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Posts posted by Shelley181146

  1. Things are serious now with the council having got access to information from over 10 years ago and are using this in their evidence (albeit, they say it's not relevant) they have used it in their documents.

    Surely this is a breach of data, and as the vulnerable adult cannot gain access to legal representation via legal aid as its deemed to be a civil case, they will be unrepresented at court.

    Will the judge allow this to continue, as they are unable to represent themselves.


    Please, please, can anyone advise, support or point in the right direction.

  2. I am trying to support someone who has learning and mental health issues.


    Since the age of 5 years (diagnosed with ADHD) they have not received the correct diagnosis / medical treatment (medical records confirm another doctor questioned this and suggested Aspergers, albeit this was not followed up) and following a (non related situation) 10 years ago they were assessed by a Psychiatrist who diagnosed 'emotional unstable personality disorder' and whilst they recommended 2 years treatment, the treatment was never offered as the services recommended were not available in the  local borough. They have been back / forth between GP's and hospitals with no regular support from any other agencies, and have not coped with living on their own.


    They were / are very vulnerable but with a higher than average intelligence, albeit they do not know how to use / apply it to maintain a job, or live in the community as society would expect.

    They have struggled with the loss of 2 babies (forced adoption) and all the emotions that follow, without the proper counselling, support or monitoring of various agencies.


    This can cause outbursts of shouting / screaming (which I don't condone) but they have been served an initial injunction to stay away from the neighbours', and a trial date is set for a few weeks time in a different part of the country, to which they are unable to get to on public transport, which if not defended appropriately the local council will look to repossess their home.


    The ASBO team have not given the tenant the opportunity to make amends or provide a list of required improvements / timescales to adhere to, in an attempt to defuse the situation with a view to rehousing to a more suitable property / area with the right agency support in place.


    1) What is the correct process for the local authority to adhere to when following up on ASBO complaints with a tenant? I thought they had a verbal warning, a written warning, along with a contract of things to be improved before applying to the courts (last resort).


    2) They have very recently managed to access housing support (from the local council) and I note from the 'Notice of Trial' paper's that the judge has ordered "The overriding objective requires that the parties explore the possibility of compromise and that they seek to narrow issues. This should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity and not left until the trial is imminent".


    Please can someone provide any guidance or legal process advice to enable me to assist.


    Many thanks in advance.




  3. Correspondence from Lowell now indicate their next steps as legal action, and whilst I note it says "we may" my relative doesn't want a CCJ recorded on their record because they have been working to tidy up their credit file in order to move foward.

    Wouldn't there be an original default on their credit file from years ago when /if they failed to make payments with the original creditor?

    Is this allowed?

    I was trying to attach Correspondence for you to see but pics are too large.

  4. A relative is being bombarded by Lowell for old debts, but were not sure if they are borderline statute barred.

    How would we establish this without communicating to Lowell, and if communicating does this admit they owe a debt or start the clock again?


    Thought the clock started again only when making payments or am I mistaken please?


    The old memory isnt what it use to be, and I don't want to give them incorrect information. 


  5. Hi,


    Lookinforinfo, please can you expand on your earlier post re "The Protection of Freedoms Act 2007  paragraph 9 section 2 [f]  the PCN wording does not comply with what it should say in the ACT. the act says it must comply so that means that the keeper is not liable to pay if the driver doesn't."


    I have attempted to look of this but it refers to Act 2012 - On another matter I am now dealing with, this maybe extremely useful please.


    Many thanks

  6. So the appeal has sent their response, typed below 'verbatum'


    "Dear Sir/madam,


    Thank you for your correspondence relating to your Parking Charge.


    The representations stated in your correspondence have been noted and considered.  Please forward to us the full name and address of the driver at the time this charge was incurred so that we can update our records accordingly.

    We are placing this Charge on hold for 14 days from the date of this email to allow you to provide the details requested.


    Yours faithfully"


    When we appealed the following was our response:


    "The driver drove around looking for a space for 24 minutes but was unable to secure one so left without parking. There has been no breach as there was no opportunity to read the signage and consider it and agree to be bound by its terms and also as the demand is for a parking charge, this is not applicable as there was no parking event to incur such a charge"


    It appears that we didnt disclose the driver details so how do you suggest we respond to this please?

  7. Hello,


    A friend was a victim to a trafficking situation by criminals ( can't go into details, on-going case) and the local council had to find them temporary accommodation whilst the case was being investigated by police.

    To cut a long story short, the council have taken from April 2020 - March 2021 to find a permanent property to move into whilst Housing Benefit continued on the original property, the council were footing the bill for the 'safe house'. 


    My friend was/is still in receipt of legacy benefits (ESA ETC) although the offer was made in March 2021, the viewing didn't take place until end of May 2021 (Council delays - unknown reasons) but this now resultas that my friend has lost eligibility to retain legacy benefits including HB and they are forcing them to claim UC.


    We're all aware the Covid-19 has caused many delays in all area's of business, so does anyone know if legally, the 52 week rule was extended to account for this also, or has this remained the same please?


    My friend has a support worker who has tried in vain to get updates from the council to no avail, and the Housing Manager admitted she had never dealt with a case of this severity before, so I question the validity of the delays between March - May preventing the continuation of legacy benefits, am I expecting too much?


    Is there an appeals process?

  8. The driver is 'outed' naively,  sorry, crossed wires!

    The driver had been looking for a space, but had a 3 month old baby in the car screaming so abandoned the trip.

    The driver had not been to this area before, but relatives had said it had been 90 minutes free parking, but as they hadn't parked was surprised to have received this.

    Naturally distracted by events in the vehicle they weren't looking for signage on P&D.


  9. Following your post on what information you require here goes;


    1) Date of infringement: 15/05/2021

    2) Date on the NTK (this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date).

    NTK Dated 27/05/2021,

    3) Date received

    Today - 05/06/2021 - no markings on envelope to prove posting etc.

    4) Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedom Act 2012? 


    5) Is there any photographic evidence of the event?


    6) Have you appealed?


    7) Who is the parking company?

    CP Plus

    😎 Where exactly (car park name & town)

    Crown Wharf, Walsall. WS2 8LL

    9) Official Body 



    Will scan both sides of document and will post as single PDF file once personal info removed shortly.


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  10. 5 minutes ago, BazzaS said:

    2nd incident,  was the employer negligent, so that their wrongful (non-deliberate) act caused on contributed to the injury, or was it an accident that was just bad luck?.


    1st incident: what loss or damage did you suffer?.


    2nd incident - the vehicle was not fitted (missing) straps on rear doors for driver to hold on to when vacating the vehicle from the rear door - isn't that negligent?


    1st incident - loss or damage? it was hell trapped in their vehicle, do I need to have loss or damage to make claim being trapped in defective vehicle?


    Neither incident was bad luck - if vehicles were correctly maintained neither would have happened!


  11. Last year I was involved in two accident type incidents at a place of employment (Temporary worker)


    I had trained for 12 months to become HGV Driver and decided to start with 7.5tonne truck to gain experience, trainer said I was excellent driver but due to the insurance premiums companies require 2 years driving experience, hence starting out on 7.5 tonne. I was working via temp agency and the company provided temp drivers with their older trucks and the permanent staff had the new trucks.


    1) As I was provided with a company mobile phone I do not have access to exact times of the phone calls, but I do know exact dates, I was provided with a truck for refrigerated deliveries and whilst on a delivery, the side door slammed shut due to gale winds. The truck has two doors on the refrigerated unit (rear and side) but the emergency poppers to exit the unit were both inoperable, and I was trapped. You may not know but the refrigerated units are lead lined and not always possible to get phone signal - thankfully, eventually I managed to get to speak to manager at depot who raised the alarm and staff at the outlet opened the door from the outside.

    The manager had me continue a few more drops and then take truck to a HGV MOT station and return to the yard in a van - Although the truck was due an MOT, nothing had been advised prior to leaving the yard earlier that morning, so I suspect they were going to get door poppers investigated.

    Upon returning to the yard, the manager said no accident had occurred and no requirement to complete accident report form - naively I didn't challenge him!

    I did liaise with the agency to explain what had happened after the events, so they will have a record of telephone conversations - can I request those via SAR request process? Would I be able to get access to the delivery drops I did that day via SAR request?


    I do have photographs of the door poppers and news/weather reports for the day in question


    2) The next day I was provided another truck and whilst delivering goods from the rear doors I slipped out/off the rear steps and dropped heavily to the roadside and fractured wrist, and various body bruises - taken to hospital via ambulance as the fall had 'winded me' and I was unable to get up - 2 members of the public assisted but I don't have detail - the shopkeeper has provided his name and telephone number


    I had physiotherapy and I have experienced flashbacks which I have spoken to my GP about and he thinks I maybe suffering PTSD 


    Question: How difficult/complex would it be to deal with the claim myself, rather than solicitors 'NO WIN NO FEE' and taking 25%

    What will I need to do? How do I start the process? Is the outcome likely to be different?



  12. Hello Slick, I'm doing ok thanks, how are you? Long time no 'chat', I was thinking about you on my way home this evening.


    The respondent is a business (Hotel) they have slipped up in so much as not sent covering letter to tribunal when requesting reconsideration, sent a bundle of documents which existed but was never disclosed to us via SAR or subsequent requests, judge has declined their request.

    The respondent is well past the appeal 42 days permitted and I hand delivered a demand for payment which naturally funds didn't materialise, but the respondent then tried the reconsideration route again, still denied by judge.


    I have processd the name and shame facility by the government website, so the respondent will incur an additional 50% of the award, which goes to the government as another strategy, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/employment-tribunal-penalty-enforcement and now I am looking into enforcement via the money courts. service. However, in their guidance notes I see they stipulate that the MCOL cannot be used as a result for a tribunal award. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/762843/mcol-userguide-eng.pdf


    Surely, we can take this 'bod' to court to enforce payment?

  13. I represented a family member in an Employment Tribunal which was awarded in their favour. 

    Background: The respondent failed to provide a bundle and came unprepared as he had planned for their finance employee to attend, but they were ill which left the respondent with no information on the day.

    The Judge gave the respondent the opportunity of 3 hours adjournment over lunch to get bundles but he declined and agreed to accept whatever decision the judge made.

    Once the judge verbally provided their judgement (recorded by herself for court process purposes) which was in my family member's favour, the respondent asked if he could appeal. The judge advised that the appeal process would be advised within the judgement documents (sent in post) and he could follow them once received.

    The respondent posted a small bundle of documents to both the tribunal and ourselves, but did not include any letter or application for reconsideration within the 14 days but the judge has decided they add nothing to the case and has closed the case, placing his bundle of documents on file.


    I have spoken with both the Tribunal office involved (case closed) and London Court of Appeal who have received nothing in this matter.


    Firstly, Which is the best way to secure payment from the respondent?

    Secondly, The Judgement states that the Claimant is eligible to claim 8% interest but is this from the day following the expiry of 14 days when payment was due, or the day following the expiry of 42 days which the respondent has to appeal? and how do I calculate the daily rate please of £2,500?



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