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Posts posted by mariann

  1. Well I can see that they are responsible for cyber hacks etc. and they want to make the consumer responsible for fraud that might be a result of the consumer being careless.


    Having said that the problem is that they could then push a lot of things on to us and make us pay for things have have not actually done.


    If someone steels my card or my card details, and they have the technoogy to read it or hack it there is not a lot I can do about it but report it and this will depend on the quality of the technology the bank deployed as well.


    So I can see where the banks are coming from, but surely one of the reasons they encouraged people to use cards was because it's safer than cash and can not be stolen.


    If it can be than what is the point of having a card, especially if my whole month salary is on there, which I would not carry around in cash.


    Even if they only change the small print and you need a lawyer to understand it, which most counsumers will not have, this will be a short term thing, because when the first case comes and the papers pick up on it, it will be in the papers in laymen's terms and consumers will start voting with their feet very quickly.


    So unless every single bank decides to introduce this, it will not really work. This is the problem with the small print and pushing costs on to customers in a sneaky manner. It backfires sooner than they think.





    This is there way of saying "They've lost control and the public must now pay". It's the only way they have of fighting back..... the dirty way!!!


    Time to get rid of the I.T think tanks as they're no longer needed arguing the toss with the customer is now the order of the day.


    The only way not to get ripped by these highway robbers is if we all go back to stashing money under the bed!

  2. I have one and I have just started a new job. They have asked me when offerig the job and I haev advised them, so that is fine.


    However, my previous employer have just sent me an email stating that they have posted as well as emailed a letter to my new employer with the restrictions.


    This is not a problem as I have told them anyway, but I have since left the new job as it was very junior, so looking for a new one.


    I am wondering whether someone could recommend an employment lawyer, or could give me some advice, as I now have new interviews lined up and I am expecting that employer to send them a letter as well, therefore my employment may be jeopardised/restricted.


    I have spoken to a lawyer friend, not an employment lawyer though, and he suggested to take it easy as the judge would probably be in my favour if it gets to that point.


    This is because my job involves dealing with many customers who are on a database, and many companies in the industry I am in will have many of the same contacts/clients.


    Therefore if I deal with a client it would not be because they are my old job's client' but because they are the new one's existing customers as well.


    The restrictions seem to apply to the whole database which is about 20 000 people, not only the people I have dealt with. I also have no knowledge of who is actually on the database, as it is too large.


    So my question is, if I get an offer which I then lose because of this, can I take the old employer to court. I have heard that for example if there is a notice period, and they make me work if which results in losing another new job, due to the timing, I can sue them for damages.


    I do not want to sue anyone, my aim is to be able to get a new job and support myself. I have worked in an industry for the past 10 years and can not now suddenly find a totally different job/profession.


    But would like to know my rights. Are these enforcable?


    My colleagues have gone to comeptitors and have not been pursued, however I have been told that the restrictions have been posted to my new employers. Which has not happend to my colleagues who left.


    Any help apperciated.



  3. Hi All


    Can't find the letter in the library and the company I used to work for is still using my name and photo.


    Could someone tell me which letter to send please


    Many thanks,




    Hello,this should be relatively straightforward.

    Simply advise them that you remove all permissions and will rely on the Data Protection Act for their compliance.

    You can do this by writing a formal letter,or else serving them a section 10 notice under the DPA.

    There is a template of this in the CAG library.

  4. This sound really wise on the one hand, however I am wondering whether it makes any sense at all to be on there then, if no one can find me etc.


    Would it not be just easier to not have a profile at all?


    I also have a question.


    My employer asked a few of us to become community managers and so I now have two profiles, both with the same photos, one is my own and the other is an upgraded account that is paid for by the company.


    My job with relation to this was to collect contacts that are relevant to my job and the business.


    I have now handed in my notice and would like them to remove that profile as I will not be working there any longer.


    Does anyone know what are the legal requirements for them to remove my profile and stop using my name and photo please?


    As far as I am aware the company does not have a social media policy for employees, as such so it was dealt with on a more ad hoc basis.


    Any advice would be much appreciated.


    Thank you.



  5. Will having the council tax on my name improve my credit rating?


    Will having bills on my name improve it?


    Is there anything else I can do please?


    I am on the electoral roll and have a first direct cc which I am paying off by DD, and also have a virgin mobile contract, so far. Plus a current account from the COOP bank. (cash minder)


    Many thanks



  6. Could someone tell me how often should I look at my credit rating, what is the minimum required for renting a flat, when the estate agent checks it, can they see how bad it is? Or only that I did/did not pass?


    Also if I was abroad for 4-5 years would that affect my credit rating? I had no CCJs against me, nor was I declared bankrupt.


    So how bad is bad, that's I guess what I would like to know.


    Also, shall I pay the CRA the 13 pounds for the credit check or is there another way of doing it please?


    Many thanks,



  7. I have been speaking to someone who suggested that I should check the defulat dates on my CRA, as sometimes it's not correct.


    I have indeed checked them and I think the default date is when I stop paying someone?, I hae stopped paying my bills (due to illness, loss of job and then moving home), in April 2008, but the default dates are July and sometimes even November of 2008.


    Does it matter?


    The person I spoke to suggested it does because, they count the the 3 years/6 years from when I have stopped paying and if that's not correct it will take me longer before I can get credit?


    I have payed everything back and have since opened a Co-op basic account, a Capital One card and a Virgin mobile on a monthly contract, so building it back up.


    Could someone help me please?





  8. OK.


    I have had some savings in another EU country which I have brought into the UK in cash in Euros. I went to the post office to change it into pounds. I then did not want to carry cash around any longer so thought I would open a savings account in the Post Office.


    They said fine but I can only put a 1000 pounds into the account. They have then given me a receipt and told me that I will get the rest in the post.


    I have now received a letter saying that I have to provide 2 proof of ID by post or by going into the local branch.This is fine I have the IDs and will go in tomorrow.


    The only problem is, there is a question on the form, about the source of funds. I have nothing to hide as this is my own money, and was taxed in the country I have earnt it. However I took it out there and have brought it into the country in cash.


    I am now wondering what to do and is there a risk I will lose the money?


    Or will they investigate?


    I don't mind if they do as I have not done anything, having said that I don't want the hassle and I want my money.


    Please advise.


    Many thanks



  9. Well I am not planning a joint bank account but was thinking that we may both be on the rental contract, or that my namewill be on some bills and his on others so that is why I am asking...


    Also can other people do a search on my credit file? Or only me


    I have not told him aboud my credit rating as it is now all paid and I in fact have savings already. Will tell him but not just yet

  10. There is a section I am reading from the link you have suggested:


    "Dealing with defaults on your file.

    One of the major problems people face are debt defaults on their file, these can easily hamper applications to get new credit and if they're genuine and fair are tough to deal with. Firstly check with the other agencies that the deafult is there too, then try the following tactics, especially if the default is unfair."





    My question is what are defaults?

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