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Posts posted by Miki123

  1. Hi,

    I've constantly started receiving letters, calls and texts from these cowboys.


    The letters state that I owe £400.28p for a Capital One credit card that as far as I'm aware I have never had.


    They state that the debt is from 2003?

    (10 years ago) and was taken out at an address I have never lived at (address is my mums address and she moved into their after I moved out of home at 19.

    Address was used as a billing address for about 6 months about 8 years ago).


    They have just informed me after I refused to discuss the matter over the phone that they had a conversation with me in 2007

    and I apparently said that the debt was paid off and I was forwarding them proof.


    I never speak to DCA's over the phone and definitely wouldn't agree that a debt was paid off that I have no recollection of ever owning.


    I informed them the debt is statute barred anyway and they've stated that "money is still owed so they will push for all monies to be paid back" (good luck with that)


    How do I deal with these?


    Obviously the debt is unenforceable anyway as it's statute barred


    do I just send them the statute barred template letter and tell them to leave me alone

    or is there another way to deal with these as the text's and phone calls are getting annoying now.

  2. Hey guys,


    I had a default on my credit file about 6 months ago. I called them and cleared the debt. They have marked my credit file as satisfied which is fine but now every month for the last five months they have been updating my credit file each month as default but with a £0 balance.


    Are they able to do this and why are they doing this?


    One other thing! When are defaults removed from the CRA? Is it the default date or the satisfied date?

  3. Hey guys,

    I return seeking your expert advice.


    I received a letter today from DWP stating that I have to repay overpayments from march 2012.


    The letter states that I owe £780.76 from date period 28/03/2012-29/06/2012.


    It then says that it occurred because on 28/03/2012 my circumstances changed and the office that paid my benefit was "not told at the correct time" that I was in receipt of another benefit.


    The benefit in question is carers allowance and I am no longer receiving ESA.


    I made a claim for ESA on 14th May 2012 due to me currently being off sick at the time. During a call to ESA for a benefit period not being paid, one of the advisors informed me that I could be claiming CA.


    I made the claim for CA on 02/04/2012 and informed them that I was claiming ESA.


    I then informed ESA that I was claiming CA and my ESA was adjusted to take the CA into account and the payments dropped to £12 odd per week.


    I assumed that all was then ok and a few months later I stopped claiming ESA (long story).


    Now all of a sudden they are stating that there are overpayments and that because of social security law they want the money back.


    I called ESA today to ask about this and the woman I spoke to said that she couldn't answer any of my questions especially as the dates don't match up but she seem to think that it was due to a backdated amount and that I would have to speak with the "overpayments" team.


    She transferred me to them and the woman I spoke to there said that I'd have to speak with the esa team as she was only there to discuss how I'm willing to pay it back.


    Spoke to the esa team AGAIN and the very rude woman I spoke to then said (you guessed it) "I'm very sorry but I can't deal with your request, you need to speak to the overpayments team.


    Ok so guys, where do I go from here?

    None of their dates match up or make any sense!

    None of their advisors seem to be able to give me any confirmation on how they made their decision and came to the amount claimed!

    DWP's left hand doesn't seem to know what the right hand does!

    Where does it leave me?

    What questions should I be asking and how do I move forward.


    I was made redundant in Aug and still looking for work at the min so can't really afford to pay all this money back (unless they want £5 a week)


    Thanks in advance guys

  4. I'm staring at my AST contract now and the tenancy termination date was 22nd April 2010.


    Rent due date was originally 23rd of month but my payday changed with a new job so I paid difference to change rent date to the 11th.


    First 3 lines of AST contract states:

    Tenancy start date: 23rd June 2007

    Current tenancy start date: 23rd October 2009

    Tenancy terminates: 22nd April 2010

  5. Hi all, I privately rent at the moment and have just been offered a place through a housing association. Need some advice on what to do with my final months rent.


    My rent here is paid on the 11th of each month. We've waited 7 months for the HA to deal with squatters and let us view the place. My LL has been made aware of this for months.


    The HA calls me on the 15th of this month with an hours notice and asks if I can go an view. I wasn't too happy with the short notice but went. When I viewed the place they inform me that they want my tenancy to start on the 26th Nov (11 days time). I rushed home and emailed my LL and gave my 1 months notice although she didn't reply until the 16th.


    No I explained that I would be gone from the property by the end of December but should be out by the 16th which she seemed fine with.


    My question is? On the 11th of Dec how much rent do I pay?

    Do I have to pay a full month even though ill be out 26 days before?


    Do I pay from the 11th to the 16th (also being 1 full calendar month from day of notice?


    My contracted rent date is the 22nd according to my contract but I paid the difference so I could pay on the 11th as that is pay day

  6. Hi, not sure if I'm in the right place but if not maybe a mod can move it but here goes.


    I've been a virgin media customer since 2007 and have never missed a payment. My bill is sent on the 1st of the month to be paid by the 13th and is always paid on the 11th (payday).



    On the 4th of this month I receive an email from experian reporting of a change to my credit file. I Log in and find that VM have issued Oct bill on the 1st then on the 4th marked my credit file as 1 missed payment???????


    I called VM and the advisor despite being friendly was dumb as a log, checked my account and said that he cannot find a reason as to why this has happened as all my bills are paid on time. He stated that he'll speak with the credit team and get back to me. He then came back and said that the credit team send their apologies and will correct the matter in 2-3 days.


    Well it's now the 12th and no adjustment has been made so I called then back. Spoke to another friendly advisor who was slightly more dense than the previous one and after 15 mins of explaining the problem and stating that I can't "simply ask experian to correct THEIR mistake" he has said that all he can do is escalate the problem and get someone to contact me in 3-5 days.


    I've just spent the last 8 months clearing off a DMP and trying to get my finances back on track and just had my first month in years of nice big green zero's right across my credit file then virgin go and do this.


    My question is where do I go and what do I do next?

  7. Not sure if it's any help, but I have to go to the Romford branch for my medicals, and there is only a couple of steps into main building, and there are two lifts just a few steps from main door. When you come out of the loft, the waiting room is straight in front of you.


    Ok I didn't know that. The letter they sent today states on the back that there is no parking in/near the centre and that there are 36 steps to reach the ground floor and that the centre is located on the 2nd and to let them know if you require assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation.

  8. Within the last 2 years, the criteria has changed.


    I understand that but ATOS send her a questionnaire every 6 months which we complete and return and have never had this problem until now.


    When originally applying she was told she earned enough points to be placed directly into the Support Group and never underwent any Medicals. Never had one in the two and a half years of claiming it until the letter received today.


    I called ESA call centre about 20 mins ago and the woman has advised to put in writing to Glasgow that the journey and obstacles getting to the centre would be cause for concern and to request a home visit but could not answer as to why after 2 1/2 years they suddenly want to do an assessment.


    Another question is her neurologist told her that she'll never work again, can ATOS over ride that decision and force her to look for work?


    You say the assessment is on 9th October, do you mean November please? In some circumstances, if your GP will write to back it, you can request a home visit.


    3. Yes you can, my OH came to my assessment with me.


    My best, HB


    Oops yep my apologies I did mean November. Kind of wrote in a panic and a rush.

  10. Hi all looking for some urgent advice.


    My Partner is an uncontrolled epileptic which was caused by significant brain scarring due to cerebral convulsions as a child. She used to work until the birth of our first daughter 2 1/2 years ago where the pregnancy triggers the seizures.


    After consulting a neurologist they have tried her on 2 different meds at different dosages but as yet to find one that will stop the seizures. She also suffers from memory and concentration issues and what the doctors think could be fibromyalgia which is yet to be confirmed or denied. Stairs, lifts and fast moving objects, flashing lights and stress have all been known to induce seizures.


    When my partners maternity leave expired she quit her job and applied for ESA and was placed directly into the Support Group and has been there since.


    Then suddenly this morning we receive a letter from ATOS stating that an appointment has been arranged for her to attend a medical review in Romford (14 miles from our home) on the 9th Oct 2012. Apparently there are 36 steps to get to the ground floor an the centre is based on the 2nd floor which is nice of then to find a convenient location for disabled people.


    My questions are:

    1) why after 2.5 years of being in the support group have the suddenly changed her over and requested a medical?


    2) as I'm her carer how am I supposed to attend the medical with her as well as supervise 2 children under the age of 3 as I have no one to leave them with?


    3) am I allowed to go into the assessment with her especially considering she has memory and concentration issues?


    4) is there a way we can appeal against the decision of this interview considering they have copies of reports from gp's, neurologists and copies of MRI scans?


    Or can someone advise on what to do next?

  11. I made sure I received it in writing from Barclays first before I made payment.


    Told them I wasn't paying a penny unless they did. I have confirmation that they payment was made as well as I went into my bank and got the cashier to make the payment so I could get a receipt for it as well as the transaction on my Bank statement.


    Just waiting for them to send a letter to confirm payment received and acc closed.


    Also wrote notes of all dates and times of telephone conversations and full names of persons spoke to.

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