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Posts posted by anne21

  1. so after ignoring numerous  letters now they’ve sent this.. should I respond back to them now or not? Please any advice would be appreciated 


    Further to our letter dated 29th March 2022 we are writing to inform you that Legal Action

    will begin within 7 days of the above date as you have not responded to requests to settle

    this account.

    You may remit the sum of € 1,489.50 before this date to avoid Legal Action. Please note

    that legal action will include a claim for costs in the sum of € 50.00 . We should also

    remind you that this could affect your credit rating.

    Your cheque made payable to Petherbridge Basra should be sent to us together with any

    correspondence, quoting the above reference number.

    If Par any reason you dispute the claim being made against you please provide us with

    detaiys immediately so that we may investigate this matter further.

    Yours sincerely

  2. Hi just received another letter demanding to pay within the next 7 days otherwise they will issue court proceedings.


    . should I just pay the amount?

    Can you please advise on what I should do next. 

    We have been instructed by our above-mentioned clients to apply to you for immediate payment of the above sum in respect of your outstanding account.


    Our client is unaware of any reason why this sum should not be paid.

    Unless therefore we receive your remittance in the above sum made payable to Petherbridge Bassra within 7 days from the date of this letter, we have the authority to commence legal proceedings against you.


    If for any reason you dispute the claim being made against you please provide us with details so that we may investigate this matter further.


    Please note all communication in relation to this matter should be in writing quoting the

    aboye reference number.

    Yours sincerely

  3. This was her response.


    The defendants are not seeking costs 


    We are seeking recovery of our unrecoverable disbursements as agreed in our CFA and numerous correspondence.


    If you lose you will not have to pay your opponents costs unless any of the conditions listed in section 10 of the document "CFA: What You Need to Know" apply. If you lose you do not pay our charges but we may require you to pay our expenses and disbursements if you do not have any insurance. You may choose to take out an insurance policy to cover your liability for such charges After the Event (ATE).



    Kind regards

  4. On 03/02/2022 at 12:51, mantis shrimp said:

    If you have not already done so, you might ask the solicitors to explain to you the grounds on which they consider themselves entitled to make these demands, and to provide copies of all documents on which they rely.

    I did what you said and this was her reply.




    I will be seeking instructions from our Barrister, however in any event it is not for any other person to provide such advice on our costs. 


    We set out our reasons in our correspondence and we have discussed the possible costs consequences on numerous occasions with the client, the client agreement entitles us to seek recovery of our costs and disbursements. However we have limited these to our disbursements only, if this continues to debt recovery we will seek our full costs. 


    I am happy to discuss this further with Adeel on his return 


    Kind regards 


  5. On 30/12/2021 at 22:28, anne21 said:

    No that claim was not more than £10k. Il try and find it and post it here


    I cant find the agreement letter but i have attached a copy of the letter I received


    I write following the hearing that took place on the 6' December 2021.


    You made the decision on the day of the hearing to discontinue your claim. The Judge dismissed the claim with no order to costs. Therefore you were not ordered to pay the Defendants costs, however I await sight of the Court order to confirm this outcome.


    In accordance with our Conditional Fee Agreement I am therefore entitled to seek recovery of my costs and disbursements from you. However I am willing to limit these to just the Outstanding disbursements if immediate payment is arranged. If I have no option but to transfer this file to our Debt Recovery Department, I reserve the right to recover both my costs and disbursements,


    The outstanding disbursements are as follows:-


    Engineer's report fee:


    Court fee:


    Counsel's tees:


    Medical report fee:


    Medical addendum report fee:






    I would be most obliged if you could contact me to discuss payment. I am prepared to consider a monthly repayment plan.


    I look forward to hearing from you.

  6.  i was involved in a car accident which wasnt my fault. And the other party were not accepting liability either.  it ended up going to court.


    When i attended the trail i had a barrister sent from my solicitors to represent me. At this trail i was told my evidence for the case wasnt strong enough and that i would lose the case so was advised to discontinue.


    My barrister  and the other barrister both came to a mutual decision to discontinue.


    When they approached the judge he decided to completely dismiss the case with no costs.


    My barrister turned around and said to me that because the judge had dismissed the case i didnt have to pay my solicitor a single penny. 

    I want to write an email to her saying that i was told i didnt have to pay you anything but dont know how to phrase it..I

    any help would be appreciated.


    Thank you




  7. Hi all, just after some advice..


    i had an accident back in 2019 and the claim has been on going since then.


    On December 6th 2021, i attended court and was advised by my barrister to discontinue the claim. At this point, the judge decided to dismiss the whole claim. My barrister i didnt have to pay any costs to either the other party or my solicitor (as it was no win no fee).


    However few days ago I received a letter from my solicitor asking me to pay her costs under the conditional fee agreement otherwise she will get pursue her costs from debt recovery. Now im confused and dont know where i stand.


    Can anybody help me with this situation?  




  8. Okay so I've attached a copy of a statement, as I don't understand it (not really good with things like this lol). My dads mortgage ended in 2006, when he moved address. When he left, he paid a final amount of around 10,000, so I'm guessing whenever he had the money he used to pay off a lump sum to pay of the capital he borrowed bit by bit.



    I think i'll send off a SAR as requested above. And see what happens.

  9. Hi there,



    im trying to help my dad to see if he was mis-sold PPI.



    He took out a mortgage with Woolwich back in 1996 - 2006 of £20k.



    He thinks that PPI was added without his knowledge to the loan .



    He was in full-time employment at the time.



    He has half of his yearly statements but not the actual policy document.



    The thing i don't understand is that the mortgage was 'interest only',

    does that mean they were only paying for the interest and not the money that they borrowed?



    on the statements it shows that monthly payments were made & at the end of the annual term interest was debited.



    Does that mean that they paid us the interest back - I'm abit clueless lol.



    So yeah, can we still claim PPI on this?



    I'm happy to show the statements,



    if anyone wants to have a look at them for me.



    Thank you in advance.

  10. Okay so my dads just told me that he's appealing the amount that he's been asked to pay. He said that he's claim was on a no win no fee basis & he shouldn't have to pay the other party solicitor fees. He sent an appeal form off yesterday. Do you think this is right or is he just wasting his time??

  11. Ermm okay. Can I ask what a n245 is? And would we send that directly to the solicitors (by recorded delivery), also I wanted to know if they can charge interest on the amount or add any other costs to it? As the total sum seems to be rising.?



    Thank you for your help

  12. Hi



    im hoping someone can help me and my family.



    A charge has been put on my parents property of around £8500.



    we tried to dispute it but the application was refused (as they said it wasn't a proper application).



    my dad was involved in car accident & lost the claim so he has to pay all the solicitor & legal fees.



    He intended to pay the money back in instalments.



    Those solicitors are saying we sent a letter out to our address asking if we would like to pay in instalments.

    But we never received no letter. & now the charge has been put on our property.



    My parents also have to attend county court next month.



    They are clueless as they dont know what to do next.



    Shall they just wait to attend court or is there something we can do.


    we would really appreciate any help. regards

  13. Thank you for getting back to me. Well basically 2 years ago i did student placement at that nursery. This year the manager randomly called me up asking if i wanted to work there. I asked about salary and she said it would be min. Wage. She told me to come for an interview, which to be honest wasnt exactly a proper interview. She asked me some questions & made me fill out some paperwork e.g. Contact details etc & took copies of my passport-documents etc. Tbh it was all rushed as she seemed quite busy that day & she needed someone to start the following week to cover a staffs annual leave. But i was never given any paperwork to take home with me. So yh in abit of a difficult situation :/


    You mentioned issuing a Letter before Claim, should i write this to the manager or the boss of the nursery (who pays the wages). Also, im not very good at letter writing lol - do you know where i can find a good template from?... Its worth a try i guess, nothing to loose really. I mean i did 7/8 hours a day that week & to now be told i aint going to be paid, is just outrageous!

  14. Hi. I need abit of help/advice please. The thing is i was contacted by a private nursery to work there for a month. I worked a full week (over 35+), but was unable to continue - due to some health problems. I notified them straight away & they were okay about it. Anyways i waited till the end of the month to get paid, however i did not receive anything. So i decided to contact the manager & was quite shocked by her response. She said ' the week i worked was a trial week & i wasnt going to get paid for it. But this was never mentioned at any stage! I thought i was working those hours to get paid at the end of it. So yh, i dont stand a chance of getting paid, do i - because its her word against mine & theres no paperwork to prove it. So shall i just forget it or do i have a chance of getting somewhere with it? :/ any help/advice would be much appreacited. Thanks..

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