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Posts posted by taximan45

  1. Hello.

    I have a British Gas account for dual energy with small outstanding balance (£350) I pay by direct debit £170 per month.


    THis is too high,

    my usage for last year was just over £100 per month across the year.


    I have argued with BG that whilst I realise they want the balance paid off the amount I'm paying will put me in credit by some way by the end of the year which they will then refund me.


    I feel this is morally wrong, I don't see why a multi million pound corporation should owe me money, particularly when it is set up as a credit account and there is an entry on my credit file!


    My question is

    if they won't play ball and reduce my payments can they do anyting if I cancel the dd and just pay manually each month, assuming I pay slightly more than what I've used so the balance comes down, albeit at a slower rate than they would like?


  2. I'd appreciate a bit more advice on this complaint.

    After the non budge phone call they've actually emailed me this morning which I've copied below. 


    I have now complained to the fos but haven't heard anything from them yet.

    Should I respond now to this email, and if so what should I write?

    Or just leave it now to the ombudsman

    Thanks again


    Good afternoon


    Further to your recent email, I have reviewed your comments about why you didn’t complain about your loans until now, and I need some more information from you. Please be aware that without speaking with you I may not have enough information to come to a conclusion as to whether or not the 3 year exception applies to your circumstances.


    Please can you provide more information to help us understand what led you to make your complaint.

    Was there anything specific that triggered you to make your complaint?

    Please provide as much information as you can.

  3. They phoned me this morning asking me to answer some further questions.


    I refused and said I want to keep everything in writing,

    they refused and said they need to actually speak to me,

    this went back and forwards for a good few minutes with them saying they don't email customers as they need to ask over the phone.


    Strange given everything has been done by email so far.🙄

    So I guess its off to the Ombudsman I go...


    A few years ago I had a lot of cheque cashing loans rolled over with the Money Shop.


    I only found out very recently that these are still classed as pay day loans and are therefore claimable for irresponsible lending.


    I sent them the SAR which I recieved, and then the complaint.


    After a bit of padding out they have sent me their 'final response', which is copied below.


    Could someone please advise me how I should proceed.

    Many thanks


    Thank you for taking the time in bringing your complaint to my attention on 04 Apr 2019 and for giving me the chance to put things right. I have now finished my investigation.



    Please read this part carefully as I will explain how I understand your complaint.


    This is important in how I have reached my decision:

    We received your complaint via email on 04/04/2019.

    You believe that the loans were mis-sold to you by Your us.

    You claimed that the loan payments which you paid to us left you with too little money and that the loans were unaffordable.

    You claimed that you not afford these loans and after making the repayments to us, you had to borrow again to get through the next month.

    You claimed that we should have realised from the number of times you borrowed that your debt problems were getting worse and it was not responsible to continue to lend to you.

    Your lending took place between 10/03/2008 and 28/12/2012.


    My Decision:

    We handle complaints following rules set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


    One rule is that a customer must complain within 6 years of the problem.

    Another rule is that if more than 6 have passed, you must complain within 3 years of knowing you could complain about the problem.


    I can see that all of the loans that you are complaining about are more than 6 years old.

    So for me to consider these loans, I need you to tell me why you didn’t complain about these loans until now.


    Next Steps:

    I appreciate that this may not be the response you may have been hoping for but I hope you can see how and why I have come to my decision.

    If you are not satisfied, you may also ask for an independent review by the Financial Ombudsman Service.


    You have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge

    – but you must do so within six months of the date of this letter.


    If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.


    Please also see:


    A leaflet from the Financial Ombudsman Service, “Your Complaint and the Ombudsman” is available by post only; please contact us if you would like a copy to be sent to you.


    If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us either via telephone or email using the details below and quoting the Case Reference number above. Our telephone opening hours are from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Yours faithfully,


    Customer Relations Department T: 0800 280 2548 E: customerrelations@themoneyshop.co.uk

    The Money Shop is a trading name of Instant Cash Loans Limited. Instant Cash Loans Limited is a company registered in England and Wales, Company Number 2685515 Registered Address: 6 Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7BA Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in relation to credit-related activities. VAT Registration Number: 896 1022 16


    *Please note that for training and security purposes, telephone calls may be recorded Letter Code - FRL


  5. Hoping someone can advise me about an issue with these people.

    I've been a silly boy and used wonga a few times whilst I was self employed a while ago. I had no problems at first and it was actully a good short term cashflow solution if used correctly, however I encountered problems with my work and fell behind with payments, and so they started adding fees and interest. This was about the time they went into administration. About the same time I filed a complaint of irresponsible lending as I had got into the situation of having to roll over loans. This complaint was ignored and then sent on to the FOS, and it still remains unsettled

    I've since paid off the orginal amount borrowed so all that remains is the fees they have added (roughly £400). I read on another consumer site that if it is just charges owed then not to pay it as it can be used to set off any compensation due when the complaint is finally settled (obviously I am unlikely to get a penny back due to them being in administration). I have contacted wonga several times about this complaint but they just bat me off saying its being dealt with, even though it has long since passed any deadlines, and now they have placed the account in default which had damaged my credit score a huge amount.

    Is there anything I can do about this or is it just a waiting game now?

    Thanks in advance

  6. Hello.

    I am 2 and a half years into a 4 year finance deal on my vehicle.

    It is all up to date at the moment.


    However I am changing job this month, but am going from self employed to full time employed and paid monthly. As I have no savings I will be going a whole month with no income so I am going to struggle to pay all my bills for this month.


    Before I start talking to the finance company about this to try and come up with an agreement (which I don't think they will be keen to do) what are the legalities of me missing one payment?

    I'm assuming they can't start repossession proceedings yet?


    I'm hoping they will agree to take just a small token payment this month then make up the shortfall over the next two or three but if they try to play hardball where do I stand?

    Thanks for any help.

  7. Hello.


    Last year I took out a warranty for a second hand car I had bought with Warranty Direct.

    They offered tol et me pay over 4 instalments which I went with.


    After a couple of months the car had a breakdown.

    THey agreed to pay for the initial repair (roughly £800)

    however that was caused by another issue which then needed subsequent repair at a cost of £1200


    . They refused to pay out for this after having the vehicle examined by an independant 'engineer' (ACE).


    They used a technicality of small print to wriggle out of paying.

    I didn't pay the remaining two instalments on the plan as I didn't have the money, having to spend it on the car instead ( i eventually got the money back form the finance company but it took months).


    They have now passed the debt onto a debt collection agency

    . Its not a huge amount of money but its the principle of the matter I have a problem with.


    As I have never actually entered into a signed credit agreement with WD should I stand firm, or are they likely to come after me to reclaim any extra charges?


    There is nothing in writing to confirm the payment arrangement although I guess they have the recoreded for training phone calls to go back on.


    The other option is to offer the debt company a small monthly amount to pay it off.

    Could I have peoples opinions as to how to proceed please?

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