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Posts posted by StripedTiger

  1. Hello folks,


    I need some advice in regards to an ongoing issue I have with UKLA:



    • UKLA have placed a default notice on my account without any notification about this in written format
    • UKLA have a plan in place for me to pay off the loan I have with them at £25 a month, however on a regular basis the account number changes etc and I'm left with notice of this after sending funds
    • I've had two months of payment returned to me without any notice from UKLA why this is, they've added late fees and interest to the account while failing to contact me.
    • I've asked for a full break down of the account from them twice but these have not materalised.



    What I'm looking for is some assistance with dealing with them so what I owe is paid off but they don't rip me off either.



    Any help welcomed.

  2. I've had a text and email from Cash Choice today regarding my balance with them.


    I've already agreed to payment agreement in Feb that started this month at £20 a month but the email states no payment has been made despite their best (HA!) efforts to ensure this happened:

    Loan Number: ******


    Balance: £672.65




    Dear Mr. StripedTiger,


    Despite our repeated efforts for payment, the above account remains unpaid. We are unaware of any legitimate reason for non-payment. However, without prejudice, we are willing to accept a reduced settlement figure in order to draw the matter to a close.



    Our offer of full and final settlement: £554.40


    To be paid no later than noon 17/4/2014



    Payment can be made by calling our offices on 0330-088-3577 with your debit card details.


    We would prefer an amicable settlement; however, should the settlement amount not be paid by the specified date, we will not hesitate to take such further enforcement action as may be appropriate.


    Should you have any questions, please telephone our offices on free phone telephone number 0330-088-3577 .


    Important: If you are not the named person above, please contact us to stop any further communication.


    I've clear evidence my payment left my account on the 5th of March using FPS to them with the details provided in a text message from their company. As it's been 15 days since the payment has been made I'm surprised they've not added this to my account.


    Should I go ahead and ignore this email, they are only reporting on my Noddle CRA that I owe £330 not the higher amount above.


    Would appreciate any advice you folks could render.



  3. In this case giving them a quick call would be the first step, if they refuse then a letter would be the best course of action. Stay calm and let them know whats going on, I really doubt they will refuse a payment during this time, if you are off for a whole month it should be in theory two months before you have a wage packet again.


    Just as an aside have you considered using some holiday to at least boost what you have or have you had to drop out of work full stop?

  4. Hi,


    I didn't mean to imply you might borrow more money, however from my own silly experience the temptation to make a "problem" go away by borrowing more ended up in a DMP for two year so far, something I'd rather no one else went through if they can avoid it.


    It's good that you do want to repay and you are showing you want to make payment with the reduced amount. Hopefully once you are back on your feet again everything goes smoothly for you.

  5. I appreciate that it is personnel info, you can provide the sick note if you'd prefer. Still give them a ring, ask to speak with whomever deals with customers facing financial issues and explain whats happening, I suspect QQ and Lending Stream will be quite understanding and offer to take minimal payment for a while, while you get back on your feet, you are after all offering to make payment even if its a smaller amount than expect.


    In the mean time, don't borrow any more money, not only will it look like you're not being truthful with QQ/LS but it'll only end up looping back to you not being able to afford repaying it.

  6. I've defaulted on a loan with the above company after finding myself running very low on funds on a monthly basis.


    I had an arrangement in place for £51 a month but because of a repeated issue with them taking more than this a month I cancelled their payment authority on my account, despite this they still took payment every month which my bank reclaimed from them.


    At no point has CC/UA called me, emailed or sent me a letter to discuss this.


    I contacted them at the start of this month and made them aware that my circumstances were not good and I needed to make a much lower payment.


    I've provided them with a financial statement show what's going on and they've accepted it, however when I asked for my balance instead of it being £400 as I expected the amount had been risen to £609.


    They advised this was interested added on a daily basis from the default being declared on my account, I can make the payment I've discussed but I don't feel its right I have to pay over 1.5 times what I owe them.


    Is there anything I can do to get this reduced, I tried to argue that once an agreement was breached interest couldn't be added to it but they refused to listen.

  7. Hi,


    Sorry to zombie this thread but there doesn't appear to have been a response from the original poster since.


    I've had a similar issue with Oakam, if you are still having this issue I've found speaking with Kevin Gunner, who deals with all of the debt clients of Oakam to be very easy.


    His number is 02088193767 and his email address which he is replying from is kevin.gunner@oakam.com. He is very straight forward and will get back to you.

  8. DX,


    I obtained a balance from them last month through email, along with a confirmation of my accounts outstanding balance, taking into account this months payment I should be at £120.75, they've stated on the phone that all interest and fees are frozen to both PayPlan and myself.


    PayPlan managed to track down the person they've spoken with, the balance is wrong in the email and blamed on a clerical error, something I've taking with a metric tonne of salt. They now claim I owe £264 rather than £120.75 so I'm now chasing this through email again.


    Edit - I am now working through email with Kevin Gunner at Oakam in order to get everything resolved, so far they've confirmed that they don't know their elbows from their lower parts and that my actual balance is £120.95. As for the information that Noodle has provided me they claim a "Admin error" might be at fault here.


    I call bull fecal matter on that and more that they are trying to sabotage me in the future credit rating wise.


    Okay DX, what would you suggest here then, should I stop all payments to them, I've raised a dispute with Noodle about the balance they've shown there is £8000 of debt in default when it's only £120.27 owed, should I give them a broadside with a letter, if so are there templates?


    Sorry this is just really upsetting me, my health is deteriorating so its all adding up right now.


  10. Hi Guys,


    I've been using PayPlan for close to two years now to steadily get myself out of Debt and free of the creditors nooses I put around my own neck.


    My balance is presently in the region of £1000 left to pay off, but in recent months PayPlan seem to be increasingly frustrating to work with.


    Case in point - One of my creditors Oakam, have now sent the wrong balance three times for my account, the first time this led to me spending over an hour jumping through hoops only to find that my balance and what I owed were not the same thing.


    This happened again in October and after banging of fingers in draws so to speak once, I managed to get the answer again, balance was what was loaned, amount left to pay was something else.


    It hasn't helped that for some reason at the start of my DMP with PayPlan they changed the reference number for my debt with Oakam to another for three months and never twigged this was an issue until I checked into it myself.


    Today I've received the same message again, no checking of previous issues with this creditor or how their letters are badly formatted, resulting in hair pulling on my behalf.


    PayPlan I know is in the pocket of the credit industry to get back what I owe, I've no issue with repaying it all back to them because I knowingly took the money and promised to repay it. But now I seriously wonder if I should find an alternative to them or go it alone, what would you guys advise.


    I've already gone for the PPI on three of my creditors and won back some, should I SAR all of them and go after my unfair bank charges?


    Thank you in advance for any advise rendered.


    Edit - It would also seem using noodle that Oakam claim I have a balance of £8k rather than the £120.76 I have with them. That is very, very worrying, I've opened a dispute about it.

  11. Hi Silver,


    Thanks for the reply, to expand I'd been making regular payments to CC but due to circumstances beyond my control I found myself quite short, discussing this with them they agreed that a payment plan of £51.60 was the right way to go and that this would be taken out on the last working day of each month.


    Fast forward to yesterday, both the first payment and the full amount due on my account was taken from my account. I spoke with them four times on the phone, promised each time my refund would be issued that day and they were "very, very sorry that this error occurred".


    I've spoken with my bank, Natwest, who can see the £51.60 and the £209.90 but the larger amount was still pending on my account.


    I've spoken finally after ringing about ten times to the same person I spoke with yesterday, made it very clear in firm language that they've failed to pay me and this must be with me before 3:30pm today. I suspect this wont work.


    As a point I had already cancelled this authority, but I'll be making sure to cancel it again and insist on paying by cheque from now on. I'm also going to shove all of my money on my next pay into my savings account.

  12. Hello,


    Yesterday Cash Choice, now known as UK Lenders Alliance took both the agreed payment of £51 from my account and the full balance of my loan with them at the same time.


    Despite several calls to them and promises of the funds being returned to my account by midnight that night through Faster Payment, I've found myself now overdrawn and receiving text alerts from my bank regarding going over by 3:30pm.


    I've repeatedly called their number since 8am to be constantly "timed out" during the call wait.


    What I'm trying to find out is if anyone might be aware if Cash Choice/UK Lenders Alliance has gone under or been shut down and in a fit to get as much back as possible robbed its customers.


    I'm fuming that they've done this to me, I struggle as it is and this has now been the kick I really didn't need.



  13. Hello Guys,


    I'm having real trouble with Barclaycard, who bought the credit cards of Egg sometime in the last few years.


    I'm presently in a DMP and paying back at a rate I can afford to,

    however every month Barclaycard continue to add more interest/fees to the account because they claim the funds I send through my DMP (PayPlan) don't arrive until after the due date.


    This means that my account which should be £58.98, instead sits at £104.43,

    not a massive difference but this continues to climb every month, despite conversations with them about what's going on,

    my forced home move (caused by a landlord divorce) and an assurance that fees/interest would be frozen to help this is still being added.


    I have attempted a SAR before but this was returned to me without any explanation as to why,

    and I imagine if it was successful it would clear the debt I presently have with Barclaycard freeing up the money to distribute among my other creditors.


    Does anyone have any advice on what to do here,


    PayPlan are suggesting I speak with Barclaycard directly but that feels like talking to a brick wall at times,


    more so with their outsourced call centres seemingly trained in high level sarcasm.

  14. Hello folks,


    I posted to these forums about just under a year ago at the start of my DMP with Payplan after researching that they were the best choice for me and would actually pay back all of my debt rather than part of it and try writing off more of it which I understood damages my credit rating further.


    At the moment I'm £2.8K from being clear of the major part of my debt, this should be done in about 9-10 months time fingers crossed.


    I do have two issues I'd like some advice on, Payplan are great but bless them they don't quite get what I'm asking or wanting advice on.


    Barclay Card have now twice cancelled the agreement with me and slapped interest back up to 29.9% after I made two reduced payments, one because of a large phone bill and the other because I required funds to pay for a long term prepaid prescription card. They refused to accept a lower payment even with that explanation and leeved several times across the DMP £12 fees for being late with payment.


    Is there anyway I can get them to reverse the charges and help bring back down what I owe them, they hassle me rather than my DMP company, going as far as to claim they did send letters that haven't been received.


    My second question relates to Santander, previously Abbey and Abbey National when I first joined them. The entire reason the house of cards that was my debt collapsed was their full withdrawl and demand for repayment of my overdraft with them, something that I never received notification for, nor could they prove they'd actually send, going as far as to say they couldn't reproduce such a letter because it was all automated.


    I did complain to the "CEO" help they have but they essentially told me the same thing, we did send the letter, no we can't send another, no we can't accept that payment etc. I'd like to know if there are any suggestions for dealing with this or reclaiming fee's back from them over the years I'd been with them?


    Sorry if this is pretty long winded, just wouldn't mind speaking with experienced folk about these issues.

  15. Hello,


    I'm in my third month of what looks to be an eighteen month long DMP with PayPlan. So far all but two of my creditors have confirmed they have accepted the terms of my DMP and are happy to receive the payment I will be sending via PayPlan.


    The issue has now arisen that Oakam one of those two creditors, creditors has not received to this date a penny from PayPlan, despite the account showing a payment to the right account number for £117.56 so far.


    I'm most angry with PayPlan as so far they have failed to respond to my emails to them, my phone calls are on hold so long I get their answer phone and more so that Oakam are stating they will be applying late fees, interest and considering taking the matter to a County Court.


    The odd thing is that Oakam have accepted the offer made to them (two were sent as I was able to increase the amount I paid after a small payrise which I gave 80% of to the DMP) but never get a reply back or any cheques/payments to them.


    I really don't need this right now, any advice anyone?


    It would appear they've received one payment but state no further payments have been received and that their Debt Manager is only available Mon-Fri 9-5pm, despite being on hold for twenty minutes to find this out.

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