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Posts posted by jamezon

  1. In January 2020 I entered into a DAS (Debt Arrangement Scheme), of which Moneybarn were one of the creditors (1 month's arrears).

    So they have received ~40 consecutive payments monthly per the DAS for the relevant portion of the arrears.


    I made the last of my scheduled payments recently (monthly conditional sale/HP payment).


    Today I received a default notice from MB, implying they will take me to court/ attempt to repo the vehicle for less than 1 month's arrears, less than 2% of the overall finance bill.


    In the letter, they quote a clause 8.1.6, "the right to terminate (if in Scotland) if you become insolvent or suffer sequestration or a receiver, judicial factor or trustee to be appointed over any of your estate", as the "provision of agreement breached".


    However the nature of breach is, "You entered into a DAS...approved on 11 January 2020."


    So, three things,

    1) I do not regard a DAS as being a breach, it doesn't conflict with any of the processes listed as far as I am aware.

    2) It is in excess of 3years since the DAS started.

    3) Surely any Default Notice would need to be backdated to the initial date of the DAS, as nothing has materially changed since.


    They go onto say that I, "cannot take any action to remedy this breach of the agreement" and need to pay the full arrears amount by 11th April 2023.


    Is it legitimate for them to issue a default notice, essentially out of spite as they need to wait longer for their arrears?

    The other issue is the net value they will receive of the arrears is actually less under the DAS due to fees.

    Say I owed £500 arrears, by the time fees were deducted and they would only receive £400.


    I am in a bit of a bind as under the terms of the DAS I cannot overpay a single creditor but MB seem content to disregard the fact that the DAS has been in place (without their dissent) for some time but simultaneously use it as an excuse to attempt enforcement action?


    Many thanks.


  2. I speak from experience with advice here and from multiple PDL's. Trust me when i say, when it comes to PDL's, you need SPECIFIC clarification and not general.
    If, for talking's sake, my credit file is marked as settled, could they STILL (or their agents) pursue the debt? I am still in the timeframe to allow a FOS complaint re. My original complaint. Can/should I specifically request Wonga confirm a)the value of the debt, b)the account number and c)that it is formally settled? I'm not overly concerned it would come back to haunt me but may well be naive!
  3. Nope. The wording is still vague enough to allow them to sell it on.

    renegadeimp you are even more negative than me! It says in bold letters "you do not need to make any further payments". That's about as slam dunk as it gets if they ever tried to reopen the issue, they are not going to write it in blood! The fact they talk about refunding further payments made to the account further reinforces they debt is settled, not somehow 'deactivated'. Shall report back what change if any is reflected on my credit file when I can.

  4. Well, well, well, I wasn't expecting this...


    Information about your loan

    spacer.png Dear Mr James Fojut spacer.pngAs we look to improve our technology, we're moving to a new operating system. Your loan will not be moved to this system and, as a result, your outstanding balance has been closed. You do not need to make any further payments.


    We recommend you contact your bank to cancel any payment instructions, such as Standing Orders. Any amount that you repay to us from 26/11/2014 will be refunded to you.


    Thank you for being a Wonga customer. If you have any questions please call us on 0207 138 8330. spacer.png Best wishes,


    Customer Care




    This is an (eventual) response to when I complained to their original 'final' response, not least on the grounds it contained a couple of outright untruths. Worth being a pest as they had recently rejected from inclusion in the write-off program on 04/11/14 and then re-acknowledged my response to their's on 02/12/14.

    Needless to say...

  5. The initial post from Wonga said ALL customers would be contacted to confirm whether they had been affected OR not.

    They have now changed this to say that all AFFECTED customers have been contacted.



    Nothing to challenge/clarify their decision. Very poor.

    The fact my loan is in arrears 130 days is, I would say an indication their lending criteria were flawed in my case, yet no email. :-@

    Read an article this morning... http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/oct/10/wonga-loans-granted-write-off-dithers It mentions in there that at some (undefined) point, Wonga will contact EVERYONE regarding this matter, then the floodgates will really open with Complaints I expect! Get in now if you feel you have been incorrectly 'missed'.

  6. The initial post from Wonga said ALL customers would be contacted to confirm whether they had been affected OR not.

    They have now changed this to say that all AFFECTED customers have been contacted.



    Nothing to challenge/clarify their decision. Very poor.

    The fact my loan is in arrears 130 days is, I would say an indication their lending criteria were flawed in my case, yet no email. :-@

    Read an article this morning... http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/oct/10/wonga-loans-granted-write-off-dithers It mentions in there that at some (undefined) point, Wonga will contact EVERYONE regarding this matter, then the floodgates will really open with Complaints I expect! Get in now if you feel you have been incorrectly 'missed'.

  7. Hi jamezon


    Though you meant that u had complained again after the ruling 2 Oct coz going of what you have said in your thread I reckon you have a case, if you have not been in contact with them since this new ruling came into effect I would certainly be ringing their bell if they have not been in touch, stating the facts as to why this new ruling does not apply to yourself.

    Thanks Tinkerman, I have also commented on the main thread on 'hearing from Wonga' with an email address they gave me to contact. I don't think it looks to clever for them as their justification for rejecting my complaint contradicts the Oct 2 information (that they are 'robust'). I think my main issue may come as I essentially asking them to revisit a 'Final' response. I will chase with another letter if they do not respond to my email to lendingquery@wonga.com. Then FOS if need be.

  8. Just off a 33 minute phone call to Wonga (about 30 of that on hold!) to query why I was not selected for their 'forbearance' programme. In a nutshell, the guy couldn't help. He gave me this email address: lendingquery@wonga.com and advised they were the relevant department to explain why. I just find it a bit silly that they can reject my complaint on how they have handled my loan on the grounds of their lending criteria/affordability then publicly state in black and white that these grounds are/were flawed! Hopefully the address is of use to some people however. :)

  9. The initial post from Wonga said ALL customers would be contacted to confirm whether they had been affected OR not.

    They have now changed this to say that all AFFECTED customers have been contacted.



    Nothing to challenge/clarify their decision. Very poor.

    The fact my loan is in arrears 130 days is, I would say an indication their lending criteria were flawed in my case, yet no email. :-@

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