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Posts posted by trimble

  1. Companies House gives data on that company as Status: Dissolved 12/06/2012 Date of Incorporation: 28/10/2010, with no accounts ever filed. I'd have thought it is a different company.


    the linked website is odd. It is almost certainly there only for the C4 programme : tehre are no proper contact details, and it is centred around the C4 broadcast . Is the company a television fiction or put-up?

  2. 1. I keep being given 24h notice of appointments, have had 3 in the past week, and have been in 8 times since mid-December. When asked, JCP staff cannot say what the appointments are for beyond a generic "to help you find work", and the content of these 100% useless (today's was only spent filling in their DM forms: see below!). I live in a rural location, the JC being 15 miles distant, and currently have no personal transport (I will not pay car tax/insurance while out of work) so rely on others as there are very limited public options (about 90 mins each way - typically the maximum that regs seem to allow for! -, plus significant waiting times and expensive tickets (£15ish). Further, I would have trouble reclaiming costs as the journey requires three separate busses each way, and I cannot get return tickets due to different companies being required to keep travel times even remotely reasonable). I occasionally am forced to use this public transport option. Does anyone have suggestions on how to counter these ridiculous and expensive computer-generated requests?


    2. I am being given occasional problems with incomplete ES4 diary (it is so impractical : eg. if I'm dealing with vacancy printouts, its best to file the vacancy, and write notes on the printout itself). I always bring in a complete written record, but if its not on their form, I'm getting a week or two of cash delayed while they pass it off to DM to decide in my favour. They have had this complaint rejected against me before. Today, I showed evidence of at least 10 actions in the past week (2 apps, 4 investigated, numerous web and paper searches, and confirmed contact with 3 agencies), and once again because my ES4 was not completed to their satisfaction (I was called over early, so my transfer of information was interrupted), it has been sent off and my payments stopped. Repeated filings for the same non-infringement is surely harassment? (An ES4 requirement has not been specifically stipulated within my JSA).


    3. I am highly qualified (years of admin/management experience, and a slew of qualifications to postgrad level). I have been told that I cannot omit experience and qualifications on my CV, otherwise it will be considered by them as my not making a proper application. However I have had direct feedback from potential employers that I'm massively overqualified for the low-level positions I am applying for (all that is available in this area, and anyway what is that supposed to mean? We live in a crazy world when companies don't want the best staff they can find). Do I keep applying with a full CV, and remain unemployable ... or gimp my CV, incur the wrath and financial penalties - which I can ill afford - from the jobcentre, and have a better chance at employment? Again, any thoughts on how I can counter this stupidity?


    4. The DPA authorisation I was asked to provide at the start of my claim covers what, exactly? Does anyone know what they typically use it for? If I cause them trouble with the above three points, I wouldn't put it past such cretins to go on a digging exercise on months-old data and try to trip me up someplace where I cannot now provide evidence that is to their satisfaction. I assume such an authorisation is not a necessary component of a claim, so would it be worthwhile rescinding it, or will they go around fishing with employers anyway?


    Many thanks in anticipation of any guidance anyone is able to give.

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