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Everything posted by Myfamily

  1. Thanks Guys, I can't tell you how much better your wise words have made me feel!!! This will be the first time that I can't wait to go and pay for an MOT (fingers crossed that nothing needs fixing!!!) and Road Tax, people will think I'm mad!! I just want it done and out of the way, I wish I could wait till next payday as this will leave me very short but it's not worth it, will have to live on bread and water till then!! Oh and thanks for mentioning that the 3rd is a Saturday, considering how dizzy I am at the moment I probably would have got that wrong too! Thanks again so much.
  2. Hi Tony, I wasn't going to give them any details but just ask a general question, but if you think it's a bad idea then I won't. I'm just worried that when I go to buy my tax after having the MOT 2 or 3 days later than I shoud be, won't they fine me straight away as it will be obvious that there were 2 or 3 days where I was un-taxed? hope that makes sense - or am I just worrying too much?!
  3. Thanks Sailor Sam and Tony for all your advise, I am still worried about it but if Tony managed to go three months and not get into trouble then I have a bit of hope for only being 2 days late. I am going to phone the DVLA and just ask them as a general question whether it's o.k. still and I am going to book a test for 2nd and 3rd! I am unsure exactly what time she will be back in the country but a friend is with her and she may send a text at some point and I may be able to find out. It was a geniuine error, I would never let her drive my car if I thought that this was going to happen, I only realised when I got the reminder but she had already left by then - never again!! Wish me luck and I will let you know how it goes. Thanks
  4. OMG Tony, you're right!!! I completely forgot, even when I wrote it in my last post, it didn't come to me. I did gave her the V5, and Cert of Motor Insurance, the only thing I didn't give her was the MOT cert. So I've got nothing, I can't even Tax it, I tried to do it online, the insurance part was fine but it knows that the MOT will have expired on the 1st - HELP!!!!
  5. Thanks Martin and Gick for your replies, doesn't sound too promising!! Do you think it would be worth me ringing the DVLA and explaining the situation and prehaps they can make a note, at least I would have told them in advance of the problem or do you think they would take the opportunity to fine me straight away!!?? I'm afraid I have no idea which ferry she's on or anything I just know that they're back on 2nd, I know it's useless of me, and she already thinks I'm disorganised!!
  6. Hi Pat, I have no way of contacting her so if I book the MOT which is round the corner from me and I live in Kent (so in between Dover and London) so if she brings it to me and I take it there straight away, woudl that be ok?
  7. I have the V5 insurance docs and the MOT that does not run out till 31 August 2011 but will the post office see that I'm trying to buy a tax disc with and MOT that expires the day before and then can they say No? Do you think it would be best to ring the DVLA and explain this? Is there anyway they can make a note that I'm taxing for 01 Sept and get the MOT done as soon as I get the car back on 2nd? My car is a 54 plate, it's always passed the MOT and never had a problem with it.
  8. Hi Martin, I have no way of contacting her while she's in France (she's camping!) I'm worried that she will get stopped by police somewhere and she would go crazy at me, I honesty didn't know! I suppose if I get it taxed then it's not too bad is it? I'm just really panicking about it now. If it's taxed with no MOT and it gets stopped what would happen? Thanks for your help.
  9. Dear all. I hope someone can help me here. My cars MOT and TAX expires on 31 August but the car is out of the country. I didn't realise that these were due till i got the reminder for the tax last week and the car was already gone by then, it was driven to france by my mother who has borrowed it for the trip (she is insured etc so no problem there). I got the reminder and tried to tax it online as I knew there was a 5 days grace period from the dvla as long as the disc is purchased before the last one expires. But when online it told me that i could not tax it because the MOT is not valid!! The car will not be back here until 2 September and I will of course go straight to the MOT garage and post office but where do i stand with my mother driving it from Dover to london. Please help, I don't want to get into trouble or a huge fine!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  10. Thanks Ims, looks like a long thread, will have to sit down and have a good read through! And Thanks Dx, I hope I don't hear from 1st Credit again, but If I do I will be back!
  11. Hi Ims, do you know where can I find more on this Rankines case? I have heard someone mention it before.
  12. Hi Tootles, Many thanks for your reply, I feel better!! The thing is I'm not saying that we don't owe it but I was quite happily paying direct to Marbles, then suddenly without any provocation (we never missed a payment or tried to reduce it further) they decided to pass it on to 1st credit who bullied and harrassed me to increase the payment to something that i told them i could not afford, they threatened me with everything in order to make me increase it and because I was terrified I did. Then to top it all off Marbles had agreed to freeze interest then started adding it again and increasing the debt by over £1,000, so basically wiping out all the payments i had made, which I just think is unfair ( i suppose this will become part of my defence if it goes to court!!) So now I almost think that they deserve to get nothing from us!! I know people will think i'm wrong but I feel a bit ripped off. Anymore reassuring words from anyone are quite welcome!! Thanks all for all your advice so far. MF
  13. Hi Ims, so you don't think that what they have sent is a valid agreement then? Sorry, this has got me very nervous, I am a little bit worried about ignoring them as I am scared of ending up in court!!
  14. Hi Tootles, you were quick I posted it then saw the name and got it removed, but thanks! DX - shall I repost and get rid of the barcodes? (sorry I didn't think about that one!!) Sorry for being ignorant again! - but what is and N claim form?
  15. Hi dx, It looks like we've checked his CRA before on the experian website as it says I have a log in, but I managed to remember my username and other bits and asked it to send me a new password as I have forgotten it, but it asks me for a pin number which was apparantely sent through the post and i've lost it, Can't seem to get round this part of their website to start again. But I have found a default letter from Marbles dated Feb 2010 and a leter dated December 2009 saying that they were passing his details onto CRA's. I have dug out a load of papers that I have never seen before (I think my partner hid them thinking it would all go away!) and found that on 25 Nov 2009 Marbles sent a letter stating that we had not made the agreed reduced payment payment, yet I found the statement also dated 25 Nov 2009 showing our payment on the account on 16th, the due date was around 20th of the month. I also found letters dated Jul 2009 and Sept 2009 which are standard letters looks to be default notice. I ignored them because the first paragraph states "From the credit card account above we have allowed you to make reduced payments due to your current financial situation. However as you have paid less than the full contractual minimum payment in each of the last two months, we are required to send this notice under the Consumer Credit Act1974. Please continue to make the reduced payments set up with us, as shown on your statements and no further action will be taken" Now we were making these payments but then for no reason they started adding interest and charges as if the account had gone back to being a normal account with no reduced payment plan in place. We recieved no letters stating that they were no longer accepting our reduced payment plan - this does not seem fair as we had made payment without fail - Is there anything I can do here?
  16. Does anyone else have any more thoughts on this? And what I do next? I'm desperate to know whether it is enforceable or not so I can move on, they sent me this on 15 th June 2011, I don't want to leave it too long or they might send on to solicitors again! Thanks All
  17. For some reason it won't let me post links untill i have 20 posts i have 19 so just wasting one!!
  18. Hi Bridgadier, Yes, I just noticed, I'm trying to make them bigger, is Photobucket the best for this?
  19. Hello all, Well 1st Credit have sent me what they say is my signed agreement (my partners). But I have issues with it. 1) The part that has been signed looks to be an application form dated Jan 2004 at which time we lived at our current home, it has that address on it. In 2007 we rented our house out and moved for approx 18 months. the CCA has a different address of where we were in 2007 and the account number is the second one that it was changed to as per my post of 15 June 2011, so how can this be the original or even a copy. 2) What should be the CCA has no signature and I think the account number, credit limit and expiry date were added later, as I can't believe they would give someone a nearly £10,000 credit limit on opening their account and the text 2.1 says "we will decide your credit limit and tell you what it is. We may change it at any time and will let you know about any change" so how is on the CCA already? 3) Also what is the expiry date on the top right of the CCA all about? I have uploaded the letter, application form and supposed CCA. Can anyone please advise if this is enforceable and what to do next? Thanks all so much.
  20. I understand but if they don't have it at all then surely that's that!! isn't it? I know people are probably thinking what a cheek you owe it so pay up, and I was quite happily untill they passed it on the a DCA even though I had never missed and payment and the DCA got agressive with me. Now I am going to make it as hard as possible, even if it is enforceable I'll offer them the minimum amount and they can wait years to get it all I don't care anymore. It that bad that I don't even have the £10 to send the SAR off, I'll have to wait untill I get paid at the end of the month!!
  21. OH has recieved his slap - silly boy he is!!! I will do the spreadsheet again tomorrow, Thanks IMS!! I wouldn't place any hope on the CCA un-en. thats not anopotion anymore since the likes of rankines and careys and the reclaim co's making a pigs ear of it all.. btw have you got a copy of your lastest cra file? Sorry dx I am confused by what you said - are you saying that you don't think the agreement will be un-enforeable? and I don't understand your second sentance, can you please explain? Also sorry for my ignorance, but what is a cra? Thanks
  22. Hi Ims I will amend the spreadsheet but do you not think that it's a bit unfair of them, as I had made an arrangement and stuck to it and then they suddenly added Interest charges for 6 months and so now it's virtually wiped out all the payments we made and we're back to where started!!?? I am going to SAR them anyway, but they said to my OH that they were sending the CCA agreement and I should have it in a couple of days so if I do I will post it on here to make sure it's enforceable ( i hope not!!) Anyway I have also told my OH not to speak to them again and to just tell them that we want all contact to be in writing! He sort of thinks that he can do it on his own, I don't think he trusts that I'm doing the right thing, but I have explained that I'm getting good advice from all here! Thanks Thank you soo much for your help along the way!!
  23. Hi Jasper, Lol, you sound like you're a huge fan of 1st credit!! I think I will ignore 1st Credit for now then and send a SAR to Marbles. Do you or anyone have any more thoughts about the interest and charges and also should I send them a letter telling them not to contact us by phone, My partner is not very good when it comes to DCA's I told him that if they called he should tell them to put it in writing but he gets into conversations with them and I'm worried that he put his foot in it! Thanks for the advice so far everyone.
  24. Hi Jasper, Yes, I think I will SAR them, the statements I got got from them start at Jan 2007 but there was already a previous balance on the account, which they haven't provided statements for. According to these statements we were making normal payments untill December 2007 when we stopped bue to financial difficulties and wrote to the OC to make an arrangement to pay 51.62 per month. they froze the interest and we started making payments in May 2008. I noticed that the statement format had changed in Feb 2009, but have just noticed that the account number changed as well!! The statments befroe this have the payment slip at the bottom saying HFC bank (Marbles) and lots of info about interest rates etc (even though they weren't charging any) and the usual warnigs on the back about making minimum payments and dispute resolution but the new ones from Feb 2009 don't have a payment slip or any info about interest rates etc. they seem very basic, I could probably make them using Word and Tables etc. I don't know if it was passed to another company after Marble but before 1st Credit! Seems weird, any thoughts on this? Thanks, MF
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