DWP.

    sorry I know this isn't relevant but I hope it gives you an idea where I am at the moment.


    All correspondence has come to my address not hers.

    Even though she has notified them endless times she does not live here anymore.



    The letter that came today saying they had secured a ccj against her for £206.15.

    The paperwork came about 3 weeks ago, w

    e filled them in together including the tenancy agreement photos of the car.



    We did not know that it wasn't a proper hearing and have been expecting going to court.


    The letter says that by now you will have received the judgement and request payment now.

    But we have not had anything or it has gone to her house.



    She told Gladstones that she had moved and that correspondence should have been sent to her new address

    hence the reason she had not received anything about the parking ticket.



    They have not responded only letter which was today to say a ccj will be applied.


    The next step is to demand sight of the contract that assigns the right from the landowner to PWE to take civil action to recover monies in their own name.

    We have been trying to find out who the landowner is. Gave up as the 3 places we tried said they don't own it.

    I have contacted our MP to see if he knows who it is.


    Guess its a case of getting it set aside will need to get the paperwork etc.

  14. Sorry Due to me being taken ill and having to face a pip tribunal I have been unable to get on here.


    Up to date - My daughter moved from our home in May 2014 to her own house.

    Her details were not changed by the dvla until November.

    the DVLA say due to an admin error they failed to change it.



    Today 7/12/2015 my daughter received a ccj from Gladstone solicitors again to my address and not hers.

    She now has to pay £206 to remove the ccj asap.


    She provided the courts with the tenancy agreement showing when she moved, a copy of the form from dvlas she sentto them in June.



    There was a photograph of - someone entering the car park but you can't see the person.

    As we have all driven the car and walked the dogs there numerous times we don't know who it is parking there.



    Despite saying all of this to Gladstones they proceeded and secured a ccj.


    So I guesses she has no alternative but to pay this, but she can't pay in full.

    This will lead to a ccj which will make it very difficult in getting a mortgage.

    All because she did not get a letter until it was to late to defend.

  15. Sorry for not getting back until now we've just had a bereavement in the family.



    The ticket was issued 9/10/2014.



    This was apparently sent to my parents address and they say that all post received at theirs was given to me.



    I have not had any such letters.



    Apparently the DVLA gave the old address even though I moved house in May 2014 and notified them they still sent it to my old address.

  16. My son in law works for a company that cares for 2 young adults who both need ventilation care. On Saturday his client died this has led to him now being without a job. He has been told that they are not sure of what options he has. It could be redundancy so would get paid or a transfer of job but they have no other clients in this area so he would have to move. Or they say he may get neither. Does anyone have any advice they can offer?

  17. Out of the blue yesterday my daughter received a letter and court papers from Park with Ease


    . Apparently she had parked at a car park - White Moss in the lake district on the 9th October 2014.

    This was the first time that she had received anything from them.


    My daughter moved in June 2014 and had informed the DVLA etc that she had moved.


    We have never had any letters from them otherwise this would have been dealt with before now.


    When we she showed us this letter today I immediately got in touch with them to stop the action whilst we sorted it out. But their response has been really quite rude.


    We have explained that our daughter does no longer live at this address there response is

    "The address that has been used is the same as that on the court papers. We therefore have served these letters on you at the address provided by the DVLA. It is your responsibility to update your details with them when changing address. We have no control over this. " We have no control of the DVLA have not amended the address as she asked them to.


    They also say "We would suggest that you comply with the direction within the document that you have received as action will not be halted due to your contact with us. "


    ""As stated in our previous email, the court claim has now started and you therefore should follow the driections of that document.


    We cannot issue advise on this matter and would suggest you obtain independent legal advice "" Is this correct?


    I can see by previous CAG postings that to contact POPLA the landowner and my MP. I have emailed my MP and also The National Parks.


    Do we just pay it as she did park there for 1hr 10 minutes?

    But she genuinely did not receive any letters advising of the parking ticket.

    Has it just gone to far?

    As it stands today she owes £184.64 with court costs and legal costs.

    Thank you.

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