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Darren MO

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Posts posted by Darren MO

  1. Has anybody ever tryed setting up a repayment plan with them? If so how easy/hard are they to deal with and i borrowed £100 so what sort of offer should i make on the plan?

  2. Ok i original borrowed £250 so would have had to repay them £330 , they have taken £255 from my account should i repay them anything else (they are saying i owe over £700) or could i refuse and would they take me to court or anyone else like a dca take me to court and win?

  3. I yesterday recieved a letter from Mini Credit stating that i owe £677 on a £330 loan that i have already paid £55 off. The notice says




    Despite all our efforts you have chosen not to settle our above outstanding account.


    We have no alternative but to esculate the matter. If full payment is not made by close of business on the 21st October 2011 the matter will be referred to our doorstep collections agent to recover this debt as they see fit.


    To avoid further unneccessary costs please ensure payment is sent by return.


    Should i worry about the debt collectors?


    Have others recieved these letters?

  4. I have had ENOUGH of PDE. They keep calling me and I keep telling them NOT to call me because they won't accept my offer, so what is the point of calling me! They send me texts and emails telling ME to call THEM and tbh I have had enough. The last straw is this - received an email from them


    Dear customer- Payday Express has been trying to contact you without success. We have instructed our agent to call within the next 3 days between the hours of 8am & 7pm. If this is not convenient please call us on 0800 012 6347 to arrange a more suitable time.


    What a bunch of liars! God only knows how many times I have emailed them and told them on the phone not to call me! Sent them this back:


    Despite numerous emails requesting communication via writing only, you have continued to harrass me. I suggest you read the paragraphs below that are emboldened. I DO NOT wish your agent to visit me, in fact, you would have to make an appointment with me in order for you to carry this out.


    My "fair and reasonable" offer still stands. I am willing to pay you £55 per month for my original loan plus one month's interest only initially for a period of 3 months. You can then review it as my mortgage arrears will be paid in full.


    If you do not think this is fair then I suggest that you sue me. However, I intend to vigorously defend any action.


    I only wish to communicate via email or letter so please do not telephone me or send me texts.


    Final Guidance on Unfair Business Practices

    July 2003 (updated December 2006)





    2.5 Putting pressure on debtors or third parties is considered to be oppressive.


    2.6 Examples of unfair practices are as follows:

    a. contacting debtors at unreasonable times and at unreasonable intervals


    b. pressurising debtors to sell property, to raise funds by further borrowing or to extend their borrowing


    c. using more than one debt collection business at the same time resulting in repetitive and/or frequent contact by different parties


    d. not ensuring that an adequate history of the debt is passed on as appropriate resulting in repetitive and/or frequent contact by different parties


    e. not informing the debtor when their case has been passed on to a different debt collector


    f. pressurising debtors to pay in full, in unreasonably large instalments, or to increase payments when they are unable to do so

    g. making threatening statements or gestures or taking actions which suggest harm to debtors


    h. ignoring and/or disregarding claims that debts have been settled or are disputed and continuing to make unjustified demands for payment


    i. disclosing or threatening to disclose debt details to third parties unless legally entitled to do so


    j. acting in a way likely to be publicly embarrassing to the debtor either deliberately or through lack of care, for example, by not putting correspondence in a sealed envelope and putting it through a letterbox, thereby running the risk that it could be read by third parties.

    2.12f: Visiting or threatening to visit debtors without prior agreement when the debt is deadlocked or disputed.


    By 'deadlocked' we mean where a debtor (or debtor’s adviser) agrees there is a debt and has offered a repayment programme which has not been agreed by the creditor or debt collector. We are not saying that any offer must be accepted but we have seen cases where offers are disregarded and a debtor is told that 'we are sending field agents'. Many debtors are unlikely to understand this term and are likely to view the visit as a threat designed to make them offer more money when they can pay no more. Some letters appear to be designed to give this impression.



    At first they kept telling me they wouldn't do a payment plan with me because i don't qualify after a couple of weeks of me repeatedly emailing them i eventually sent them an email saying basically take me to court it was one i copied out of the library on here and they accepted a payment plan for the same amount i originally owed.

  5. Just recieved this in an email from Mini credit



    We would like to remind you that your MiniCredit overdue loan balance is £504.00.


    If we are unable to recover full amount within next 10 days we'll send Your account to THE DOORSTEP COLLECTOR and You will incur extra costs.


    We may also contact Your employer and start legal action against You. We also report the status of Your outstanding account to Credit reference agencies. All this process affects your credit score adversely and ability to receive credit in the future.



    Best regards



    Debt Collection Team

    Tel: 08718903015





  6. Everyone goes on about what you owe + 1 months interest but no one ever has a story on here that a company like mini credit wanted say £800 for a £300 loan and they only ended up paying £300 and this is what worries me most there are no successful outcomes with people in these cases on here.

  7. I've sent this lot a token payment of £5.00 to start off with. I sent them several emails and now one letter begging them to freeze interest and to give me time to sort myself out. They've phoned me at home, mobile, (my parents too) and at work and now it is getting silly. I keep on getting texts, messages and emails saying that they haven't recieved anything, but I know since July, I've kept in touch plus I paid the last interest on my new debit card! My mother was in hospital in July and I defaulted due to losing my old card. got a new one and forewarned these clowns about this and what did they do? Ignored my emails and tried to take money from my old card. I eventually got the new one and they took money off of there, but they sent no apologies and they have been ignorant all the way through. These people obviously can't read otherwise they wouldn't cause unnecessary stress to people.

    I'd like to know what they would do, if they had illness or a loved one in hospital (serious illness mind not a small thing at all) and see how they feel getting harassed when they are still getting paid. They are *******s!


    How much do you owe and how much have you paid back?

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