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Posts posted by G4C389

  1. I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am,(universal credit) which I had changed to because my last one was cancelled for some reason.



    I do casual work here and there



    I got a text a few mins ago reminding me that I have training (counter terrorism training) at 9:30am - noon at my casual job,



    I completely forgot but if I phone up UC now they may refuse or sanction me.



    Should I call up now or in morning?

  2. (For someone else) I started claiming universal credit a few mnonths ago after being on JSA. The advisor do you have any health problems? I said yes (alcohol problem) so she asked me to put a sick note in and I handed it in (3 months ago) and I havnt heard anything back, any advice on where to go from here? Thanks

  3. Iv been on universal credit for a few months and I have mental problems, like anxiety and depression (also an eating disorder) and struggle to go outdoors (it heavily affects me with interviews) ( i do casual work here and ther like a few hours, but they take an absolute chunk out of it so hardly any point signing on in the first place) so I was wondering at my doctors appointment I have next week could I get a sick note so I could go on that for 3 months? Or is it very difficult? Just wanted advice : )

  4. I gif my payment today which was £36 (because I work as a football steward in the season which ended May 8th for me, and I received £237 which £178 was to pay rent/Bills etc, and now Iv only £36 to last me month with no work with the football being finished till August) most of my payment was taken off me as a result, I have rent and interview for job coming up and £36 isn't going to last me till July 13th, my last payment from the football work was 22nd may (but as I said £178 of £237 of it was bills/rent) if I call up would I be able to get a loan? Also as I said my interview next week will be tough to support as a result. Any advice appreciated thanks

  5. Correct... I had this conversation with then the other day... They removed the allowance in April


    With my last letter saying from the 7th April to 8th may for my mid May Payment, will this go from the 9th of May onwards? And Iv had no work pay since mid May so I'll get like £40 to last me a month? Lol

  6. I work as a casual worker at the football match (no work at moment obviously)



    in mid May I got a letter saying my take home pay was X amount and on the letter dated 8th may

    it said I'm allowed to earn £111 then 0.65p off every pound is taken off after that (fair enough)



    it was for the period of worked between 7th April and 8th may,

    but I read the £111 allowance is no longer valid from April 2016 and so why did it not affect me then?



    And this month if earned but not since the 15th may then the 20th may

    (which I explained to them in the phone was to all be paid for bills)



    so tomorrow when i get paid will it not be the £111 allowance that affects it?



    I'm confused


    Thanks in advance for help

  7. I get paid universal credit tomorrow and today received a letter that £177 was deducted because it says I had £383 take-home pay. I work as a steward at a football ground and I have only received £40-80 off that in the month 7th April to 6th may stated on the letter it applies, (it said nothing about the work I do as I havnt declared itt) just can't see where they're getting £383 from, what can I do? Any advice appreciated

  8. I started claiming in December and from 23-12-15 I wa given an 82 sanction (dismissal from work) and 2 weeks ago I had a back to work appointment but couldn't attend due to me having a doctors appointment at the roughly same time. I called up universal credit and there was a problem getting me a new appointment so they said my local job centre would call me with s new app intent which they didn't (didn't bother me I understand they're busy) I didn't get a call so called up this morning and was given a new appointment for this Thursday morning with the same advisor that spoke to me like **** previous appointment I attended (it's on another thread I posted about the advisor speaking to me like ****) and it clashes with something personal (family) and + I do t want to attend with her again (he said on the phone only sh is available. So my question is with me already being sanctioned unroll pretty much April could I still cancel this on q phone call on the morning before it? I'm interested in getting back in to work but I am not sitting in front of her again, I would rather wait for my usual advisor who he isn't available for a few weeks I was told, would be cancelling Thursday affect my sanction further or is it ov been sanctioned anyway so it would be ok? Thanks in advance : )

  9. Have you applied for Recoverable Hardship following your sanction?

    If you haven't then contact the service centre to book this appointment, you will have to demonstrate your jobseeking has met all steps on your Claimant Commitment during the 7 days prior to the application or it will be turned down.


    For the record yes I work in a JCP office yes I work on both the JSA and the UC sides of the business but I have never been instructed on how to wind people up. I like to think I treat everyone the way I like to be treated. All other work coaches I work with also demonstrate this but yes I have witnessed in other offices lousy customer service, please don't tar us all with the same brush, this is one reason I hardly post any more.


    Yes I got a hardship, and Iv never met someone like this at a job centre before, even before I got my last job 4 years ago they were all nice people (suppose there is a first time for everything) even the WP back in the day were like she was yesterday

  10. Is it worth calling the job centre I attended and complain?


    well that's just bs it be nice if u cud tell her were to get off


    do you feel u were illegally sanctioned rem the 35 hr thing is NOT a requirement only an expectation



    I was sanctioned for being sacked due to misconduct

  11. You say that you started claiming UC in December and that you were sanctioned for 91 days almost immediately. You explained in another thread the reason for the sanction, sounds like you are resigned to that and concluded that it would be futile to appeal.


    The issue now appears to be that you are being harassed about the quantity or quality of your job searching activity. It does not help that you have a targer, someone who is loud, obnoxious and confrontational, for an adviser. However this opinion, and to say that she was 'grouchy' and 'snotty' are subjective opinions. If you intend to make a formal complaint about her behaviour, you need to be more specific with precise factual examples. Do you record your interviews? If not, it may be advisable to do so.


    The law says that what you are required to do as far as job seeking activity is concerned has to be reasonable in your circumstances.


    Your circumstances will have changed since you 'agreed' a Claimant Commitment back in December. To avoid further sanctions it may be necessary to review that CC bearing in mind your current circumstances, viz; having no income, no savings, and dependant on loans from friends to finance the basics for survival, since the initial CC was drawn up.


    Citizen's Advice recommend you do this and suggests how to go about it:



    It would be unreasonable to expect anyone with no income and no money to engage in activity that requires expenditure of money.


    You have not said who exactly you were meant to send your 'two sheets' to.


    Retaining hard copies of any written evidence of job seeking activity that includes personal data is illegal unless they can show that it is for use in evidence in on-going enquiries. Were you informed of any on-going enquiries that they have got on-going?



    I record my applications on the universal jobmatch website, imo Iv done enough, want to complain but where will it get me? Don't know if she was being like this to me personally or just because it was Monday morning and the weekend didn't go well.

  12. Why do you have to send your jobsearch log off somewhere? I just show mine when i see my advisor. If somebody in a customer facing role spoke like that to me then they would be getting a piece of my mind.


    I record my job searches and applications on the UC jobmatch website, I was worried this advisor yesterday took an instant dislike to me like was it personal? I admit the sheets she give me I threw on the floor on the door way, I was raising my voice back at her when she said she couldn't hear me

  13. So she was being horrible? I admit I threw the papers on the floor when I got outside out of annoyance.....was it personal?


    Yea, was she being like this in a personal way?


    if she would have acted the same way to me, i would probably be in prison now due to my actions.


    Was it personal? Or just the way she is?

  14. I started claiming UC in December and was sanctioned for 91 days and today there is 51 days left to run on it, this morning I went to an appointment with an advisor and she immediately was very grouchy picking up my blue card and shouting 'who is this' I responded and she was snotty. Anyway she called me over and said 'Yorker job search isn't really up to scratch' I responded politely 'I know,sorry it's because I have been sanctioned it's minimises my job search, Iv had interviews Iv been I haven't been able to go to because I havnt hardly any money to support it' she never said anything while I stood there like a **** waiting for a response, then she just said 'sit down', she never said another word and just give me this envelope with 2 sheets and said 'put you're job search on there and send it off to them ok, and just plonked it down on the desk when I had my hand out to get it. The point is I'm already sanctioned tell pretty much April so will this affect it if I don't send the form off?


    Edit: I lost the sheets on the way home but still have envelope, I called the UC number and the advised on the phone agreed with me saying Iv been sanctioned anyway but wasn't sure it will extend it, So she put a Note on the system saying Iv lost the sheets

  15. I worked in a pub for 3 years and 7 months and I was sacked for misconduct in November 2015 and UC imposed me with a high level 91 day sanction (which I was told by the CAB would be extremely difficult to overturn as a reconsider was refused) I got an advanced Payment from universal credit on 8th December 2015, and I was due my first payment on the 13th January this year until I was given a 82-91 day sanction (so not a penny for 3 months) I was advised by the CAB I may be able to get a hardship payment but only from what was the first payment due date this Wednesday, I just wander what I could do/say to help with getting a hardship? Any questions I'll respond asap

    Edit: Iv been borrowing money as Iv had no money but there is only so far I can go with that

  16. He said he asked his advisor but she hasn't done one before, he just wants to know has anyone here been on one so he knows what to expect?


    And by fuming I just meant the professionalism is bad at times, I don't disagree with it, I left the office I attended around a year ago and in my time their I got called a 'minger' by my so called advisor at the time, then the advisor she said it to smirked at me, didn't do anything about it although I wish I had:/

  17. If your friend is not sure what will happen why not ask the advisor, is there a reason why being busy is a problem?

    Is you friend on ESA ore JSA


    Have you got an issue with their being "Hot Men" there?


    He doesn't like her, said she's snobby, and no why would I? He said he overheard her and was baffled at it:/ he's on JSA

  18. My friend who attends an office has been invited by letter to an apprentice open day, what happens on these? Will it be busy? My friend said he over heard his advisor talking of the prospect of 'hot men' on this open day with her friend. I can't believe that, id fume

  19. I done a mock interview in a quiet little room on the other side of the building last week with advisor, didn't help one bit, she obviously couldn't wait to get there get it over with and get back, and at the end asked did I want her to book me in for another one, I replied 'no thanks I'll do one with 'jet' instead'. Pleased with that I was lol

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