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Posts posted by san_d

  1. Unclebulgaria, might I submit that the reason why you don’t see many people asking about UC on CAG is because they invariably get fobbed off with unhelpful responses.

    I totally agree with Skinnered, and I can bring my own example:



    See another site team saying that "probably done you a favour

    most supplements are a fad and a waste time and contain nowt but 90% padding anyway"


    I joined this site in 2012 and it used to give helpful advice. Now all I get is insentitive and unhelpful answers.


    What went wrong?

  2. 10 days ago I ordered some supplements from Holland and Barrett for home delivery.

    In hindsight I should have just gone to the shop.


    They promised next day delivery (pity I didn't take a screenshot!).

    I had an email of confirmation of the order two days later, never mind next day delivery.


    In the meantime the Christmas holidays have passed


    come the 27th of December I got an email from Hermes (or should I call them Herpes?)

    informing me that :


    27/12/2017 14:08 Delivery attempt made, allow 24h on 28/12/2017

    But I was there at that time and nobody came in.


    next day I get exactly the same notification.


    28/12/2017 14:50 Delivery attempt made, allow 24h on 02/01/2018

    Again somebody was there but no driver in reality showed up.


    I contacted Hermes via webchat.

    They say that they could not deliver the parcel due to "restricted access".

    What that means in practice I don't know, because there's no traffic restriction in my area.


    They said they could not give me any more assistance and I had to contact H&B.


    I sent H&B an email of complaint and they answered with just a reference number but it is clear that it will take time.


    What to do now?

    They will try to deliver for the third time but what if the driver makes it all up again?

    The package will be sent back to H&B.

    What will happen later?

    Where do I stand?

  3. Unfortunately if you had less than a year's service with your employer, you wouldn't have a case for unfair dismissal, not unless it was a discrimination case. In fact, from 2012, you need two years' continuous employment to bring a case.


    If you are seeking personal satisfaction rather than financial compensation, you may want to consider social media/blogging. :wink:


    God no! I wouldn't do that! Spilling the beans on the Internet is not very professional!

  4. I received a letter today from the DWP and have to repay the amount I have overpaid. However, how do they get the money as the matter has been referred to a debt management company as well as a £50 fine.



    What was the reason of your overpayment? Was it to do with savings or undeclared income? There are bits and pieces of this thread that I don't understand.

  5. Hi all,


    This is a speculative question because I'm not on the dole yet, but who knows!


    Either in the process of claiming benefits or during a compliance check, one may be asked to produce evidence of capital, e. g. bank statements.


    Is there a rule that determines a minimum or maximum period for which this evidence must be reported?


    I've searched extensively on Google and I've also read the DM guide about capital but I haven't found anything.


    Some people have been asked 3 months worth of statements; others 6 months; some other one year.


    Any clue? Thanks.

  6. Background: last fiscal year 2015-6 I claimed working tax credits for 5 months, ending in February 2016.


    Since then a mix of JSA, volunteering and part time work.


    This week I started full time work and I was thinking of starting a fresh claim. However I've just received the tax credit renewal pack for this current year, plus the annual review for last year.


    I'm not really sure if I should make a fresh claim or use the online tool to renew my tax credits.


    On the gov.UK page:



    Use this form to order a tax credits claim form if you're new to tax credits


    makes me think a fresh claim only applies to those who have never applied for WTC.


    Can anybody clarify this point to me?



  7. The benefits of leaving the EU:


    - beer would be free for all

    - holidays abroad would also be free

    - unemployment to zero

    - minimum wage £35 an hour

    - we can smoke in pubs again!

    - new trade agreements with USA and China, but on our terms, because we're bigger than them

    - roads will be pretty much empty because we know it's the foreigners who clog them

    - no more floodings

    - crime will go to zero, just like before we entered the EU

    - pedophilia will be virtually extint. Jimmy Saville was a Polish immigrant

    - Farage, Gove, Johnson. One of these will become the new king of England, after killing the other two

    - we can finally get rid of the Scots and the Welsh

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