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Posts posted by scumfrog

  1. Result!

    I have just received a letter that says: 


    We can confirm that we are in receipt of your letter dated ...............

    We can also confirm that after reviewing your case we have made the decision to cancel this charge.

    If you still require a SAR, please email in to legal@sipcarparks.co.uk



    I'd like to post it here, but it's blocked.sip parking.pdf

  2. Yes it's a car park for an out of the way beach*. Nothing else for miles except fields.

    Not even a car park really, just a plot of slightly gravelly land with nothing to indicate that someone owns it or that they make any kind of effort to maintain it, because they don't. also plenty of other beaches in the area with no parking charges. Except one, but it's obvious that it's properly laid out with tarmac and signs and facilities, and an automatic gate. But not this one.

    *as in a thing next to the sea with sand on it.

  3. snotty letter - this kind of thing? 

    Dear ********* Limited,

    Limited in intelligence, I suspect.

    Re: Internal claim reference xxxxxxx

    Thanks for your Letter before Claim dated xx/xx/2023   I note that you mention in it that the driver of the vehicle has accrued the parking charges. Do you know who that was?  As unfortunately, it wasn’t me, and it’s so long ago I’ve forgotten who it was. Regardless, I know this ludicrous parking charge isn't payable anyway.

    I also know that the government Code of Practice includes that companies taking over parking management of a piece of land should put up special signs for a period informing of the change so that habitual users don't get caught out. Can you prove that you did that? Because I didn’t see any and neither did anyone else I know that frequent that beach and they’re willing to say so.

    So, see you in court. I’ll welcome the opportunity to make an unreasonable costs order under CPR 27.14(2)(g) as you have waited 16 months to send me this bullshit letter and plan to charge interest for the period that you’ve been parked on your fat arses doing nothing. Did you get a ticket for that?

    Kind regards,



  4. OK I've been lax. Ignoring these people has invariably worked in the past.

    But I'm getting on with it now.

    I don't have a copy of the current council tax bill to hand. I could try to dig it out, but I think it went off to the accountant.  I do have a copy of an adjustment letter dated 21.07.2022 - will that do?  I assume this is for confirming my ID so will anything else do - copy of driving license?


  5. I have been meaning to post that I never got round to doing any of the above, and didn't hear from SIP again. 

    However today, one full year later, I have received a Letter Before Claim!

    So, the date of the parking charge is April 2022 and I have now received a Letter before Claim dated 16 months later. It's taken them a while.

    I have 30 days to reply, apparently. Again.

    Does the 'letter before claim' title have any particular legal meaning? I see there's some stuff about a letter of claim on here which i don't have time to read or try to understand at the moment.

    There's the threat of further costs and an 8% interest charge as well.




  6. I was not the driver at the time of the 'infringement' but I am the registered keeper. This is a large, open, fairly remote, piece of land that has been free for the 35 years I have used it, until perhaps April this year.


    1 Date of the infringement  Parking Charge Issued 23/04/2022


    2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] I don't know. I have been ignoring the letters and binning them. It's worked fine on a couple of occasions in the past.

    [scan up BOTH SIDES as ONE PDF- follow the upload guide]

    please do not put JPG Picture files into your post


    3 Date received Don't know, as above. I only have the Legal Action Letter sent on 20.07.22

    4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [Y/N?] Don't know

    5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? There were a couple of in and out photos IIRC

    6 Have you appealed? [Y/N?] post up your appeal] I have not replied.


    Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up no

    7 Who is the parking company? SIP Parking Limited, Peter House, Oxford St.,  Manchester.


    8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Lligwy Beach, Anglesey

    For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.

    The Independent Appeals Service www.theIAS.org

    SIP legal action letter 20.07.22.pdf

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