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Posts posted by notmeguvhonest

  1. I had student loans from a similar period, they have been sold to Link Financial (see my thread). Link wrote to me a year before they became statute barred, then wrote five or six times more in the hope that I would contact them. I have not contacted them, and they last wrote to me in May last year. The debt buyers know the debt is unenforceable and give up chasing when they realise that the person they are chasing knows this.

  2. I am starting a course in the next two weeks. There is a bursary, which will be £500 for the first three months, £1000 for the next three months, with a bonus of £1000 when I complete the course.Will my housing benefit claim be worked out each month, or will they average out the income i receive over the six months and calculate accordingly?

  3. I am aware that they are not bailiffs, and are not going to arrange a home visit.



    Debt collectors do not want to spend money. (They are a bit like The Young Ones when they go to the laundrette, insert two times 50p).



    My point is that the company that did the trace probably found out that I am not working at the moment,

    therefore it is not going to be worthwhile taking legal action.



    My question remains,



    how do the trace companies find out if someone is in employment?



    If they find out that I am working, I believe that court papers may be sent to me.

  4. Before 2009 I just deferred each year because I was not earning enough. I moved house in mid 2009 as I could not afford the rent, and was sofa surfing for three years. This is the first letter that I have received from Student loans company, which is surprising considering I have been at my present address for over two years, and have been on the electoral roll for the past three years at various addresses. I was not sure if the six years runs from the last time that I deferred, or from when the account would have been defaulted, which would have been in early 2010.

  5. I have got a new part time job, induction was today, and I am being paid for it. I will be on an hourly rate when I start working, but do not know when this will be. Do I sign off now, or when I actually know when I start working my first shift?

  6. This week I have started a city and gilds customer service course, which is a complete waste of time. Two of the people there are clearly too ill to attend, and would not be employed if they were well, another does not have sufficient English to do anything constructive. Most of the rest are unemployable, and so far I have learnt nothing.

  7. There is an entitlement without obligations culture in this country, what needs to happen is that people are made significantly better off by working than not. At the moment, I am looking for work, but if i work full time at minimum wage, I will only be about £50 a week better off (less any transport costs). I would take this if offered it, but a lot of people would rather just not bother. An increase in the minimum wage would not significantly make me better off by working, as most of any increase that I would receive would have to go to housing costs.

  8. My provider is Avanta I had my induction today, my adviser is on annual leave at the moment, so no meetings for a week or so. I am not worried about travel costs, as i live within walking distance of their office. I also don't mind applying for jobs that I am not qualified for, as I am hoping to become self employed within the next three months or so.

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