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Posts posted by Markie1973

  1. After years of hearing absolutely nothing from the previous debt collection agency (DLC) all of a sudden I have received a letter from Cabot Financial saying that my account is back with them (??),


    this an unsecured personal loan which was taken out back in 2002 and the last payment was back in 2004/05 and Cabot quote 'With Cabot, you'll never have to pay more then you can afford. We help set up over 53,000 plans every month, we're confident we can help you too.'


    Now they won't get a penny from me but can anybody on the site advise me the best way to deal with Cabot before they send this their solicitors please?, I know the debt is Statute Barred and there has never been any court action of any kind so some help and advice will be greatly appreciated.


    I know that DLC/Cabot are the same company, just trading under different disguise.


    Many Thanks in advance.


  2. Hello everybody,


    Back in 2014 I took out a loan with Quickquid for £150 which was defaulted in June 2015,

    after this debt was passed around various DCA's (despite Quickquid denying otherwise)

    all went quiet and I never heard anything else


    a month or so ago I started to receive e-mails out of the blue from their collections department advising me that my account was 60 days overdue (it's way more then 60 days) and that a Default Notice will be sent to my address (they already did this back in June 2015).


    today I received a e-mail from Credit Karma that a new address has been registered on my credit file by......Quickquid,

    on checking my credit file with Credit Karma an address in Ross-on-Wye has been registered by Quickquid since the 1st April 2020,

    I have no knowledge or have anything to do with this address and neither have I every visited the town in question and I have been at my present address since 1990.


    I have sent Quickquid a e-mail asking why they have registered a incorrect address on my credit file all of a sudden and I have also raised a dispute with Transunion.


    Should the next step be informing the ICO that Quickquid has registered incorrect information on my credit file?.


    Any help/advise will be much appreciated,


    Stay Safe everybody.

  3. Another update, after firing off a e-mail outlining the issues I had with Brighthouse to Moriarty Law I received a letter from them today advising me:


    'We write with the reference to the above detailed account (JC International).


    Please be advised we are no longer instructed in connection with this matter and the account has been returned to our client (presumably JC or BPO Collections?).


    Please contact our client directly if you have any queries.'


    Now will it be safe to say that this may be the end of the matter or standby for JC's next move?.


    Also will it be worth sending a complaint to BPO after my account ended up with Moriarty Law even though it was on hold with BPO as they was awaiting direction from JC?.


  4. After hearing absolutely nothing from Brighthouse, I received a letter from BPO Collections on the 15th August advising me that they had been appointed by Jefferson Capital to collect the outstanding balance of £886, I e-mailed them back the following:




    Thanks for your letter dated the 15th, August which I received today Saturday, 17th August advising me that I owe £899.21 to Brighthouse, also as this alleged debt was originally with Jefferson Capital I would like to advise you that I received no communication from this company prior to receiving this letter from you.
    Firstly, let me tell you about the past issues that I had with this company, well they sent out a agent to my property back in early 2017 after I had returned the item to my local Brighthouse store here in Norrthampton (by the way the store assistant took the handset, did some typing and advised me that as I had returned the item there would be nothing to pay and my account would be closed and I would receive confirmation, as expected this did not happen),
    the store agent who visited my property was told this but decided to engage me in conversation even though he was told to leave my premises he also admitted that further collections activity would continue as well as home visits (he admitted harassment which is against FCA guidelines),
    the agent left BUT her returned again a week later, though I was not home but he took it up on himself to take photographs of our property and look through our windows, this was filmed and photographed by one of our neighbours who also called the Police who sent a patrol to our street and I have a crime number to confirm this.
    I e-mailed the CEO of Brighthouse regarding this but I did not receive a response from him, although I did receive a snotty e-mail from one of their management in London advising me that he has received my e-mail and is very interested in my experience although he obviously did not feel the need to answer or acknowledge the questions within my e-mail so therefore was obviously not interested.
    Brighthouse also took it on their selves to issue a Default for a returned item on my credit report without issuing me a default notice (also I have never received a default notice of sums or any statements from Brighthouse during the life of my agreement), I contacted the Information Commissioners Office advising them of Brighthouse's conduct but when they investigated this the default had vanished from my credit report.
    I also submitted a detailed complaint to the FCA who also contacted me for further information and recently advised me that they are undertaking an investigation with regards to the issues I had with Brighthouse and after taking independent legal advise I also submitted a formal complaint to Financial Ombudsman Service who are in contact with me and have informed me that they are now investigating my complaint regarding Brighthouse.
    Therefore I don't admit any debt to you as the item in question was returned to Brighthouse back in 2017,, I will submit a copy of your letter to the FOS to assist them further in their investigation regarding my complaint towards Brighthouse.
    I therefore will not enter into any further correspondence with you regarding this matter and I hope this e-mail explains the issues I had with this horrible company.'



    To which they replied:




    Thank you for your recent e-mail and for confirming your details.


    We acknowledge your comments and appreciate that you have explained the situation regarding this matter.


    Our client Jefferson Capital International Acquisitions are a debt purchasing company and they purchased this debt from Brighthouse in December 2018.


    We can confirm that we have put forward the points you have raised to our client and have asked them to investigate and respond as our company, BPO Collections Ltd, which operates as independent collections agency for our clients, were not been made aware of any issues when the account was transferred to us for debt recovery.


    Once we receive their reply we shall contact you again and in the meantime, this matter will be placed on hold awaiting our client's response.'


    all is quiet and there has been no further contact from BPO Collections,


    today when I received, out of the blue a PAP/LOC from Moriarty Law asking me to fill out the enclosed forms and informing me that the debt will rise to over £1000 but they state that their client Jefferson Capital is still prepared to settle this amicably without court action.


    Needless to say I am very unhappy with BPO Collections even though they stated that they will hold the account until they receive a response and will contact me again

    - I have heard nothing further from them.


    Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated.


    Many Thanks in advance.

  5. Hello Folks,


    Well I hope you can advise me as today I received a letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors regarding a very old Black Horse loan from approx 2000 to 2001 (infact this loan was originally taken out through Chartered Trust) for the amount of £1886.59 and that this debt was previously assigned to MEIII (was actually Direct Legal and Collections), now no payment has been made on this loan for well over 10 years and has already been through various DCA's prior to DLC going through the courts (a CCJ was granted back in 2006).


    Over 2 - 3 years ago I remember receiving a letter from DLC (I think I may of posted about this but can't remember) which had the old claim number in bold letters, I also remember ringing the County Court who informed me as the Judgement is well over 6 years old and has lapsed then the DCA could not enforce the original judgement as the court would not allow this.


    What I would like to know is the best way to approach Mortimer Clarke regarding this debt as it is deffenately Statute Barred and has already been subject to a CCJ 13 years ago?.


    Also there is a interesting paragraph at the top of their letter which states: ' We write regarding the above matter, Our client previously instructed us to place your account on hold due to a complaint (?). We have now received confirmation that the matter has been resolved (this totally lost me as I never made a complaint and how can a complaint be resolved as it has never been raised??).


    At the bottom the usual twaddle asking me to contact them within 21 days and also a income and expenditure form stapled to the letter obviously thinking that I will make a payment on a debt from years ago which is Statute Barred.


    Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.


  6. 1 hour ago, dx100uk said:

    Have you moved since you took this out?

    No, I have lived at my address for nearly 30 years and have been receiving begging/discount letters from them so they have my correct address, interestingly the account has been removed from my Equifax credit report over the past couple of days.

    Though I did take a screenshot which I have attached,shows the account marked as settled and no default date,interestingly since I took the screenshot a couple of days agoo this account has vanished from Equifax.

    This screenshot shows the discount and after checking my on-line account with BW they have wrote off half of the debt without informing me.





    Also showing as a closed account on Clearscore with zero balance, please delete both attachments if they are unacceptable etc?.

    Screenshot (4).jpg

  7. First of all I have just looked on my on-line account and set up a repayment plan(which maybe a mistake on my part) and received a auto generated letter confirming the plan, however I have noticed that there is a paragraph which states 'We note that you admit the amount claimed and as discussed we have contacted the court and informed them of this and requested that they enter Judgment on admission based on the amount you are able to afford to repay.'

    However, I have not received a Pre Action Protocol letter before action and neither have I received a Claim Form in the post from the courts, also BW Legal have never discussed anything with me as I have not telephoned them, this auto generated letter was dated today 02/03 and was received within minutes.

    I have checked my credit file and interestingly this account is showing as settled even though it is showing as PRAC/BW Legal being the owner of the debt which was assigned to them back on the 09/12/2016.

    The original loan with PDUK was taken out on the 16th December, 2012 for £149.00, never received a default notice or notice of assignment and no payments was made to PDUK, given the date will it be safe to say that the debt is Statute Barred or does setting up a repayment plan reset the Statute Barred clock if that is the case?.

    Many Thanks.







  8. Hello again, I have just received two letters out of the blue from Lowell informing me that two debts from BT Mobile which had been sold to them, both dates of the sale being 22/02/2018 and the letters dated 13th March.


    I am worried regarding a paragraph of both letters which states 'We are aware that this account forms part of your insolvency(?). This letter is not a request for payment.


    Please pass this letter and attached Notice to your Insolvency Practioner/Official Receiver. Lowell Financial will also contact your Insolvency Practioner/Official Receiver to inform them of the changes(?)


    If your circumstances have changed, and you are no longer insolvent, please call us on 0333 556 5990 to discuss payment of this account'.


    Now I have never been made insolvent or bankrupt and I have checked Experian,Equifax and Call Credit and also the Insolvency Service register and there is zero information about me supposedly being bankrupt or insolvent according to Lowells.


    Is this a tactic by Lowells to scare me and to get me to call them?, which is the best course of action I can take regarding the letters I have received from them?.


    Many Thanks

  9. Here is a copy of their e-mail minus all of the twaddle.


    'OUR REFERENCE: Mxxxxx




    Dear xxxx


    We would like to speak to you regarding the payment arrangement set up on your account(s). The last instalment(s) due on the xx/xx/2018 of xx.xx have not been received.


    If your circumstances have changed or you are unable to make this payment(s), please contact us on 0113 887 8587, or e-mail us at customercareteam@mmile.com


    Our dedicated team are able to revise your payment arrangement if necessary based on your current situation.


    Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 1pm.


    Please contact us urgently within 5 days.


    Yours sincerely


    Motormile Finance UK Limited (MMF)


    Please Note: As of March 8th we will be changing our name to Lantern – click here to find out more.'

  10. Just a quick question I recently received a refund from the HMRC for a overpayment of Tax, the amount was for £207 and covered the period between 06/04/16 to 05/04/17, does anybody on the forum know if this is taken into account by the DWP when it comes to payment of Universal Credit?.


    I have had a look on the internet but I can't find any clear information on this, so I hope you can help?.


    Many Thanks in advance.

  11. I have been 'through the mill' with this lot as well, made the complaints which involved the CEO but was passed to pillar to post and ended up with a resolution which suited them.


    You was lucky to receive a notice of sums from Brighthouse, I never received the notice of sums or a default notice from them and it was only by accident when I checked my credit report that Brighthouse has registered a default notice,needless to say that I have now informed the FOS and the ICO of their games as I have a trail of the e-mails that I have sent them - also I sent Brighthouse further e-mails regarding the notice of sums and default notice that I never received but as expected they have not responded.


    Also I returned my item back to my local store months ago before the default was registered on my credit report, who then tried to pressure me in to a re-write, I politely declined and the store assistant advised me that my account is closed with nothing further to pay and I will receive a letter confirming this, guess what? like the notice of sums and default notice I did not receive nothing.


    Interestingly on checking my credit report again my account is marked as closed with Brighthouse, just waiting now for anything else further to happen and I will have a field day with them.

  12. we have not known them to sell to DCA's yet.

    not the way they work.


    The device has long since been returned to the store and despite the sales person telling me that I will receive confirmation that my account will be closed with nothing further to pay or owe, I have not heard a peep from Brighthouse regarding this and as per e-mails have been ignored.


    Should I still be on my guard for further action by them?.

  13. Just to update you all,



    about a month ago I checked my experian and clearscore credit reports and noticed that Brighthouse had recorded a default against my account even though I handed back the device to the store and was told that I would receive confirmation that there would be nothing further to pay and my account would be closed

    - needless to say I never received any further communication from them and as per my e-mails went unanswered.


    Back to the default,

    I never received a default notice or notice of default sums from Brighthouse and I submitted a complaint to the FCA who informed me that the could not investigate individual complaints but will pass on my complaint to the supervisory team responsible for Brighthouse.


    Today I checked my credit reports with Experian and Clearscore and it shows that my account with Caversham Finance/Brighthouse was defaulted in July but then also shows that my account was settled or closed with Caversham Finance/Brighthouse and the default has disappeared from my credit report.


    Could Brighthouse have passed on my account to a debt collector as the account has been closed/settled or is it safe to put this matter to sleep and move on?.

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