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Posts posted by PhoenixLaw

  1. Good Morning!


    Does anyone know how I can stop a door collection agent from Provident attending my home?

    I missed a payment collection date and was unable to notify the agent as my phone died.

    The agent then attended my property 4 times that evening knocking loudly from 9pm.


    Has anyone dealt with Provident before?

    The whole doorstep collection process for the sake of £100 loan is getting ridiculous.

    If I can come to an arrangement and deal directly with them that would be ideal.


    Any advice would be appreciated!


    Thanks very much.


    Kind regards



  2. I think you are going to have to - if you don't and you default on your rent then you are going to be in trouble with them !


    Have you worked out what you will be able to afford given your new financial circumstances and how much extra time would be required to repay the payment schedule as it stands ?


    IMHO, you need to speak to them on the phone and immediately follow this up with confirmation of your budget by letter or email.


    Get a free proof of posting if sending by letter and click on the read / receipt facility on your email if using that.


    Thanks very much. I will get in touch with them. I haven't yet but won't take long to work out. Hopefully there is some movement on paying it all off by April 2016.

  3. Hi All


    I was wondering if anyone can offer assistance with any online advice services (or advice in general)

    I can get to help with how I move forward with my council tax arrears.


    Below is the latest correspondence I have from the council:


    I can confirm that the balance outstanding as at today is £746.00 with regard to the financial year of 2014 to 2015

    then with regard to 2015 to 2016 financial year the outstanding balance is £1226.08.


    The total balance outstanding £1972.08.


    Both these matters are currently at Liability Order Stage; which means that further recovery action is fast approaching.


    Please make representations in order to clear the summonsed debt with imediate effect.


    My partner and I have been trying to dig ourselves out of a hole over the last year due to paying back rent arrears after a court order.

    We had to prioritise our rent over our council tax hence the situation we are now in.



    A couple of months ago I completed a income & expenditure form but our finances have changed due to my partners work.


    The council set out that we need to pay the following to be settled by the end of the financial year:


    1.10.2015 - £287.00

    1.11.2015 - £287.00

    1.12.2015 - £287.00

    1.1.2016 - £287.00

    1.2.2016 - £287.00

    1.3.2016 - £287.00

    1.4.2016 - £293.08


    Paying nearly £300 per month is just too much for us and I'm just trying to figure out what I can do prior to bailiffs getting involved or an attachment of earnings order.


    Any advice would be much appreciated!!


    Thank you for your time.


    Kind regards



  4. Thank you. I will get in touch with the court today to see if there is any flexibility.


    Roll on when TV license is a thing of the past! I can understand 10-20 years ago need to pay for this but these day's, especially with how the BBC operates its just a joke!

  5. Hi, thank you for the response.


    I helped my partner to respond by letter pleading guilty with income and expenditure completed.


    I was unaware that the I&E was required 3 days prior to the hearing so am unsure if this was taken into account. It would have been received by the court the day before the hearing. I did email in advance to advise that it would be with them on the specific day.

  6. Hi All


    I was looking to see if anyone had any advice as I can't seem to find a lot online.


    My partner has received a £190 court fine for missing TV licence payments and we were only given 7 days in which to pay the fine.


    The money is expected to be paid tomorrow and we cant afford £190 in one go, we could pay a bit now and more later in the month.


    Does anyone know who to contact to see if they are able to negotiate a longer payment term?


    Thank you!!

  7. Hi Ell-enn.



    Thanks for the message! I can yes, I have emailed the HA asking for the total arrears to date and asked if there is any flexibility in coming to another agreement rather then applying for a suspension. I am yet to hear back, sent the email yesterday but will chase this afternoon if no news.



    I think it's around £1,000-£1,500 that's owed. Comfortably I can afford 100-150 per month on top of the rent.



    This is what was previously agreed:



    HA- "Your rent is £213.15 per week – Multiply by 52 weeks & divide by 12 monthly payments gives you a monthly total of £923.65 + the £100.00 per month off the arrears makes £1023.65".

    When I moved into the property it was £852 per month as I get paid monthly but since living there the HA have been after more per month because they charge weekly. Funny how they said it was fine when we moved in then the goalposts changed.

    Thanks again!

  8. Good Morning

    On Saturday I received a N54 form from My local court regarding housing association rent arrears that have slowly built up over the last 12 months. The date of eviction I have been given is 10/12/2014 (9 days’ time!)

    My standard monthly rent should be £850 but due to the amount outstanding I was required to pay £1,125 per month.

    Unfortunately I was unable to keep to the previous CCJ repayments due to changes in employment for my partner and I amongst other reasons.

    In October I paid £700.00 towards rent and a week ago for November’s payment I paid £900.00.

    I know I need to complete a N244 form asap but wanted to see if anyone had any advice on how I should proceed or things to be aware of?

    I would of gone to the CAB but with work commitment’s I am definitely not going to be able to spend time out of the office meeting with them etc. It will be a push to get time off to attend court as in the industry I work in it’s the busiest time of year.

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for your time!!

  9. Good Afternoon


    I was looking to get some assistance with how to handle the following situation:


    My Partner, Son and I have been renting the same housing association property for 4 years now. As of February 2013 I was at risk of redundancy so took a 4-5k pay cut and jumped into another position to safeguard my emplyment.


    Throughout the last 17months or so its been tough in terms of keeping on top of bills, rent, childcare etc.


    Unfortunately I now have £1,000 worth of rent owing which has slowly built up over this time.


    I was notified by the Council(who manage the Housing Association properties) this week that I have 7 days to pay £640 or they take the matter to court.


    I have just accepted an offer for a better paid job and start on Monday but its only 3k more then I'm on to start with.


    I have obviously tried to re-negotiate a repayment plan with the council already but this increased my rent from £850 per month to £960 which was, in hindsight too ambitious.


    My partner and I earn over the required amount to qualify for any benefitsand have poor credit so paying the £600 isn’t possible.

    If anyone could give anyadvice that would be much appreciated.

    Thank you for your time!

  10. Filing an N244 before the notice of eviction is received is £80 (there is fee exemption for those on benefits or low incomes), and £40 if the notice of eviction has already been received.


    Caro: yes, there are hikes in social rents, but not usually as high as £1000, even in London a four bed social housing property would be at best £150 or under per week - social housing rents are heavily subsidised. OP: is the tenancy agreement an AST or an AT? I suspect the former.


    Thanks. The tenancy agreement is AT.

  11. Has the Tenant concerned previously had any payment plan in place with the HA for the arrears and if so were payments met before the N54 Eviction Notice?


    Hi Stu007, a repayment plan was set within the last two months and from what I know payments were made. The housing benefit since has been reviewed and there was a £500 shortfall so the Council have been chasing this in addition to existing arrears.

  12. Hi, thank you both for your help!


    Wintry, I have spent some time on the Shelter website which has given me some decent information.


    Lea_HTH- The local council manage the tenancy(maintenance,rent etc) but the property is owned by a housing association that strangely enough is located in the same council offices.


    I will make the n244 application, do you know how much an application like this costs?



  13. Good Afternoon


    I was looking to try and get some advice for a relative that has received a N54 Eviction Notice that's date of deadline is 10th April 2014.


    The outstanding balance prior to Notice on the rent account was £1,600 to be up to date.


    My relative contacted the Council yesterday and was advised to pay £750 by Monday and then arrange a time to meet with them to negotiate on the remaining £850.


    A payment of £250 was made yesterday and my relative is unable to pay the other £500 by Monday or within the next couple of weeks at least.


    Does anyone know what options are available at this point?


    I understand there may be a N244 application form to help with suspending the notice. Where can I get one from?


    The only other option I can think of is to try and re-negotiate with the Council before but from what I know they're proving inflexible.


    The relative is a widow living with 4 children, 2 being dependents(Under 18yo) and 2 being non-dependents(18-20yo).


    Two years ago she had a heart attack and was out of work relying on housing and sickness benefit. Earlier last year her sickness benefits were stopped and JSA was replaced as she was deemed "fit for work".


    Five months ago my relative got employed on a zero hour retail contract with varying hours making re-payments hard to manage. Once employed her housing benefit was reduced to £90,00 per week for a £1000+ per month property.


    Also, her daughter decided to work full-time after college and there was a delay in the daughter coming to an agreement to pay rent direct to the Council. This has left arrears in term's of re-paying previously received housing benefit.


    My relative is keen to clear the remaining balance but needs time to do so at a slightly more affordable rate.


    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    Thank you

  14. Hi


    I received a N1 form dated the 5th November 2013 a few weeks back and submitted an AOS online. I have just gone to get online and log into the MoneyClaim gateway to process a partial defence but can't.


    When they say you have so many days to respond, does this include weekend days?


    I'm assuming its 28 working days???



  15. Good Afternoon


    My partner and I have lived in a housing association property now for 3 years.


    I wanted to see if there is anything we can do the query the amount of rent they charge us per month.


    We live in a small 2 bedroom house with 1 child and pay £870 per calender month.


    Has anyone queried this type of thing before? Sometimes it feels like people are paying quite a bit less for the same, if not more then we have.


    Thank you

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