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Posts posted by CJT52

  1. Hi All


    Thanks for the help. Crap Quest wrote back a day after I had sent the 2nd letter recorded delivery to tell me that they were handing my Capital 1 account back to them...I am still payingCapital 1 monthly but want my charges back and an agreed payment plan. What next?

  2. Hi All


    After sending my second letter back to CapQuest as you suggested I recieved a letter today from them saying:


    "Please be advised that the above account is in the process of being returned to Capital One..." plus they also enclosed the £1 postal order...a victory I think. They obviously did not have any legal basis for my debt. So I want to thank this website and forum as at one point I was very low with thier phone calls and nasty letters. Sso at least I can now deal with Captial One, as I think 1) I can stop the interest to my debt and 2) get my charges back? I have been paying Capital One £50 per month for the last three months. Any more suggestions for me?


    Once again, many thanks for your help so far as I feel happy to see off this DCA.



  3. Hi

    Thanks for the support and I sent off the letter but today I got a further letter from Cap Quest. In essence they are saying the payments I am making to Capital One are being fowarded on to them (I am paying capital one per month...as my debt advisor said it will stop any court action). Cap Quest then argue that a notice of assignment is not applicable. They want me to pay them directly and have put the account hold for 14 days. They also provided a print off of my payments against a total that goes up with my payments? What is the next step? Still await the the non response of my first request? Then send the dispute letter? What do I do as I do not want to deal with these people. Thanks.



  4. I have a debt with CapitalOne and have been sent numerous letters including the offer of a discount and the the doorstop visit. So I sent CapitalOne the letter re data protection Act and Crap Quest the CCA letter with the £1.00 fee recorded delivery. Six days later they sent the orginal letter and fee back with a letter saying that I needed to sign the orginal CCA letter so that they can foward it on to them to deal with my request. I smell a rat? Any advice as CapitaOne hvae not yet replied.


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