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Posts posted by pam56

  1. Hi



    Long story but here goes.



    In 2006 I applied for Job Seekers Allowance three weeks or so after leaving work.

    My claim was refused as they said I had not worked for the previous 5 yrs (I left 2006).

    They told me there was "no point" in signing on as I would not receive anything.

    This was also re-iterated by another member of DHSS.


    I had to fill in forms for each year I said I had worked which I did.

    They didn't re-instate these years.

    I appealed but that was thrown out too.


    A year later I rec'd a letter saying they had found my records,

    apparently they had sent them to the VAT office without recording them against my name!!

    They sent me approx. £17 for the day of my claim.


    I was furious and wrote telling them that I had been legally entitled to the JSA but cause they had cocked up I had been denied this.

    Had the cheek to tell me I was out of time to appeal.mad2.gif

    They said they wld now alter my NI record to show these years.


    Anyway to cut a long story (!!)

    short because of the new pension coming into force


    I asked for my NI contributions and low & behold those years still missing off my records.

    After lots of to and fro-ing they have finally put those years on.

    (I had to fill in the same forms twice as per 2006/give bank statements etc etc)

    Great I hear you say (lol) end of story, not quite thorolleyes.gif.


    It appears that in those years they were (or shld have been) paying so much of my NI into a personal pension.

    After nearly two years I have received the money they would have paid into the scheme by cheque, madgrin.gif

    They cannot pay it back into the scheme as it has ended.


    All well and good but then it dawned on me that if they hadn't cocked up and paid the funds in like they should have then these contributions would have earned bonus' etc (that is how a pension fund grows) I have asked them to send figures to pension company so they can backtrack and tell me exactly how much this money would have earned.


    I have just rec'd a letter from them saying they will "investigate" how the NI payments were not credited to my account despite me showing them old letters/telling them etc.

    Feel like saying "are you stupid or what". I think they will "investigate" and come back with "It's not our fault" as they usually do!!!


    I now need to get definitive proof (re 2006) from DHSS/Job Seekers so I want to do a SARs request but no idea of where to send it too. Any ideas pls.

    Thanks & sorry for waffling just trying to give you a clear picture.

  2. Hi

    After speaking to the NIC's department she told me to ring the DWP and they told me to ring Pension Advisory Department. After explaining everything in detail he said not to worry it won't affect yr state pension...agggh did he not listen!! When I explained it all again ie private pension contributions based on NI etc he said sorry can't be of any help ring DWP or NICs.:-x

    Am at my wits end here


  3. Further development but not good at all


    HMRC have now credited a missing year 1991-92. They have shown my Primary Paid Earnings & my employee deductions. Rang them to ask what/why there are no employer's contributions shown. Their answer was that although they have "reinstated" this missing year they have no proof of employer's contributions so will not be adding them


    This is really important as a % of both mine & employer's NI contributions are sent on to a private pension provider. As emploer's have no threhold theirs is always the bigger amount so I have been denied this money simply because HMRC cocked up this yar in the first place.:-x


    I am going to try & work out what these would have been and demand they put them on my contribution record.


    Any ideas on how to work out employer's National Insurance etc or any info I can use to get them to DO THEIR JOB right in the 1st place.!!! Seems they are too happy to blame everybody else, deny their mistakes but are quick to hand out penalties etc when people make small mistakes.

    Thanks pam56

  4. Good news copies arrived as promised ! Was quite surprised. Bad news rang today to ask about a letter I had sent on 10/8/16 and told it could take up to another 6 weeks for them to reply. If this was a commercial firm they would have been sacked!


    Heres's another query for anybody used to dealing with wages etc.


    How is the Primary Paid Earnings (PPE) on wages arrived at? Seems to me there is no logic as my record is at odds,well it looks like that to me anyway.

    For example

    Wage 35,000 PPE 26,500

    Wage 18,518 PPE 4,420

    Wage 29,824 PPE 10,670


    Totally confused!*"!!

  5. Hi TaxHero

    Well I was very lucky yesterday as I rang to ask about SA and chap said I had gdepartment so passed me thru to another girl and she said it was complicated (!) and didn't really understand what I was trying to explain so she said she'd pass me on to an inspector. Inspector said didn't keep SA's so I mentioned P35's, she took my NI No & details and said she had the P35 for one of the years I mention (200-01) and cld see I had earned 40,000 (not the £7,000 the NIC people said) Yipeee!!! Kindly offered to photostat the years I needed and send them onto me. Proves not everyone at HMRC is a *!$£"£** and some go out of their way to be helpful. So now awaiting the postman to se if she is as good as her word. What a relief, somebody in there is taking me seriously.

  6. Mine is a complicated tale and desperately need some advice.


    To make it easier I will break it down as even I have difficulty undestanding it :sad:


    2006 Applied for Job Seeker's allowance but refused on I hadn't worked for the last 5 years which I had. After much backwards & forwards they told me they had lost my records then found them and wld now credit NI onto my records. Too late to get the JSA etc as now out of time :-x


    2015 Applied for a Pension statement & noticed not enough years on Guess what the original missing 5 NI not been credited. Sent letter & copies of original forms I filled in (to show income for each year) and assured they would update their records.


    Dawned on me that as they had not updated my records when they said they would they would also not have sent any pension contributions to private pension co (I was contracted out to L & Gen).


    Contacted L & Gen and was sent summary of contributions. No contribution sent from HMRC for the missing years which approx totals £5,000.


    Wrote to them again and they sent me a letter to confirm that they had put the NI back on BUT for some strange reason instead of NI basd on my wages at the time £48-50K they had said I only earned £5,000-£7,000.


    Want me to prove I earned it with wageslips/P45 etc from 2001-2005 :mad2::mad2::mad2:


    Just contacted Bank to see if I can have statements for that period which hopefully will show a weekly wage (by BACS) otherwise I am stuffed!!!


    Can any one please advise, I have spoke, written to every department in HMRC and they still are cocking up my records:-x



  7. I have had a problem with DCA who are chasing my son for debts. Have informed tem I don't know where he is (abroad) is nt coming back (as far as I am aware) & has never lived at this address.

    Just seen on daughter's credit report that they have searched her report based on the fact she is linked to her father (no debt just a credit check for a brewery) and his name starts with same initial as son. His report checked too.

    I thought that DCA had to have permission to search somebody's credit report especially when it isn't even their debt!! Experian said it was probably just a case of mistaken identity. Hmm not good enough one she is female, older & has never had any debt with them!! I think they were checking the people at the address which is I believe is now illegal?

    What do you suggest

  8. Hi

    Thanks for that.



    Have just read that they can't unless you give them permission

    i.e. when you sign up for a credit a/c, loan etc.



    I did not give any such permission

    but looking at my credit report again it seems they are doing credit checks on my brother and not me

    , think I have jumped the gun a bit


    It says Credit Checks for people associated with you.



    It then gives his name & d.ob underneath and date searched then their name.



    Opposite is my name d.o.b & address.



    So maybe they are telling me that as I am "Associated" with him they have to let me know?

    If so I am going to dis-associate myself from him as we have no financial connections whatsoever.

  9. angry.gif Absolutely fumingangry.gif



    Just checked my credit report and at the bottom there are three searches by Lowells debt company.



    The thing is it is not for me!!!! It is for my brother. I have never had any financial/credit or otherwise connection with him yet they are searching my credit report for his debts!!!! angry.gif It's bad enough when the debts are or you but looking at someone else's goes beyond the line.



    The only connection we have (which has hung by a thread for many years) is that he is my brother and he has put my parent's address down where I live.



    I thought they couldn't just search people who either live in the same house or who are related without there being some form of credit/debt jointly. Am I right?



    Also don't they have to have my permission, and if they do what do they have to show the credit agency. I smell a rat

  10. It's never easy, no matter what age you are, asking for help. I'm so pleased that you will be meeting other people and smiling. That's the first step and I hope it will continue to bring you happiness. Go on life's worth living no matter what. As my friend Mo says she hopes it'll say she had fun on her grave not she was a miserable cow lol!

  11. Hi I was wondering if you can give me some advice on Experian & how they record debt. I have 2 questions (sorry!)



    The first o an IVA 7 years ago. Barclays was one of my creditors. They were notified by my insolvency practioner but they carried on sending me hassling letters. I then wrote to them & showed a copy of the IVA. They have taken no notice and it is still showing on my credit file after 7 years. Experian said they cannot remove it until they get notification from Barclays (Not a chance as they just wont compile with any instructions)



    2nd question Is this my daughter had her new phone stolen in Germany in 2015. I immediately rang T-Mobile to inform them of this and they said I shouldn't cancel it as they cld track her phone for her. I said the thieves would have probably be using this as we speak and insisted they cancel it. They did so. I now find they are registering a debt every month as if I am not paying for it. She hasn't got a phone from them anymore. I told Experian and they said I need a letter from T-Mobile but they won't give me one. HELP!!



    Thank you

  12. I read that with glee too but on a 2nd reading totally disappointed if I have read it right. Maybe someone who is more clued up than me can read it through.

    After reading it I think that what it says (and I maybe totally wrong) is that they will pay the difference between their fee and what people were charged For instance



    AMF (Arrears Management Fee) £65 will pay difference v what customer charged (plus 8% interest)



    LMF (Monthly Litigation Fee) £80 " " " " "



    So are they saying that £65 Arrears Management Fee & £80 Litigation Fee are fair and will give you the difference against what they charged you! Hmm still too costly. So any of us who have had just £65 taken out each month will get nothing!



    Also it is only for the time period 1 Jan 2009 - Oct 2012 therefore if you have had arrears in 2008 or 2013 etc you still get nothing!



    And it is only for Regulated Mortgages and they have a nasty habit of giving you unregulated mortgages!!!!



    So not only is it unfair it has played right into their hands, wtf is the fca playing at allowing them to decide this.



    Class action you bet.

  13. I have just rung Acenden to ask why I haven't got a letter!! They stated that they have been told to look into Regulated Mortgages. My Mortgage is Unregulated (WTF) but that is usually for a buy to let or commercial property. So why has Acenden been selling unregulated mortgages!! Anyway I kept on and I said that whether or not yr mortgage is regulated or not the charges are the same. I told them I was still going to try to reclaim these, thru court if necessary, surely a judge would see an unfair charge for one is an unfair charge for all!!. My argument is if the charges were unfair on you (Regulated) then they must still be unfair on Us (Non regulated) What I'd like to know has anyone got details as to how much of a charge they are saying is unfair or what fees are unfair. I think that those of us who have unregulated mortgages need some form of yard stick to measure against. If anyone can help wld appreciate it. Will let you now how I get on.

  14. I have just rec'd a SARS from Acenden the I saw this I have just rung Acenden to ask why I haven't got a letter re all the charges etc and I was told mine is an unregulated mortgage so they don't have to look into it!!!!!!they still took my money!! What happens now can I stilchallenge them for fees etc back at a loss as to now what to do.


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