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Posts posted by Fielder

  1. This thread had been resurrected very kindly by the site team and I am very grateful for any advice that can be given.  


    I wrote to Melanite on 1st September 2018, had a reply on 31st October 2018.  They summarised my complaints and responded individually to them, I want to challenge their responses but not sure how to effectively.  

    I have attached my letter to them.  Below is a summary of how they responded, I didn't want to make the post too long and drawn out so hopefully this explains




    Their reply states that the fees have been applied fairly and they do not consider refunding these


    The things that happened more than six years ago they unfortunately are unable to investigate. 


    They follow rules dealing with complaints set out by FOS and is six years limited and consequently will not consider 


    The charges they reviewed and consider  correctly applied


    They couldn't find any evidence regarding District Judge complaint


    And the SPO comment I made, they said that they will not comment on Redstone's actions


    My complaint of the terrible way they handled the redemption was disappointing on their part and they have brought the matter to the attention of the team leader and it won't happen again


    They offered £25 because they didn't respond to my letter querying the redemption statement 

    letter for CAG.pdf

  2. I have just redeemed a mortgage with Redstone/Melanite.


    I tried to get a breakdown of the redemption figure they gave my solicitor, rang them, wrote to them, but they have not broken down the figure.


    I calculate that it is roughly £2,000 more than it should be. (I have arrears and many charges added). Luckily for me I have been able to pay all that they asked for.

    The mortgage has been redeemed now but I am not going to let this go.


    I have written to them five times since 28th August 2018. Not even an acknowledgement of my complaint letters, and no breakdown of the redemption figure.


    I have contacted FOS and told them the situation, but I have to wait eight weeks for Melanite to respond.


    They are completely inefficient and I think are not complying with the rules. I definitely can say that they are not open and clear with their dealings with customers.


    I'm not sure what I expect from this post, but, wanted to get it off my chest anyway!

  3. I too have a mortgage with Redstone/Melanite, haven't had a letter saying I've been overcharged.


    I have been trying to get them to reconsider the nearly £7,000 of charges that have been added to my mortgage over the last ten years. The response I get from them is that I signed the mortgage agreement and so they are justified in charging me.


    I must have written to them four or five times over the past few years, when I became aware of the link Andyorch posted.

  4. what docs are you after then?

    and why has your claim stalled?


    I wrote asking them to tell me how much they paid the broker Freedom Finance.


    That's what they said wasn't available because of Data Protection.


    My claim has stopped because of six year time limit. I repaid the loan in 2007.


    Thought there maybe a chance with commission paid to broker.

  5. Had a reply from Blemain, letter says that they do not keep documents over six years because of Data Protection law.


    So, I do not have any hope.


    Although I do have many of the letters they sent to me.


    Reading through another thread someone mentioned that the FSA fined Blemain for mishandling accounts from 2004 to 2009.

    This is the period when I had my loan with them.


    The fact that they were fined for their actions during this period, I may be able to use this to my advantage.


    Not sure how I can use this, or who I can appeal to, court maybe?

  6. I am sure I heard on the news a week or so ago, that there has been a court decision regarding arrears added to the capital of a mortgage. And that this is illegal.


    I would really like to look into this a little further and try to understand it. I can't find any information!!


    I've looked through CAG posts, googled 'Court Decisions', but can't find any reference to it.


    Was it all just a dream? Did I imagine it?

  7. I'm devastated and ready to give up.


    I asked a solicitor who deals with consumer credit to advise me on this claim, solicitor tells me my potential claim is 'Statute Barred' time ran out in 2013.

    And to possibly have the chance to take it to court I would need to pay a barrister to look at the paperwork at a cost of up to £1,500.

    Solicitors fees of £500 also.


    Money I don't have, seems unfair that Blemain can take my money from me, make my life even worse that it should be and when I try to get it back I can't afford the cost to fight them, because Blemain have taken my money.

  8. Thanks Releasusall, you made me cry calling me Braveheart, I don't feel brave at all. My life has been turned upside down after the very sad death of my husband.

    And thank you for the encouragement, it's what I need.

    I don't have a date for the court yet, I am still going through the paperwork and trying to decide how to word the application for the court. I feel I have to get it right. So no pressure then!!!

  9. Hello Wungus

    Today I am preparing paperwork and going to apply to court.

    I haven't done it before as my husband was seriously ill with cancer and I looked after him.


    I am apprehensive about going to the court, so trying to get all my paperwork together and the sequence of events clear again in my head.


    But, I am determined to see this through, all the anxiety they caused us over the last few years. I want to do this for my late husband, get some justice for us both.

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