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jodie k

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Posts posted by jodie k

  1. 19 hours ago, dx100uk said:

    please also update your own thread jodie.

    Dear DX,

    sorry, i find this site really confusing - I can't see which is my thread about this and where to put the replies etc.

    sorry i didn't update mine.

    It's not easy for me to work out what is what.

    If the admin can move my replies to where they should be that is great,

    too many boxes and no clear buttons for where to reply?

    my mistake,


  2. Hi Foxtail,

    YW, I did just write you a reply but I think it didn't send.


    I was just saying: ok so you had no dealings with Webeden, well I also asked Yell to show me a link to  these sites that I apparently was having migrated and that now should be on Wix, and they couldn't!


    They said it's because I never paid! So legally I'm sure they have no leg to stand on as there is nothing to show the migration was ever done, unless Yell have a record of it, who knows


    I totally know how much time and effort it takes to sort out these kind of scams, it's a real nuisance.


    I'd hate to pay as it's not fair; others here know more about the legal side and if Moorcroft are allowed to hassle you more. 


    But if you need any back up against Yell and the websites just let me know and I can tell you what I said to Yell etc.


    I cannot understand how Yell is allowed to continue and do all of this as there are 100s of complaints about them on Trust Pilot etc. It doesn't make sense, they should be closed down!

  3. HI Foxtail,

    I'm Jodie that wrote the original post about a month ago when Yell and Moorcroft contacted me.

    Yes it sounds very similar.


    If it's any use, I managed to sort the problem out finally, but it took quite a lot of time that i didn't have and got me really annoyed as well that I had to spend time sorting it out when it was all their fault.


    The way I sorted it was, that I contacted Webeden, who I had my original sites with, before they sold their site-making brand to Moonfruit, who then sold it on to Yell.


    Webeden kindly agreed to contact Yell for me and told them that I had cancelled all my sites with them. (Luckily I had cancelled them through Sitemaker payments and had a receipt which I showed to Webeden.)


    So Webeden wrote to Yell to tell them.

    Yell then sent me an email apologising that they had made a mistake (hmm) and  said they would contact Moorcroft to tell them to cancel the debt.


    It wasn't actually that simple as Yell never bothered to do it, and I had to spend a week chasing them. Then Moorcroft said they never got the message and it just went on and on.


    I don't like loose ends so I bugged them all till I finally got Moorcroft to write me a letter by post saying the debt collection was cancelled, but it took a lot of time and I am still amazed that Yell exists after all the scam reviews it has


    Sorry for rant but you can see it still annoys me!


    I would try contacting Webeden if you had dealings with them and they should write to Yell for you.

    Webeden are also hard to reach - no phone contact but they do answer email messages from their site.


    Let us know how it goes.


    Sorry you have to go thru this as well.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you so much FTMDave for your reply.


    I don't have a hamster but I could use it for my cat to shred! I hear what you're saying; I just don't like loose ends and I wanted Moorcroft to write to me to say they are no longer looking to chase the debt, but maybe as you say, it's just best to ignore it ,if I can let it go! thank you again for reading all that! best wishes



    thank you dx100UK for your advice.


    I was scared that Moorcroft could instruct bailiffs.


    I'm not sure how all this works, but glad to have the reassurance.


    What a horrible pair of companies yell and moorcroft are! I don't understand how they get away with these things..


    . thanks again

  5. Hi guys,

    I just wondered if anyone has had this problem, and also to mark it up in case anyone else encounters it this month.


    Out of the blue I got a debt recovery letter from Moorcroft, saying they were acting for Yell and I owed £146 


    I never had any contract with Yell so I couldn't understand what it could  be.


    I rang Yell and they said a few years ago i had some websites with Webeden which had expired long ago.


    However Webeden had sold their web page creation team to a company called Moonfruit and Moonfruit had migrated my old websites

    to a new hosting by Wix. Moonfruit were then taken over by Yell!


    Apparently  I never paid the migration fee to Moonfruit and now Yell was chasing me for that debt via Moorcroft Debt Recovery!


    The whole thing was nonsense to me, as I did have old websites with Webeden, but they were not in use, with no active domain names and

    I wasn't interested in having them migrated or paying for it!


    When I spoke to Yell, they said I needed to check my account with them  on their online site! I said I didn't ever have an account with them!


    They told me to reset a password and an account in my name mysteriously appeared on their site, but I never set it up!


    I explained that I these old sites were out of date and I'd never seen them migrated. They refused to listen.


    So I wrote to Webeden and explained that there must be some mistake. 


    Meanwhile I spent a frustrating  2 or 3 hour online chat box with someone from Yell called Ayananya  or something similar, who accused me of all sorts of things

    and wound me up saying I had to pay this debt.


    If you're still reading, thank you for your patience.


    So finally Webeden must have contacted Yell, and I got an email from Yell saying, they had made an error and they had written to Moorcroft to ask them to remove the debt.


    I was very pleased about this and let it go.


    However a week later, I remembered things I had read about these debts escalating etc, so I thought I'd just ring Moorcroft to make sure the matter was resolved.


    It may not come as a surprise when Moorcroft said to me, they could not close my account! I had sent them a copy of the  email from Yell, telling me it was an error.


    Moorcroft said they'd never heard from Yell, telling them to cancel the debt, even though Yell said they had told  them!!


    And that is where it stands at the moment.


    Moorcroft said they are querying it with Yell and waiting for  communication from them!


    I was so angry to have all this hanging over me, for an invoice  that I never even knew about ; for a service i never saw and which isn't online anyway - Yell checked and I have no migration sites! 


    What a scam.


    I really don't know how Yell is allowed to continue, after all the scams i  have read about here and on Trustpilot?


    Why have they not been shut down - it's unbelievable!


    I shall continue trying to resolve this and get Moorcroft to finalise the matter as I don't like loose ends.


    I hope this helps anyone that is going through the same scam and will remind people never ever to have anything to do with Yell, Moonfruit or similar companies!


    thanks guys for reading all that!

    • Like 1
  6. hi there,

    whenever i asked Lloyds how to get in touch with Visa, they always told me there is a phone number on the back of your credit/debit card!! lots of help that was..


    As an update, I took my case above to the financial ombudsman in the end as I was getting nowhere with Lloyds.

    The ombudsman said that legally I was totally in the right, but Visa have covered themselves so that their refund/chargeback rules are quite limited and do NOT cover

    consumers even if the sales of goods act /law of contract has been contravened as in my case.


    As the banks couldn't help me get my refund, I am now trying to find out if you can legally sue an individual for breach of contract, even if their company has gone into liquidation and there are no assets to pay creditors.

    If anyone knows if that is possible, let me know.

  7. thanks for asking.. well, I sent my final letter and headed it 'Formal Letter of Complaint'. As expected I received another letter from them saying exactly the same as before and telling me it is definitely their final response and any more letters I sent will not be answered but put on file and to contact the ombudsman if I am not satisfied... All as expected!

    So now have the forms from the Ombudsman which I will send off shortly.

    I really hope he can see fair justice is done in this case.

    Its not the money so much now, its just seeing justice done.

    But if he says no, then I shall call it a day! I have spent enough negative energy against LLoyds now and don't want them to take any more of my time.

    Totally disillusioned with them now and their customer service.

    I'm going to open a 2nd account somewhere else...

    Thanks for asking and for your help,


  8. Not sure if they will take notice of a formal letter because I received another letter from Lloyds Customer Services today saying this 2nd letter was their final word on the matter because I didn't raise any new concerns. The reason I didn't raise any new concerns by letter was because they told me someone would ring me about it which never happened..

    This 2nd letter also said that if I responded to it, they would file it but may not reply: ie They are now blocking me from raising concerns about the way my complaint was handled.

    The junior clerk at Customer Services who wrote this last letter silencing me does not understand the issues nor does she understand English Law which is maybe why she couldn't give me an adequate reply to my complaint.

    I am going to write a Formal letter of complaint to the Customer Services and CC it to the Chairman of Lloyds, the Head of my Branch, Trading Standards, Watchdog, The Times etc and see if anyone answers...

    I get so weary of this kind of corruption in the UK...

  9. Not sure if this is the right place to post but my post is about how UNFAIR and rubbish the Debit card Chargeback scheme is.


    Wanted to let you know that I am in dispute with Lloyds bank as I asked them to put their visa/chargeback scheme in place earlier this year. My current account was defrauded by a company called MIYU Ltd, trading as Local Events Calendar who scammed me for nearly £500.

    They cold-called me asking if I wanted a 21 free day trial of an online ad for my company on their site.

    I agreed but they failed to display the advert and still took the funds out of my account.

    This fraudulent company are now in liquidation. Consumer Direct said that I was due a full refund as the Company had breached Trading Standards and Cosumer Rights etc.

    The day they scammed me I rang Lloyds and told them what happened.

    Lloyds said they would put the Chargeback scheme in place and hopefully refund my account.


    However the fraudulent company put in a counter claim and for whatever reason Lloyds took their word over mine and said they would not refund me for the [problem].

    I have been a Lloyds customer for 30+ years with a good credit history.


    I contacted customer services complaints at Lloyds with evidence and a long explanation of how I'd been scammed, and was sent a 4 line reply saying, sorry we can't help you and a leaflet for the ombudsman.

    I rang to complain and was told the same thing.


    I am seeing a Lloyds Bank Manager in person next week to see if I can get any sense out of them before I have to go to the ombudsman.

    I have learnt from this affair that Lloyds Bank don't give a toss how long you have had your account. I believe they are told behind closed doors to palm people off to the Ombudsman.

    They made 1.6 billion profit in the first half of 2010.

    I am disgusted by them. :mad2:

    When this is over I shall leave, result or no result.

    Thanks for reading

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