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frank fist

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Posts posted by frank fist

  1. Hi, my question is this, if you have your income at next to nothing at the moment but at a whim you can prove an income of £20k why are you living on an income of nothing? I understand your saying that this is to reduce morgage debt, but surly then you do have an income and not nothing. I don't want to point fingers or make accusations but are you claiming benefits and is this why your income is nothing? If this is correct and from reading what you put I feel confident this is the case why are you abusing the system?


    Do you see my problem? The border agency and tax man are going to ask the same questions. You claim to have no to little income and yet can also claim to have an income of £20k.

  2. I am posting this on behalf of someone else:


    A person I know used to be employed as a support worker by AgeUK but about 10 months ago left. During this time, she never earnt enough to pay tax (I think £400 pcm is the highest she ever recieved). She would have been on the PAYE system then.


    Since she left, she has been working privately doing a similar job for her own clients (3 or 4 of them) and earning about £250 pcm. These clients tend to pay these funds by standing order into her personal bank account or by cheque. She keeps a record of all transactions relating to this work. This is her only income.


    Question is: Should she be filling out tax returns on an annual basis and notifying HMRC of her earnings or does she not need to due to being well below the threshold?





    Yes she should, even if she makes less than the tax bracket she still needs to submit to the tax man and needs to apply for a utr which she should have done within the first three months.

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