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Posts posted by amy_louise

  1. Just need a little advice on this situation,


    I had a loan from Toothfairy Finance, couldnt repay on time due to financial reasons, this was over a year ago now! The last text i had from them my loan was well over £3000 from a £400 loan, I have had all the letters/emails/texts that everyone else is getting then i had a man turn up at my door claiming to be from Marshall Hoares, he explained to me that he was going to get someone on the phone for me to speak to and that we would try and resolve the problems and set up a payment plan, the lady i spoke to said as a gesture of good will they would remove some of the charges from my toothfairy loan, she also claimed that another loan of mine from speedy dosh had been passed on to them and that she couldnt remove any of the charges as it is not a loan with them, i thought bonus!! finaly something was getting sorted, i agreed to pay £60 to both loans so £120 in total via standing oder, the woman on the phone said she would email and text me the details i needed to set up the standing order and confim the payment plan, i recieved the text but no email, the guy that was at my door went away with no hassle and i thought i was on the right track.


    I paid the first installment on the date we agreed, i got a text from Northern Debt Recovery a week later saying i had not stuck to the agreement and that i needed to contact them, i phoned and said i had paid the £120 on the agreed date and the lady on the phone said she would sort it out at there end. Again i paid the £120 this month on the agreed date and again they have sent me the same text and a voicemail saying they are going to send someone to my home???????


    I am beyond confused now with these 3 companies, i wanted to send them a letter but when i have just gone to get it from there websites i have seen a post on another website saying there address is incorrect and that building is empty!!!!


    What do i do? i dont want to call these people as they are agressive and in general horrible to deal with, should i cancell the standing order if as they say the are not recieving it, i dont want to be giving them money and them pretending they havent got it if they have.


    Any help would be gratefully recieved

  2. Any advice would be amazing :-)


    As some of you may have read my earlier posts about these guys i have a loan with them that defaulted and over the last couple of months they debited over £700 from my account with out my permission, they gained my card details when i applied for a loan with a broker and they then sold on my details, i have been in contact with a Mr Daniel Bishop at CFO who initially told me they had only took just under £500 and not over £700, when i made a complaint with the BCCA they changed there story and said there had been a banking error and that the bank had taken too much, £270 appeared in my account and on my bank statement it said it was a payment from CFO, at the bank i rang CFO and asked why they had put £270 in my account, the guy on the phone told me he didnt know why it was there e.t.c and when i got home i had a email from Mr Bishop saying that he was contacting me reguarding my complaint with the BCCA, he told me that it wasnt CFO that had paid in the £270 it was the bank!!! he then went on to say he would refund me £250 and place me on a payment plan for £50 to pay them back what i owed them, i asked him why would i owe him anything when my original loan amount was for £270 plus 1 months intrest makes £375 so to me i would have repayed what i owed plus more:


    Initial loan plus 1 months intrest: £375

    Total amount of money taken by CFO: £770

    Total amount refunded: £270

    Total amount to date taken by CFO: 500


    So by my reconing they have taken £125 too much, through all this they had put me £330 overdrawn and charges included, so the £270 put back didnt even clear my unarranged overdraft, i emailed Mr Bishop and told him i wanted CFO to refund me the £125 i have overpaid plus the £330 that they have cause me with the bank, he told me the only thing they will do is forget the £192 they say i still owe and close the account down.


    What i want to know is am i fighting a loosing battle asking for them to refund me the money or should i just close the account, i want them to take some responceabilty for the situation they have put me in, because of them i couldnt pay any of my other debts last month and now some of them are passing my debts on to debt collectors and refusing to deal with me


    Please help me x

  3. Does anyone happen to have a email address for either NDR or Mini Credit, im trying to set up a repayment plan with both of these but when i email them through there website all i get is a general responce saying we do not accept repayment plans!!!!


    I really dont want to speak with them over the phone because they can be horrible to deal with, surley they should have a email address that people can contact someone at these places and not just a computer reply.


    If anyone has banking deatails for either of them i would really appriciate it


    Thanks :-)

  4. Well i asked they guy on the phone (who sounded like a 12 year old!) are you going to tell me next month that i owe you £270? He said i dont know!!


    I told him well i havent applied for a loan and according to you i still owe £192.00!! I told him that the £270 isnt even in my account anymore as it just payed the £205 i was overdrawn because of them!


    He was saying, i dont know, i dont understand why this has happend e.t.c!!


    I have emailed all of these so far:





    and the customer service email address

  5. Hi guys,


    Last week i made a complaint about CFO reguarding them taking money out of my account (Theres a post on hear detailing everything) Got a reply saying it had been passed on to Racheal Corcoran. I havent heard anything else untill today, recieved this from Daniel Bishop of CFO,



    I have today Received a call from Rachael Corcoran at the BCCA in regards to the complaint that you made.


    As previously advised we will need to see the Full Month of Augusts Bank Statement from your account.


    I have previously requested this from you but the copy which you sent through had parts blacked out and as advised then we will need to see all transactions. I have previously advised you that we have taken on the 12th August a total of £450.30 which you are disputing. You are saying we took £745.30 So we can check to see that none of the payment have bounced back to you we will need to check this so we can investigate further. I will also need to see this to determine the change in circumstances which have made you request a payment plan from CFO. Once we have this documentation we can then Investigate the complaint and then make a decision on how we propose to rectify the situation.


    Please sent this over at your Earliest convenience.


    Kind Regards


    Daniel Bishop


    Do you think i am right in blacking out my statement or should i just send one without blacking it out?


    Also went down to the bank today and guess what....CFO have credited my account with £270!!!??? got told by the bank to ring them up and see what they had to say so rang them from the bank and the responce was, I cant see £270 on my screen, i dont know whats happend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So they have given me £270 but they dont know why......................WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Id be carefull with Capital Finance One - They emptied my bank account while i was trying to set up a repayment plan with them, they told me to go onto there new website www.paycfo.co.uk and set up a payment plan there, i did that and they got my card details and cleared the lot!! if they tell you to go on that website DONT!!!!!


    As for MiniCredit ive yet to hear anyone who has set up a plan with them, i havent managed to do it, all they keep saying is i can make part payment or full payment via the website.


    Can i ask did you set up your repayment plan with 1 month loan via email or phone?

  7. Hi Guys,


    Just wanted some advise, My bank account was emptied by a payday loan company and left me £200 overdrawn, i dont have a overdraft so i am being charged £130 Unarranged Overdraft fees on top of the £200 im already overdrawn.


    I what i want to know is:

    - Why did the bank let a company take £200 i didnt have and let me go overdrawn?

    - Are the charges lawfull seen as though Santander let these people take money i haddent agreed to?


    I have no idea about banks and all the legal side of it i just want to know if i can get these charges taken off and my money replaced.



  8. Hi Guys, Just a quick one:


    Had a loan with Payday Express in May, couldnt afford to repay the loan in June, ive been emailing them ever since to set up a repayment plan and havent had any reply what so ever, i am constantley recieving calls from them, at least 7 times a day! Last week they send me a text message saying they were sending doorstep collectors in the next 3 days between the hours of 7AM and 8PM and they sent me this is an email aswell.


    Today they have sent me a letter dated 22/08/2011 saying the following:



    Your outstanding balance is £255.00


    Next action to be take by you: PAY THE DEBT IN FULL within 10 days of postmark


    - Cash at any money shop store

    - Debit card by calling our office on either of our free phone numbers

    - Cheque/Postal orders, to the address below


    Failure to clear your account balance will result in you being issued with a Default Notice served under section 87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Default account information is registered with a credit bureau and recorded against your credit files.


    Failure to clear your account balance may result in;


    Enforcement action to recover this debt in the Count Court, which may lead to an attachment of earnings order to deduct payments direct from your salary by your employer, or bailiffs seizing goods from your property.


    Payday Express instruct a Debt Collection Agency, which may result in a visit to your home to collect the debt personally.


    YOU MUST CONTACT US IMMEDITLEY IF YOU WANT YOUR ACCOUNT TO REMAIN WITH PAYDAY EXPRESS. CALL NOW to discuss this matter with one of our account managers.


    I just dont know what im supposed to do with this now, they dont reply to my emails and they say i refuse to speak to them!!! Does anyone know why they havent defaulted me already? i thought as soon as the 30 days are up they default you straight away?


    Any help would be amazing!

  9. Im having the same problem with these guys, i recieved a text message yesturday saying that because i have ignored all contact from Payday Express they are sending debt collectors in the next 3 to 4 days between the hours of 8AM - 7PM, they also sent me an email saying the same thing, i have sent them countless emails which they have ignored


    Does anyone know if this is just a empty threat or will they send them??

  10. Thought you all would love this last email:


    We have Hundreds of Thousands of happy customer who use us on a Monthly basis. These are people who understand the product and pay it back when they should. I don’t think that you making threats is going to help your situation. You can take us to court of course and as advise we can provide all the evidence required. But as you don’t have a solicitor or are not even able to provide there details that I have asked you to on numerous occasions or a Statement again which I have asked for on numerous occasions and you will not provide what we need to assist you I really cannot help you. I have done all I can to assist you I cannot do any more.

  11. Ive said that and he just says that untill he sees a months statement dated upto today he cannot assist me further, i replied saying give me the email address of someone who can help me then, his reply was " As i have advised you countless times we cannot assist you further unless you sent what i have asked for" ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  12. Sillygirl1, i have never spoke with them on the phone it has all been emails, i have saved every email i have ever had with CFO, i have complained yes, i have told the guy from CFO that i have complained and he didnt seem fased by it in his email

    Do you know if he is right saying my bank statement is no good becaused i have crossed the other details out?

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