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Posts posted by Stubbs

  1. Well... latest update:

    I've received a response from Northampton County Court saying that the Cooperative Bank have paid the disputed amount by Cheque. Unfortunately I've not yet received the aforementioned cheque, so each morning I eagerly await the postman, like a child on his birthday!

    Anyway, as soon as I received the reimbursement I shall inform Northampton Court that payment has been received and that I shall not be continuing with my claim.

    Stay tuned!

  2. Well... I've now received a statement from the courts telling me that The Cooperative Bank are defending the claim and so on.

    Not the best news I've had recently - why can't they be as forthcoming as MBNA? They settled in full without any problems.

    Oh well, guess I'm going to have to wait another 4 weeks before they cough up... I wouldn't mind, but it's only for £340 plus costs!

  3. Hi Blueskies,


    Just posted an update to my claim against MBNA. Now that i've won, I would be grateful if you could change the title and add it to the successes sub-forum.

    Ta muchly!

  4. Well folks, the mighty MBNA have toppled... after registering the claim with MCOL, I received a letter from MBNA legal department last week telling me they do not accept the claim made, but in order to promote good business with a loyal customer, they are willing to refund the remaining monies owed to me...

    Hurrah! Another win for Stubbs!!!

    Power to the people and all that. Citizen Smith would be proud!:D

  5. Hi Jubaxt,

    I know what you mean... Yes they have 4 weeks to investigate (2 weeks from Initial Letter and 2 weeks from LBA) but last week was the end of those 4 weeks, and they needed a further 4 weeks!?!?! Tough luck, now I've filed the claim with MCOL, they've now got to pay the additional £100 in interest, and the £50 for the court fees... shame that :)

    Good luck with your action.

  6. Well, Claim filed with MCOL on Friday last week. I'm just going to sit back and wait for the court to contact me. Hopefully MBNA won't be too far behind with a big fat cheque.

  7. Claim filed on Friday - Saturday morning I received another letter from the Coop. Basically they've told me they need another 4 weeks to investigate my claim. Oh well, they'll have to explain that to the court when they receive the papers in the post (hopefully some time this week).


    Stubbs .oO(I wonder if anyone's actually reading this :confused: )

  8. Hi Crystal,


    There are two options you can do at this point. One, accept the payment as part settlement and inform the bank that you will be lodging a claim with MCOL for the outstanding amount. Or Two, send a letter to the bank rejecting their payment and authorising them to remove it from your account, and that you will be taking them to court for the full outstanding amount.

    As they paid the money so late after the 28 days requested in the two letters you sent, I would personally opt for the second choice. Infact, this is what I'm currently doing with MBNA credit card (they offered me a £460 settlement of an £880 claim).

    Here are some sample letters you can use to send to Lloyds:




  9. Hi Wednesday,


    Contractual interest and the 8% statutory interest are two different things. You are right in saying the 8% cannot be added until the MCOL claim. However, the contractual interest can be added from the start of the claim to the bank.

    My problem is that I'm now at the stage where I'm about to lodge a claim with MCOL and I think I'm too late to add the contractual interest to my claim - I think I'll have to settle with the 8%. Still... one mustn't be greedy now!;)


  10. Unfortunately I'm just about to register my claim with MCOL - does anyone know if it's too late to update my claim with contractual interest or have I missed the boat?:confused:



  11. Well, it's now the 5th and still no lovely nice cheque from the Co-operative Bank... what a surprise. Therefore, I get to file another claim with MCOL for the full £260 plus interest... a whopping £340! However, seeing as I'm eying up a new home cinema system, this'll do nicely thank you very much - minus the 5% donation to this site of course :).


    Stay tuned for the next chapter in Stubbs Vs The Cooperative Bank

  12. Well, good evening everyone...

    MBNA have finally sent me an offer of FULL AND FINAL settlement - unfortunately it was over £400 short of the requested amount. :mad:

    Therefore I shall be lodging my claim with MCOL at my earliest opportunity - before the end of this week. Seeing as though most of the deductions occurred in 2004, this adds a further £200 in the 8% interest. Personally I thought it a flippin cheek that they offered me a partial settlement seeing as though I could have added contractual interest - if I could have gotten my head around the calculations!

    Anyway, stay tuned for more developments.


  13. Hi Guys,


    I personally used their address on Colmore row, Birmingham when I filed my claim:

    Customer Care


    125 Colmore Row,


    B3 3SF

    It obviously wasn't wrong as they paid up over £4000!:D

    Hope this helps.:cool:

  14. Hi Helen,

    Just a quick post to remind you that you can claim the MCOL fee back from the bank. Also, when you lodge your claim with MCOL you can claim the statutory interest of 8%... which should help your situation a little more.

    Just remember - of course it's worth it! You wouldn't throw away nearly £1000 of your money if you had it in your hand would you?



  15. I did consider it to start with, then when I tried to work it out I got into a bit of a mess so I decided that it was too much hard work - I'm an engineer not an accountant!

    I thought I'd stand a better chance of being successful if I just stuck to the simple case, and not risk doing it wrong and screwing up my claim.

    I didn't have this money to start with, so any payment is a bonus!


    Thanks for your post though.


  16. Well, MBNA have replied before the 14 day time limit. However I was most shocked to read that they are looking into my complaint and they guarantee to answer me by the 30th May - this would be well within the final 14 days stated in the LBA.

    However, I will still be sending the LBA this weekend, along with my thanks for receiving their attention and that I look forward to receiving a full refund before the end of the month! Failing that I will be filing a claim with the courts and adding the statutory 8% interest.

    I would hate to begin to think that MBNA will settle up before I get that far! Claiming back from Lloyds was a bloody nightmare... but at least they paid up in the end!



  17. Well, I have received a reply from the Cooperative Bank Customer Services telling me they are disappointed that their service has not met my expectations blah blah blah... that they will look into it at their earliest convenience, and will get back to me in 4 weeks time.

    Of course they will, and in the mean time, I'll be sending them a copy of my LBA with the 14 days notice when I get home this evening!

    However, it is nice to see they didn't wait for the full 14 days to expire before replying to my prelim letter unlike Lloyds!



  18. Well, managed to find a contact name - hopefully she's still working at the customer services / complaints department. Prelim letter posted off today so I'll just sit back and wait til the 21st May before sending off the LBA - not really anticipating I get a nice letter back saying "of course we were in the wrong, Please find a nice big fat cheque enclosed and we're sorry for your inconvenience".

    Is it a bit presumptious to have already printed off the LBA? Maybe not!:|


    Stay tuned for more developments.

    • Haha 1
  19. Hi Ruby,

    Don't worry about Lloyds closing down your other accounts. I also successfully claimed back just over £4000, and at the time I also had another account at £3000 overdrawn and they didn't close either account down. In addition to this, my brother has also successfully claimed £2000 back, and he has three accounts with them - all of which overdrawm.

    I would strongly recommend you to press on with your claim - remember, it's your money, and you want it back!

    I will say that Lloyds are renouned for dragging their heels. My claim went past the AQ stage before they paid out. Mine was one of the quicker payouts... my brother's claim, Lloyds waited unti 2 weeks before the court date.

    Press on,don't be disheartened, and don't bow down to their intimidation techniques. Always remember it's your money and they are legally obliged to give it back to you - as long as you aren't claiming back any more money than you're due.

    Best of luck!

    Stubbs :cool:

  20. Hi Everyone.

    Having successfully claimed my hard earned pennies back from LloydsTSB, I decided to review my old credit card statements, and would you believe it, they've done the same thing! :o

    Still, I've just started a claim against MBNA for £800 charges (different thread), but I also remembered I had a credit card with Northern Rock. Towards the end of the life of this card, it was taken over by The Co-Operative Bank.


    Am I right in thinking that the Prelim letter should be sent to the Co-Op bank, and not Northern Rock, as it is the Co-Op who run the card?

    This claim isn't for much - £260, but it's £260 that I could do with thank you very much!


    Does anyone have a contact name for the Co-Op bank address in Balloon Street, Manchester? or should I just send it to the customer complaints department?


    Thanks for your help.

    Stubbs :cool:

  21. Hi Everyone,


    Having recently claimed my hard earned cash back from LloydsTSB :D, I decided to have a look through my old credit card statements. Needless to say, MBNA have taken £880 in the form of late payment charges and overlimit fees :o :mad: .


    Therefore I am about to embark upon my new quest to get this refunded - wish me luck! The prelim letter will be going in the post this afternoon.


    Can someone confirm the address to send this to? Their Chester offices or is there another address? Thanks in advance.



  22. Hi,

    Will do Barty, Thanks, just been reading some threads from other disgruntled Lloyds TSB customers and feel assured or worried :lol:

    Anyhow, the leetters and schedules are on the side, have done 2, 1 for each account, each with the calculated 8% so I guess I just wait now, I assume it's 14 days from the date they receive it?

    Is there anyway of knowing when they recieve it?

    Paula xxx


    Hi Paula,

    Just reading your above post... you say you've added the 8% interest to the prelim letters? The 8% is only added to the amount owed when you make the claim with the court... not before. I also made this mistake and had to resubmit the letters.

    As for knowing when they receive it... send it recorded delivery. It's guaranteed next day delivery, and they have to sign for it!

    Hope this helps.


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