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Posts posted by Metrogarbage

  1. Gonna blow this out the water for you lot.


    I used to work for them.


    The reason recorded delivery wont be noted is because where you post them to is a secure address ie; not the building where they work.


    The collection process is so easy to abuse. If you make perhaps £1 per month payments by standing order to the account details supplied religiously you will hardly ever get post and no further actions. Legally the litigation department will not pursue actions if there are continual registered payments. If you do not own your own home or work full time then you also do not have the required suing criteria, or if you are living overseas because you can not sue someone in another country also if you owe less than £1,500 they dont sue. All the threats of door to door collections are a complete fabrication it is simply not cost effective for them to do that.


    Also if you have friends over seas give their address because defaults cant be registered overseas and the standard overseas letters will eventually offer 40% discount to settle.


    Hope this helps

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