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Posts posted by starchild

  1. Hi all,

    wondering if someone could give me advice about a plevin offer recieved from Tesco ,


    applied just before the August 19th Deadline having had my ppi claim rejected a couple of years earlier by Tesco.

    had two letters in September stating they were waiting on "internal Information" regarding my claim ,



    recieved a letter last week several pages long part of which states:-

    I have carried out a review of the sale of your payment protection insurance policy and found that your credit card meets the date criteria and that an unfair relationship existed at the point you bought the payment protection insurance policy because commission and profit share of more than 50% of the premium you paid was subsequently recieved by us and we failed to disclose this to you when we sold you the policy.


    The new rules require us to refund the ammount of commision/profit share in excess of 50% of all the monthly payment protection insurance premiums you have paid to us, along with interest on those payments.


    It then continues:-


    We do not have details of the payment protection insurance premiums you paid prior to January 2002 as our records do not go back that far.

    We have therefore used assumptions for the premiums you paid from April 2000 (as this was when you paid your first premium) to December 2001 and used the actual premiums paid after January 2002 to calculate the redress due to you.


    To calculate the assumed premiums,we have :


    Used the value of the balance transfers you instructed when applying for your credit card to determine the amount of payment protection insurance you would have paid in April 2000 (£14.00)


    Then calculated the average of the balance transfer amount and your statement balance in January 2002.

    This means that if your balance transfer amount was £1,000 and your statement balance in January 2002 was £2,000


    then we would use an average figure of £1,500 ("average statement balance)

    Refunded the payment protection insurance you would have paid on the average statement balance between May 2000 and december 2001


    If you can provide credit card statements showing the actual payment protection insurance premiums you paid prior to January 2002 , and send them to me along with the enclosed recalculation request document in the envolope provided , I will be happy to recalculate the offer.


    Please be aware that recalculating the redress due to you based on the actual premiums you paid may result in the offer being reduced if the premiums we have assumed above are higher than what was actually paid.


    Payment protection Insurance premiums to be refunded                       £522.38

    Interest at credit card interest rate                                                              £242.06

    Refund of account charges                                                                            £48.00

    Gross 8% interest                                                                        £268.26

    Less income tax deducted                                                          £53.65

    Net Interest paid                                                                                             £214.61


    Total Offer                                                                                                      £1027.05


    If you would like to accept the offer please sign the aceptance sheet and return within 28 days and I will arrange the refund payment for you.

    If you would to provide statements to allow us to recalculate the offer please send these along with the enclosed recalculation request form. If you have any queries about this offer please do not hestitae to contact me on 0345 071 6157




    Does anyone have experience of receiving anything similar to the above ?


    We have moved several times since 2005 and I dont have any old statements , can I still ask for recalculation ?


    Is the offer likely to be reduced if i ask for recalculation ? 


    Is the offer fair ? or should i complain to the ombudsman ?



    Any advice or help would be welcome








  2. Thanks for the advice citizen and dx


    will sort out the sar's letters tommorrow in work and will try and avoid conversations on the phone with anyone who calls regarding PPI gonna tackle tesco again as well they sadi no last year as well


    Will keep you all informed of progress and update when i can it's difficult with having teenagers one of whom is quite nosey so I can only get on heer when they go to bed


    Thanks again for the advice



  3. well Lloyds have been heavily fined numerous times for refusing PPI reclaims.



    did you ever SAR them?







    Hi dx ,


    no I did'nt I did have every intention of doing but as mentioned life took over we have 4 kids two going into seniors this year and despite us both working our guts off moneywise will still appear to be going backwards.


    the phone call came out of the blue if i manage to get anything off them it will a blessing I quired the other rejected one whilst he was on phone relating to mortagesure which I think was lloyds on mortage ppi he sadi he would make a note of it and pass it onto the relevant team but I may have to submit a new fos questionaire


    He said I would hear the outcome of his review in a couple of weeks:|

  4. Hi all,


    It's been exactly a year since I was last on here asking for advice I had some success with ppi claims

    but the two I thought would be certanties with both rejected by Lloyds in May last year .

    I did mean to challenge them but life takes over and we have had some family issues ,



    last week I said to my partner we will have to sit down and resubmit claims against Lloyds as during my original claim

    I did not mention I had some savings in the form of £800 in a credit union and £400 premium bonds left to me by my dad

    ,so we were going to sit down this weekend and go through all the letters.



    On Monday I got a call from Lloyds the guy said they were looking at my claim again from last May

    and could he go through the questionaire again and did i want to add anything ,

    I mentioned about the savings and that I was palnning on submitting a new questionaire .

    He replied that I would not need to as he ahd gone through the info again with me


    Has anyone else had a call like this of Lloyds ,

    at the time a had several cards with them which they linked together for the claim and the guy confirmed I was paying PPI on them for 6 years

    until the cards were cancelleld in 2009.


    Do you think threr is a chane they may reverse their original decision a year later


    As always any advice would be welcome





  5. Hi all,


    Apologies if this is the wrong location but I have been through most of the forums looking for info regarding opening new bank acoounts .


    I have been on a DMP since mid 2010 and have not missed a payment since thenn although I did lower the ammount I was apying at the starte of this year. I owe money acrross 8 different finances:- 3 lloyds,1 egg,1virgin.1 mbna,1 halifax and tesco .


    Altough I think the lower lloyds one may have ben sold..



    I bank with co op and have a fairly good and secure job ,mortage and family and have lived at my address for 15+ years..


    due to all the stuff going onnwith co op we have been looking at changing banks for a while now . I currently pay for my account and recieve various insurances , so I was looking for something similar


    I applied to Nationwide for their flex plus account and have been told I am not suitable.


    After 6 years will al the DMP stuff still be visible on my file ?


    shall I not bother trying to open more accounts does this impact on my file.


    Any help and advice most welcome






  6. Thanks for the reply DX

    the discussion on the phone seemed to be based around the death in service benefits from my employer and also the period I would get sickness pay.


    Also had a call from lloyds yesterday !! asking if I would be interested in using part of the payment to pay off one of my debits to them at a reduced rate (£700 knocked off the original amount ) which I declined as previously mentioned this year has been tough and I need very penny I can get at the moments although I will be making a donation to this fantastic site shortly.


    I have printed off copies of fox questionnaires for the others apart from MBNA who give their own form on their website

  7. Hi All,


    I have not been on her for a couple of years some personal issues we hopefully are starting to resolve themselves.


    I was going to sar several orginisations that i thought I had ppi with


    I got the postal orders but hit a sticky patch an recashed the postal orders in to use instead and forgot about the ppi issue for the time being.


    in march this year i got a letter form lloyds stating I may have had ppi on a personal loan

    and if I fille in the questionaire and they would be in touch .


    I sent it back end of march and


    got a phone mid April and guy asked me some questions relating to sickness benefit in my employment and death in service etc


    I answerd all his questions and he said I would hear a decision within two weeks.


    Last week a letter came with a cheque for £4,300 which I was gobsmacked at but most grateful for .


    I have since recieved two other questionaire forms from llloyds relating to credit cards and also mortage protection insurance , which I plan on sending off shortly.


    My question is

    is it just worth sending off the fos questonaires which most of the bank sites allow you to download

    or should i revert back to sars for the remaining 4 i need to chase.






  8. Hey Aussiebloke

    I know what you mean about the addresses ,with the MBNA one I have eneded up going on the website.There is so much information on here that it becomes difficult to find things (said with the greatest respect to the people offering advice)


    With regards to myself I am going to start with my main loan and credit card ppi queries using the SAR process see what comes back and then do one for the mortgage which I have had for at least 15 years and see if there is anything is there.


    Although money is tight I figure for the sake of £10.00 if I can reduce my debit free period by any amount of time it is a result.


    Hope the above helps






  9. Hi folks

    apologies for the delay in responding I did intend on starting the ball rolling back in April but a lack of money meant I could not buy the postal orders until now.


    So I have bought 5 £10 postal orders to send off SAR's my question is who to send them to


    they are going to the following :-


    Lloyds Tsb




    and EGG


    What would be the best address to send them to and should i request proof of posting from the post office



    Thanks Again



  10. Looking for some advice about where to start with my claim I have been through the forum looking for a definitive answer about which way to proceed.


    Basically I am on a dmp and have been for just over a year my estimated debit free date is june 2025 so as you can guess i owe a fair bit across 8 accounts ;- 3 with lloyds , 1 halifax, 1 egg,1 tesco and 2 with mbna.


    I know I should be able to reclaim on at least 2 of the above if not more , i also know any money will go off my overall debit which again I am fine with .


    What i would like help with is the following


    Most of the accounts for the above have been closed by the lenders so should i just go for a SAR for each of them ??


    On my CCS statement it states the two MBNA debits are being paid to moorgate loan servicing and the egg on to barclay card so who should i write to.


    In the case of the halifax one would a SAR to lloyds given me the halifax info.


    I also had a egg loan a couple of years ago and I am sure i paid ppi during the loan period (think this might be longer than five years ago though)


    Also because I have the dmp and these organisations are still getting money off me will it make it easier.


    Also my mortage is with cheltenham and Gloucester so would the sar to Lloyds give me my mortage info as well as i think I may be paying ppi on that as well.


    Finally am i best sending a sor request straight from the begining


    As you can tell things are a bit of a mess and i woulld like to take some positive steps to sort them out


    Any advice will be most welcome and i will keep you informed of progress once i get started







  11. hi peeps,


    i have started the ball rolling (no getting off now) and i am cacking my self

    i have cancelled all my direct debits including my mortage with my main bank

    i intend on walking in there tommorrow and paying just my mortage (can i do this??)

    i have filled in my details with cccs and i am awaiting an email with my dmp instructions in they have told me it could be up and running by august 1st but in the mean time i should make a token payment to each creditor to show willing


    as mentioned i am sh.tting myself but i cannot see any other way forward


    i will keep the forum informed of my progress





  12. Hi rebel


    thanks for the reply and advice what are penalty charges excuse my ignorance

    are they when you pay late ??


    also i have just been called by payplan to seee if i have filled in the details online yet at justabank which i have not due being in work all day and young kids to entertain when i get home


    should i be aiming to pay as little as i can to the creditors or more i thought with having 8 i should aim to pay £30 to each ??? :confused::confused:

  13. Thanks for the reply silverfox


    you mentioned about late charges/penalties ?? is this money i can claim back form them ?


    as i mentioned this is all new to me as i have paid on time all of my working life


    my wages are due on the 15th so i am panicking about direct debits etc

    but all the advice i have recieved so far is saying just pay what you can afford .


    my wife is aware of what is going on but all the debts are mine and i would not want any of her wages forming part of any repayment plan

  14. :???:hi i am new here and found this site via yahoo


    my problem is this i have accumulated debits over the past few years which now total in the region of £32k stupid i know

    but i thought that i could clear them by keeping up with payments an act which i now know was futile


    things came to a head last week when our mobile phones were switched off

    and i started to receive calls from the various card companies that i owe money to


    my debit is roughly made up of the following

    £ 8,000 credit card,

    £5,500 personal loan,

    £1,900 overdraft all with lloyds

    £4,800 mbna

    £3,500 tesco

    £4,000 egg

    £2,000 virgin

    £3,00 halifax


    up until this month i have not missed a payment on the personal loan (been running for 3 years with 2 left) and have made more than the minimum payements on the cards.


    but i now reliase my outgoings far outway my income and i am at my wits end


    whilst speaking to a call centre from lloyds last week they mentioned the credit consumer council and payplan and suggested i contacted them for assistance


    i tried both on line and they both appear to have advise a reduced payment plan and that i should open a new bank account and have my wages paid in


    i am in the process of doing this but have found it hard to find a bank not linked i applied to natwest

    and then found out they are linked to rbs i have now been accepted by the co op

    who appear to be linked to no one



    i have stopped my wages going in for next thurs

    but i am really scared about the backlash from lloyds



    i still have a mortage with them and intend on trying to pay it over the counter until my new account is up and runnning


    im i doing the right thing part of me feels it is dishonest and then the other part feels angry that they(lloyds)

    have allowed me to continue building up debit with them i have been a customer for over 20 years


    any advice would be most welcome and helpful






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