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Posts posted by jolajo

  1. This topic was closed on 11 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  2. Brilliant, Thank You Rae :smile:


    Sounds good to me and seen as nobody has commented otherwise I shall get onto it as soon as im back from my psycologist appointment.


    I thought strange too when I asked the receptionist for a copy of my results?

    I shall be bringing this up at my next appointment....


    Sure wont be looking forward to another test if need be after what happened last time !!

    :lol: can laugh now?

    cheers jo

  3. You're not having a fun time!

    But may I welcome you into the COPD club? :)

    If you haven't already done so, arrange with your GP practice to have a spirometry test. This will accurately assess your lung capacity and categorise the level of problem. If you have had one done [i would expect this to be the case] then your GP will happily let you have a copy of the results. The figure you're looking for is the FEV1. For example, mine is 49. Which shows my lungs are only working at 49% efficiency. The printout will also give an interpretation. Mine states: Severe airways obstruction. You may also ask for a copy of the Medical Research Council dyspnoea scale. This is a simple 1-5 scale of breathlessness. Mine is scale 4.

    Those two documents are all you should need - and a little explanation of what they mean! Many people still don't understand that COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - is the modern term for what was two seperate diseases: Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. By its nature it is a debillitating progressive disease with no cure. Its symptoms can only be managed.

    Depending on where you are with it, gaining a blue badge is not out of the question. All councils have a discretionary method of issue. The documents mentioned should be of assistance.

    Best wishes.



    Thanks Kelcou, Yes I had a spirometary test back in Sept but I sent the print out to the DLA and didnt make a copy of the details, silly me.. I have been in the Dr's who have not logged the info on my file. So for proof im going to have to do another.

    The last reult I remember very clearly is that my lung age was that of a 86yr olds when I am 41,. What I cant understand is why my mums age ar only 14yrs older than she is and mine 45yrs when she has smoked for 20 years longer than I DID, and at times twice as many cigarettes..??

    sorry to go off subject..x

  4. Mr B Henry served a 'Notice of Siezure of Goods & Inventory' 9/2/10 on vehcle reg .......


    I wish to inform you of my vulnerable status and need for the car in question which is under threat.


    I suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) where basically although only 41 years of age, my lungs are that of a 86yrs old..

    I have to take medication twice daily to keep the bronchioles in my lungs inflated and enable me to breathe.


    I can provide supporting evidence from my GP as a spiromatory test was carried out there and also my support worker who I see due to depession and anxiety.


    I am living on my nerves thinking at any moment the car is going to be taken away.

    Would it be possable the offence be 'given back' to the council?


    I am submitting a complaint to them as when I originally applied to appeal they told me 'not to do anything', the next letter thensaid, as I hadnt sent information in my appeal had been refused.

    I offered to pay the fine in instalements now increased to £70 which I was refused, I believe they could of acted upon discresion which I wish to investigate..


    I await your reply



    I sent an email to Marsden telling them I was sending a letter explaining my vunerable status and position, basically pull the reins in on taking my car...


    Am I saying too much or too little in this draft letter to the Bailiffs? I dont no if phraised it correctly, not very confident in my letter writing to formal people!!!

    Any idea what to now expect in their reply, if any and who should I try and put an end to this with,the council or bailiff.


    Problem I have now is as advised earlier, to pay the bill to date and reclaim through the court, it was bad enough at £70 never mind £300+..




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  5. Cut a long story short, fine doubled to £70 which was more difficult to pay


    parking ticket for £70


    £304 is not far off


    for letter fee 3 visit fees levy fee and walking possession fee

    IF the letter was sent and IF there were 3 visits and IF levy walking possession took pace after 3rd visit and not on 3rd visit

    I have just looked at original email I sent the MCC to refresh my memory. When I originally appealed I received a mail from them telling me not to do anything until heard from them..I began looking at advice and putting together my letter of appeal..

    I didnt end up hearing from them until letter telling me

    fine had increased which set the ball rolling...


    I am presently trying to sieve through all the advice to put into a email for Marsdens, Knowing me ill probably be still here,this time next week, only minus a car...


    my mum had a big do for her 60th on saturday which hindered me getting any further on, now kids off.,..just when you dont need the distraction !

  6. Extra info on post;

    Last letter received from MCC dated 2.12.09


    First letter received from Marsdons 4.1.10, informed me of;


    Penalty charge £110-00 (£35 doubled to £70, 50% added plus fee £5 =£110)

    Letter fee £11-20

    Bailiffs Fee £0-00

    Vat £1-68

    Total £122-88


    9.2.10 Hand received at aprox 6-55am

    Notice of siezure of Goods and Inventory

    Amount owing £110-00

    Penalty Charge / Court fee £45-14

    Bailiffs attendance costs £120-00

    Vat @ 17.5% £28-89

    Total due £304-03


    Although this letter was dated the 9th, On top of the page it read, hand writen

    " vehicle clamped 6-53 8/2/10 " ?


    As far as I am aware the first visit was on the 9th, any previous visit/s I have not been made aware of ?


    A copy of the 'Warrent of Excecution' which was dated 22.12.09 was attatched. (I dont recall receving this on 22 12 09 ?)


    Whilst waiting for a reply, If Marsdens turn up again;


    1. can they remove my car without me knowing, in which case I wouldnt be able to stress my case ie being vunerable etc


    2. can they remove it or clamp whilst parked on a private drive.


    3.What is my best step to take , to pay and try to reclaim back?


    Thanks to all posters..

  7. As Victor Meldrew would say "I DONT BEEELIEVE IT "


    i HAVE JUST SPENT AN HOUR-00ps caps, if not more, updating post with info and its vanished !!! damn n flippin blast ...to put it lightly lol


    My fingers are blumin sore, my kneck aches, Think im in need of some sympathy please, only joking (Now thats a rare moment)

    I shall attempt to post again later TTFN

  8. Firstly, Thank you all for taking the time to advice me.


    In answer to your questions,

    No I dont hold a Disabled Badge, I was refused by the DLA although suffer from Chronic Bronchitus and have a pair of lungs double my age +6yrs!!!


    I dont have a garage but can park around the back which is secluded. I have a Private Drive, Can they still enter and sieze with it being on Private land?


    I shall try to get the proof needed to confirm I have COPD and under a Psyciatrist and Psycologist for help with depression and anxiety..


    Now I have the advice, the hard work starts now for me gathering together information required and letter writing etc

    Sooo very unnecessery really if the stuborn mule had accepted my offer of payment months ago.

    If Only , If Only, If Only....

    Im having dealings with the local police at the present time also due to ongoing Anti Social Behaviour, Friday gone a slab of concrete was thrown through my front window, 5 mins earlier would of hit my daughter! This was because the same lad this week was to appear in court on a charge of throwing a vodka bottle threw the same window 6 weeks ago...


    How much can one take, all at once , I do wonder ??

  9. Please can someone advise me as i am as i say in title, Petrified my lifeline car be towed away and nervous wreck jumping to every sound outside thinking they are taking it, all due to a £35 parking ticket...


    A Parking Ticket I managed to put my mind to appeal over last year, but.........

    unfortunately this lapsed due to me not being consistant with the appeal mainly due to health reason. I then offered to pay in instalements my support worker (i see due to my health) advised this but said it depended on how empathetic the person spoke with was?...Guess What if i can afford to drive a car i can afford to pay fines..


    Cut a long story short, fine doubled to £70 which was more difficult to pay out (receipt of incapacity benefit,divorced single parent of 2 so Inc Support also)

    Manchester City council kindly passed on to Marsdons Bailliffs, although i kept letters from MCC i dont recall receipt of any from them...anyhow

    6-55am yesterday morning there was a tiny tiny tap on my door, i heard only as awake.

    A bailiff informed me my car had been clamped and handed me a 'Notice of siezure of Goods,Inventory,Warrant of execution' (i didnt sign for anything)

    The Notice says

    'today i have siezed and distrained the goods to the sum of £304.03 (from £35 BAH)

    Inventory named my car ...


    Im puzzled as

    1. they hadnt clamped it as told it had?

    2. said siezed which i thought meant to take away, but they hadnt?

    3. A sticker stuck on the window said,

    car had been immobilised and Impounded in excecussion of a distress warrent?


    Help really appreciated xx

  10. They're quite entitled to claim from RM.


    Even though they failed to update my details?


    [quote) They were the sender,


    Yes but due to the above they went to the wrong address?


    [quote) and if the letter was undelivered to the correct address it should have been returned.


    You've got me here? Do you mean if the letter was delivered to the wrong address it should of been returned?

    If so yes I agree.


    [quote) The issue is the COST of replacing the documents, clearly DVLA have a responsibility to pay for this..


    Yes as it was there error, I still dont understand why the RM should compensate? They receive a letter with an address on it, post it through that address, how have they done wrong?


    so any costs incurred in replacing them should be met - so the claim to RM remains justified.


    The issue was that if the DVLA were in the wrong (that is why I was trying to justify the error they had made) yet claiming from the RM, couldn't I then request DVLA refund what I had paid to have my driving liceince updated? A goodwill gesture for inconvience caused....after all I was the innocent party in all of this?

    ps I dont work for the RM lol

  11. Anybody can legally get a copy of your birth certificate - so no security breach there.


    If the passport was 'chipped' then it is very difficult to alter the photograph as it is printed directly onto the passport, not laminated. There is also a copy of the photograph on the chip - together with all the other passport details.


    The passport issued immediately prior to the 'chipped' ones also had the digital photograph printed directly onto the passport.


    However, since you sent your passport off to DVLA, rather than just give then the number to obtain your photograph from the passport agency, I assume that it was one of the older, laminated passports.


    A passport alone is insufficient ID for most purposes as there is no address verification.


    Lastly, and this is not generally realised; it is not your passport - it remains, at all times, the property of HMG

    I assume that it was one of the older, laminated passports.




    A passport alone is insufficient ID for most purposes as there is no address verification.


    Thank you for putting my mind at rest..


    Regarding the refund i requested, what is your opinion on that? Taking into consideration DVLA were claiming of the RMail when they didnt loose the documents,Dvla were at fault for not changing my details?

  12. DVLA lost 2 very important documents, my Passport and Birth Certificate?

    They informed me that due to my new address not being logged they had been sent to my previous address which i left 2 yrs ago?

    I believe these type of documents lost should be reported to the police, due to the risk of being used 'Fraudulently'?


    Dvla admitted in writing they were at fault, Yet ....they were claiming back the cost of replacing my new documents from the Royal Mail???


    Due to this I requested a refund of the £19 I sent to replace my licience in the first place, Seen as they had the cheek to claim from RM.

    I did not receive a responce from them, although I was informed via a telephone call to them that the documents have never shown up.

    For all I no I could have x amount of bank accounts and debt

  13. CONGRATS Katy and well done...remember me?


    Just been scanning through my thread and came accross your 1st post to me, it read " im way behind you..." and guess what?

    Just like elton john........ Im still waiting?

    after being granted a judgement, they then filed a defence 2 wk late, then had judgement set aside, blah blah!

    good news is received a offer of half last week so just waiting.......n... waiting.......wish they'd get a nelly on as I lost my xmas vouchers to FAREPACK!! to say refund will come in handy is a understatement,

    Anyway well done again and thanx for your help

  14. Hi sorry for not replying sooner I dont come on often. Definately claim the interest, you will be quite shocked at how much this can add onto your claim, You just need to watch the 5k limit for small claims,

    I'd advise to read up on ' the step by step instructions ' on this site as it helps to get your head around it all, (eventually after 10 times or so, just kidding??) rather than be told what to do, if it goes to court you'll need to be confident about what your doing and what your talking about.

    Also....Click on 'start a new thread' this will be YOUR very own thread, for you to ask questions relating to your case and receive any responding advice to your query.

    Title it eg ellisnan v nat west and put ALL your posts on it, that way you can keep your posts in running order and not all over the place on other peoples. You'll find this will work better, good luck

  15. I obtained a granted judement, thought it was over.....then received a defence from their solicitors 2 weeks late and they applied for my judgement to be set aside! I have a court date for Nov 8th to see whether judge sets it aside or not.

  16. I've just been going through correspondance and wondered what anyone thought regarding;

    2 Notice of Issues I received from court ; 1 claim for £481 and 1 for £4 k.

    The claims were both issued on 7th Aug were served on the 9th, the defendant had until the 23rd Aug to reply.

    I rang court on 7 Sept and told responce had been returned but was blank so go on to enforce payment.

    8th Sept I received payment in full for the smaller claim,no problem yet in another envalope Cobbetts defence for the larger claim..2 weeks after the deadline.

    It seems obvious this is due to backlog but why should they of been allowed to get away with it and why pay up for one account but not other when all that was different was the amount ?

  17. Flamin eck? easier said than done, I haven't even got a printer?

    Im going to have to try and get in at the Law society or C.A.B, my head cant take any more! words are merging together and nothing is sinking in....

    Ive got the Dr ringing me up to lunch so i'll have to wait unti after then.

    Nat west have a lot to answer for, back in Feb I wrote and explained I was on medication for depression n anxiety, (which has already been increased a few month ago) yet I get to the point of executing my granted jugdement and they and their legal eagles still play with lives when they are in the wrong!

    I dont no how they sleep at night..about 4 weeks they took every penny of my incapacity and child benefit for 2 children, as for the aftermath from refusing to pay my D/D's im still having probs with the arrears!!

    When I received Cobbetts 'late' defence, court clerk told me they were putting frighteners up me and so I didn't think much more about it until N24 arrived;

    It is ordered that

    1. the defendants application to set aside judgement be listed for hearing on 8th Nov

    2. enforcement and execution of judgement be stayed in meantime

    3. comply with CPR 23.9(2) BY THE 10TH oCTOBER

    A party served with this order who did not receive notice of the application may apply to the court within 7 days of service of this order to have it set aside or varied. ????? dated 25th sept although top of letter dated 3 oct

  18. Received letter from court 26th Sept returning my request for warrent of execution as the evidence I provided for fee exemption was dated may 06. Thing is, I had already with my application sent dss letter dated within the 4 weeks and didnt realise I had to obtain 'another' letter from dss.

    I have a hearing date for the 8th Nov, I am having problems getting my bundle together which should of been submitted today. When I have tried to deal with it my head turns into fuzz!

  19. Cobbetts submitted their defence over a week late with me. too! I had logged the execusion of the warrent aswell as their time had ran out!


    Going back to when I contacted the court regarding their responce, a clerk informed me they 'had' returned it but it was blank? He then advised me to go ahead and file the judgement??

    I hope a note was put on my file as they then tried to get away with it by saying lost in the post.


    Cobbetts are also claiming I didn't send in list of all my charges, which I did 2 pages were stapled to my claim form, Also in the section 'detailing my claim' they are denying all the 'Acts' etc and saying I have to give my reasons for these allergations?


    Quote "I dont know what cobbetts are playing at, they filed their defence 8 days late in my case, and the courts allowed it ,I hope you get your money soon, its about time the courts clamped down on cobbetts and made them keep to the time scale like the rest of us have to"

    Here here !!

    It makes you wonder if the fee's have anything to do with it??

  20. Hi back again,

    After I had my judgement granted, I also received CPR part 18 and a defence from Cobbetts, claiming their responce must of been lost in the post?

    I rang court and they said not to worry basically they were putting the frighteners up me and to carry on with the execution, which i did.

    Now they have put in for the judgement to be set aside and am waiting to hear whether or not i get a date for court.

    If i dont respond to any posts quickly its only as ntl keep reconnecting me only to disconnect me the next day so i have to keep coming to the library!!

  21. The judgement was stamped 31st Aug, I rang today (thurs) which is 7 days but not working days, and was surprised to be told I can enforce the judgement??

    There sending the forms out so will get tomorrow hopefully!!

    Its weird however close to the end I get it still doesn't stop the niggling thought at the back of your mind that something can still go wrong???

    So near yet feel still so far???

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