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Posts posted by paulie100

  1. Yes it was a business debt against my limited company, no personal guarantee just a disagreement with a client, who then went on to message my children on facebook...so i refused to pay him. The company is registered to my home address, all i use is a laptop for my business. Cars are leased in different company names. Is there much they can do at my home address?..i assume they could issue a SD if they wish?

  2. Hi, had a letter from Wilson & Roe HCEO, chasing a company debt. Company is registered at my home address., no company assets here.

    What action should i take.

    Debt is from 2018. Did have a bailiff call about 2 years ago, when he realised it was a home address he didn't bother arguing and went away.

    Shall i ignore the letter or call them and explain it's a home address?




  3. Hi,

    Am i correct in assuming that if Mr A has an existing mortgage on a property on his own, then Mrs A cannot just be added to the deed via land registry, without the lender being consulted and giving agreement to it?

    Someone is arguing the point with me, that as it is his wife, then she is entitled to go on the deed, after the mortgage has been granted in Mr A's name.

    Thank you.

  4. Hi all, i think you may be right guys, i dropped him off at Catterick yesterday for the start of his training, and will just let him move on now. I was more aggrieved than him yes, so I will let it lie, and I'm sure he will learn from it. I'm sure the employer will come unstuck one day. Thank you all.

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  5. Hi, thank you for your replies. Yes he would have an agreement and a contract from the employer. He did his foundation year for plumbing in college and then went onto his apprenticeship. After about 8 months of his apprenticeship, the college discovered that he wasn't being paid for his college day. They then asked the employer to pay as he was legally bound to. The employer refused and so the college told my son that he could no longer attend due to this. The employer then employed my son basically as a labourer on a contract. My son took this at the time as he knew he wanted to go to the Army in due course. I did not stir it with the employer as my son was worried about losing his job (which would probably have happened knowing the employer). I have had to bite my tongue for a long time! I just feel very aggrieved that he has treated my son this way.



    Would just like a little advice regarding my sons employer.

    I will summarise

    At the moment, my son gave notice to his employer as he had been accepted to the Army.

    He wanted to work until he left but someone told the boss that he had been accepted.


    my son called the boss on the Tuesday to give notice,

    the boss told him not to come in again!...

    boss has always been very tight and tried to get away with pay if he could!


    he paid my son for 2 days that week even though my son wanted to work that week and the next before he left.


    Is my son entitled to a full weeks notice pay and his week in hand (as that wasn't paid also)?


    Before all that my son was an apprentice with the company,

    the boss refused to pay his college day which i believe he legally had to...

    my son had to finish college as they said he couldnt continue as the boss was not paying for that college day...

    so apprenticeship ruined.


    I considered informing HMRC at this stage but my son didnt want me to and i respected his word on that.


    But now, i am angry that the boss can get away with this..i want to approach it correctly.


    Any advice welcome

    Thank you.


  7. Hi, i had a non refundable deposit paid for a service that ultimately did not proceed by the client, but now they have contacted my children by private message on Facebook and told them that I owe them money. Is this permitted? Thank you.

  8. The company that gave the loan for 60,000 are Rebuilding society.

    The company is still in existence but i fear for not much longer.


    I haven't spoken to the witness, is this a good idea?...or just inform the police.


    As I said i have no assets that they could take anyway.

    Would they still petition for bankruptcy in that situation?

  9. Hi, ok where to start...

    i was asked by a friend to give a PG for his company for a business loan.

    I refused that, but it seems that he pasted my signature onto a PG agreement and also had someone witness it from his company!..

    .as it happens the date on the PG was my birthday Sept '16, and I was out of the country.


    The company defaulted on the loan, and I have received a stat demand this week.

    The loan company have been informed of the discrepancy and have put the demand on hold while they investigate.


    What is the best way to deal with this.

    Would they still pursue it or would it have to go to court.

    I have no assets.

  10. Hi, i have a rather serious issue regarding a PG that was falsely signed and witnessed. I have received a stat demand regarding the debt. Do I have a hope in fighting this on those grounds, or is it very difficult to prove and fight?

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