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Posts posted by jordangills

  1. your actually pathetic....


    you offer no proper resolution to people. And when anyone contests your answers your come up with showing a post of mine from 4 years ago. Absolutely pathetic.


    How about you try and listen (if you can) to peoples issues and queries and offer them a proper resolution,instead of all this ridiculous debt dodging mentality you seem to have.


    Most people come on here wanting to sort their finances out and in most cases your poor advice would more than likely leave them in a worse situation.


    Just a bit of feedback

  2. If a creditor isn't being paid what should they do?... Write the whole debt off. That's ridiculous (this comes from me with £8400 of defaults on my credit file)


    Most people will have a grievance against a company demanding money. Ultimately if its legally correct then its tough. Its a case it needs to be dealt with.


    Worst thing anyone can do is bury your head in the sand and come up stupid comments regarding just pay them £5.00. You don't know that persons full situation.


    People come on here looking for realistic solutions to there problems not childish and petulant answers.

  3. Your statement is ridiculous.


    As for employment searches you are incorrect. When a company does a employment search, they can see you've defaults but not who with. Obviously dependent on your possible employer and there criteria they may ask more.


    If your stating having a debt marked as settled or partially settled is no vast improvement on default then that's quite a scandalous comment for a site that's supposed to help people.


    Back to the initial question, I'm sure Cabot will update it, just dont expect them to do it now. Most creditors and Collections agencies will do it every 30/50 days.

  4. Most creditors have a set date when they'll update credit files. They dont do it as and when you pay the debt.


    Id give it 30 days from the 18/04 and It'll probably then be updated.


    Contarary to DX100 says 'if its got a defaulted date its a waste on money paying debts by F&F offers' thats nonsense.


    Of course its beneficial paying your debts and it DOES make a difference to your credit rating. If you apply for a job, credit or whatever it may be.

  5. As per a previous post Cash Genie/Ariste Holdings are currently close to entering Administration (confirmed by the FOS).


    On the off chance I complained to FOS stating my loans were mis sold. These dated back to 2011 when I was in a financial mess.


    Id pay the loan on the 28th pay day and then due to having to pay it, take another one out literally a few days later.


    I did this 4 times. Now Cash Genie/Ariste Holdings have written my final debt off (I owed £473) as they admitted there was no cooling off period in between loans being paid and re taken out.



  6. SLL are absolute cowboys.


    They send debt collection letters stating 'they will accept £30 per month' without even knowing the customers situation.


    Not only that I was on a repayment plan with them, I missed one payment whilst I asked them for proof of contract from The Cash Store (the debt they bought) and within 2 weeks i'd received a CCJ Claim form.


    They seem like spoilt brats when it comes to collection of debts. There calls are unbelievably scripted with quotes such as 'the minimum we can accept is...'

  7. Thanks Lee


    @DX -- Im not blindly paying the debts. I work in Finance so know the companies Im paying and have no intention of 'avoiding' the debt.


    You state the payments do not help my score, of course they do. My scores risen from 536 to 688 since i started to repay these debts in January. Coincidence?


    And as my post states im doing this for a job application and also for peace of mind.

  8. Hi there


    Not sure if my case is a one off, but thought I'd share to make people aware.


    I had been paying Motormile Finance on a repayment plan. I then got my Experian file in March and they hadn't updated it to reflect my payments since August 2014.


    They claim it was a technical fault and have subsequently moved the 2 entries from my credit file :smile:


    To be fair to MMF theyve been very good and honest about the issue and haven't proved difficult.


    If you've a debt with them your paying it may be worth a check...

  9. Hi there,


    Just a quick query.... Over the last 3 months I've been frantically trying to sort my credit file out. So far so good (bar my Vodafone bill)


    All my creditors on my credit file are being paid and they are reflecting these on there. And my score has increased :-D


    However i've 2 debts not on there. Presumably they came off my credit file after 6 years or maybe simply they are not on there.


    Do i still have a legal obligation to pay them? Can they re add the debt to my credit score?


    Many Thanks

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